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Gramophone's Reeftrola


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IEEE! That pic kinda freaked me out a little. haha. Nice job. Looks like you got it out in tact.


For the most part, I hope fingerscrossed


It's very difficult to do considering I break birdsnest tips every time I put my hand in the tank :rolleyes:


Awesome pics! I have always a small school of cardinals, I am super jealous now. I need to get a flash so I can get some sweet pics like that. Totm material for sure!!!


I really appreciate it, jgpico :)


You should get some cardinals! They give smaller tanks so much movement.

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Spent most of last night removing this <_<


You probably already got rid of it, but next time you pull some out, drip a little bit of peroxide on it and listen to it SIZZLE while laughing maniacally. :D


It's very difficult to do considering I break birdsnest tips every time I put my hand in the tank :rolleyes:

At least they grow back! :)

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You probably already got rid of it, but next time you pull some out, drip a little bit of peroxide on it and listen to it SIZZLE while laughing maniacally. :D


At least they grow back! :)


This actually works?! Does it disintegrate? Regardless, I'm totally trying this :naughtydance:

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Just took a couple minutes actually. They usually stay pretty still :)



Thanks! I'm lovin' your username :D



Alright alright. I'll stop taking pictures B)



Thank you, gsechen.



It sure does! It's a threadfin cardinal. They are mostly nocturnal, so I'm guessing their larger eyes help them see in the dark. They catch every little piece I give them when it's completely dark. I might be 100% incorrect about this assumption though :P

You're right! Cardinalfish, soldierfish, and many more have unusually large eyes in proportion to their bodies to help them see, many are also red to blend in :)



December FTS with cardinals. Keep the picture small because it isn't as clear as previous shots <_<

It's very difficult to get all 9 fish to stay still!




Awesome! Your clowns look like Fancy White Ocellaris, pretty much a low grade WW occy.

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Awesome shots... love that wrasse.


Thank you, Rehype :)


Awesome! Your clowns look like Fancy White Ocellaris, pretty much a low grade WW occy.


Thanks! Yeah, they were actually labeled as "Fancy White". They reminded me of DaVinci clowns from Sea&Reef, but cheaper ;)


What is a WW clown?

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Can anyone identify this species clownfish for me? It likes to play the maracas at night. Oh and I moved my other torch :lol:


Pretty sure that is a Mariachi Clown :lol:

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Pretty sure that is a Mariachi Clown :lol:


Ha! I think you're correct on that ID :D


Fancy white are Davincis, WW's are Wyoming whites, which are the same thing but fully white.


Ahhh, right. Apparently I'm lacking some knowledge on my designer clowns :P

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Spent most of last night removing this <_<


So did it work well with what I said?


If you had popped any the suction of the tubing should of captured the spores.

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This actually works?! Does it disintegrate? Regardless, I'm totally trying this :naughtydance:

It doesn't disintegrate, but it kills it and makes it turn clear. I've had a few things that would eat it after that happened, besides the rabbitfish and one out of 15 emerald crabs lol.

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Nice tank! I want to zoom into those FTSs but I don't know how =(


Thanks! Clicking on the picture should take you to my flickr page. Then just click the expand arrows at the top right corner. Not sure how to zoom in further than that though.






I'll take a 1/4" frag!


How about an inch frag! I've got about 8 :lol:


So did it work well with what I said?


If you had popped any the suction of the tubing should of captured the spores.


For the most part, I hope. A lot of the algae was in a very hard to reach place. I had to leave some, but I'm not too worried about it :P

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ooohhh trickyyy. it only appears when you hover your cursor over the image for a bit



ah, if you click the "..." icon for more actions you can see it in the original resolution.






Any idea what kind of gorgo that is on the right corner?


PS i love those cardinalfish. it's a shame their blue/yellow streaks don't quite show up in pictures

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How about an inch frag! I've got about 8 :lol:


Dunno...might crowd my take. Wonder if you can just slip it into a ziplock bag and send it in a standard envelope. $0.45 shipping!

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This tank is awesome! you need TOTM fo sho.


I really appreciate it! Thank you :)


colors in your tank are killer !




ooohhh trickyyy. it only appears when you hover your cursor over the image for a bit


ah, if you click the "..." icon for more actions you can see it in the original resolution.


Any idea what kind of gorgo that is on the right corner?


PS i love those cardinalfish. it's a shame their blue/yellow streaks don't quite show up in pictures


Whoa! Talk about a big picture haha


I'm honestly not sure exactly what kind of gorgonian it is. Just your basic non-photosynthetic sea fan I think.


The cardinalfish have to be at a certain angle for their streaks show up well. Their blue eyes are super bright! I believe they definitely look best in person.

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I must have really been on Santa's "Nice List" this year. omgomgomg


Every time I place the needle down I feel as if I'm being transported back to the '30's and hosting a swell party.

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