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Once In A Life-time Nano!!!


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Sorry for the delay... aight... this is the best I have for now... took her right before the lights went out... here's my baby! The powerheads are still in there (sorry BHP, haven't had much time with the move!!), but it's filling out.

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Well guys... not having a pc slowed down my development, but i have made a few changes... i painted the vertical tube of my spray bar a satid black color last Wed.... i used krylon fusion paint (says for pvc right of the can) says the paint is fully cured after 7 days (the can says fully "chip-resistant", which is good enough for me...) i willl put the tube back in on Wed., so we'll see how that goes...


Yesterday i purchased two emerald crabs, a turbo snail, and an ugly peice of fiji rock that just has to go...maybe i'll ask the store if they'll take it back and give me credit for a peice of marshall... the tank is looking great other than that...


I completely removed the wet/dry bits, except for the return pump... i put the pump for the new nozzles on the side where the wet/dry once was, but i think i'm going to move it back and re-install the rain-trays... i just hate the bubbles that the skimmer produces... i haven't been running it because it wasn't creating any scum in the collection cone...i didn't want to take all the nutrients out of the water...


well off to work i go... maybe i'll take a picture later... and post it ...


zroeder- that's great i've been looking for someone on here that was from around here... "....at the aquarium" ???? what aquarium?


Post a pic of your tank man... when i start getting some corals maybe we can swap a few frags... I'l have star-polyps and red-mushrooms first, but i should get some cooler stuffwhen i get my halide in...


I was just in pigeon forge and gatlinburg this weekend: my girlfriend came to visit...

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My green Emrald crab died this morning... it didn't look good when it was in the bag... it may have already been dead.... i don't know it floated to the back of the rock and sat there... but here is my RED emrald crab (oxymoron)...

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does anyone know what this is?... i've counted 3 at one time... they have grown from 1/8 inch to a 1/4 inch in about a week... i thought it might be a snail larve... it looks really wierd.. like a ray that stays sucked to the glass... also as you can see it a has a forked tail

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Barbe... that looks like a flatworm... nothing to worry about. Give me more updated pics though. Here's a**JUST TAKEN** shot of my tank. Can't see the cleaner shrimp, but he's there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: my pc is a work in progress...


I have one word for everyone here.... Trigger.... i know that it's one of the worst choices for a nano, but it was on sale... for $20!!! when it gets too big i'll just give it to a buddy or start a larger tank... the store where i bought it leases tank/stand/light setups for like $21.99/ month that's for a 75 gallon bowfront with a stainless steel accented stand...


anyway... for now the trigger is awsome i feed him live guppies... he's viscious!!! it's a Picasso Trigger Fish if anyone wants to see what it looks like... Lots of pics soon...


one question... are triggers reef safe?... i didn't think so, but i wasn't sure... maybe i'll get him out sooner rather than later...

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i'm going to go to the fish store tomorrow... i'll see if they'll trade me a couple of clowns for it... or maybe a clown and half off on some rock...

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I love the picasso trigger, but just to warn you (hope you have a thick skin) if some people read through all the pages of your thread they will FREAK OUT!


I don't have a problem with it for the short term, but some members here feel its their way or the highway.


I like you tank very much and its cool to see how you have documented it all with so many pics--its a great work in progress. Good luck with your tank and keep the pics coming.



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yeah i know about the nibbling... the damn fish was chasing a guppy and took a chunk out of the acrylic...


i got a bunch more rock pics to come... (Marshall for sure!!!)

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I bought another trigger today!!!!!





Naw i'm just kidding... i was playing with photoshop...

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BTW when i said ...


I got a bunch more rock pics to come...


What i meant was...


I got a bunch more rock!!! pics to come...


not pictures of rock... you get it... :-)

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Great man... i hope my experiences help out everyone else... You must have seen the posts pertaining to a custom canopy... i think that plan is going through here in the next month or so... stay tunned for that yall...


Also if anyone in the east tennessee wants for a trigger, let me know... save the fish!!!

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Ok, new question...


i can't decide which metal halide bulb is best for me...

I want a bulb that doesn't look yellow, but rather more blue... possibly more blue than the effect you get when using a 50/50 ratio of actinic and daylight power compacts.... does anyone know of any comparison pics i could check out?... if so feel free to post them or post a link to them...


also i have a couple of PC's that i could use to change the color a little bit if anyone could think of a good combo...


any help would be greatly appriciated...

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10k looks more white with a slight tinge of blue where as 20k usually doesnt need actinic supplementation for the blue effect. At the LFS I used to work at we used to use 10k for our plant tank. If you want the blue go for 20k.


Also, have you thought of using the existing hood and retro'ing a DE halide in there? You might have to use a remote ballast and install fans, but yout retain the stock look of the tank.



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