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Pod Your Reef

Gramophone's Reeftrola


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Beautiful tank and livestock!!


Great photography too :)




I'm lovin' this new camera omgomgomg

...and now for something that's not so cool -_-




Thanks! Sure do. Here is what I dose daily at the moment:



2 ml of Alk. using Thrive

20 ml of magnesium using Thrive

1 ml of calcium using Seachem Reef Complete


I test the water once a week to make any minuscule adjustments.


So here are some shots using my new camera :D



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Get a rigid piece of tubing and pop them off, of course you will have to have a suction on the tubing draining it to a waste container. That's how I got about 40 bubbles off of one rock that had some zoas on it too.


I will definitely try this! Only I've got a bit more than 40 bubbles <_< Perhaps it will take a bit more time.


Once again stellar pictures.


Lets not give all the credit to the camera, those shots were taken with a very creative eye! ;)




This means a lot, guys. Thank you so very much :D

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I'm liking your new camera as well. Great shots! I just posted a couple pics of my new fishies in my thread. Didn't have time to grab my DSLR though so they aren't ad good as yours lol. Tank looks great as always, totm material for sure.

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I will definitely try this! Only I've got a bit more than 40 bubbles <_< Perhaps it will take a bit more time.

It's time consuming, have some replacement water ready.because you might drain over a gallon or so and it's tedious work.:-\


You'll encounter some bubbles are too big for the tubing and we'll get stuck at the tip. :-\

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Wow, so macro...you must've been real patient while taking that photo ahah. :)


Just took a couple minutes actually. They usually stay pretty still :)


great photography and great tank, everything looks so vibrant! :wub:


Thanks! I'm lovin' your username :D


dang it i just changed my wallpaper :rolleyes:

time to change it again. :D


Alright alright. I'll stop taking pictures B)


whoa that bubble algae looks gross... but everything else looks superb!


Thank you, gsechen.


Wow that fish has huge eyes! what is it?


It sure does! It's a threadfin cardinal. They are mostly nocturnal, so I'm guessing their larger eyes help them see in the dark. They catch every little piece I give them when it's completely dark. I might be 100% incorrect about this assumption though :P

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Sorry you didn't win, I for sure thought you had it.... Next month!


I'm not in the least bit upset. Lalani's tank is gorgeous!


Longspine Card probably...


I want 5 in my 40B.


Do it! You won't regret it :naughtydance:


Wow the pics are amazing! And the growth pics are awesome to see how the tank progressed! Great job and beautiful tank!


I really appreciate it! It's always fun to look back and see how much it has changed. Many thanks! :)

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Gorgeous, and fantastic pics. TOTM is just a matter of time.


JUST getting back into the game after almost two years off. Cycling a 2G Fluval Spec right now with some killer purple Fiji Premium Rock.



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Gorgeous, and fantastic pics. TOTM is just a matter of time.


JUST getting back into the game after almost two years off. Cycling a 2G Fluval Spec right now with some killer purple Fiji Premium Rock.




Thank you very much!


I just read your thread. I'll be looking forward to seeing that little guy stocked :)

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Any pics of the new school? What kind of cardinal are they?




I haven't tried to take a picture of all of them together yet, but to be honest, they don't really group together in a tight pack. They swim all over, which is exciting because I was expecting them to be very timid.

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Nothing wrong with a little bubble algae. Maybe get a couple emerald crabs if you don't want it around?


Wish I could. The wrasse makes a snack out of them <_<

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