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Spencer's Sexy Small Polyped Sixty: From Frags to Riches (Retired)


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Oh, I have a different color morph. Do you happen to know the scientific name?

Here are a few other pics, lots of colors, mainly depending on how much light the coral needs/is used to.


I've seen it labeled as coming from a different source, meaning it has been certified as a variant, e.i Spencer's Pearlberry


It's a type of Acropora, that's as much as I can tell you.

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Tanks fine.




I encourage people to check out my 1st post if they are curious about any aspect of my tank (including lighting layout/schedule, dosing, future purchases, etc.)


I edit it weekly



In preparation for the new few, I'm considering removing two of my female Bartlett's to make a trio.


I'm a little worried about bio-load and I feel that


5x Bartlett's

1x Lori

1x Large Orange Striped Cardinal

1x Garden Eel

2x Tiny "Fuge Fish"



1x Decent sized new-fish


is pushing it for a 40g SPS tank.



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It's been my goal since Day One for this tank. After this I'm off to college, no more posting, no more tank.


In between the boose, babes, and frisbee I want something to be able to look back at and smile.


lol you're in for a rude awakening when you get to college. unless you want to be on academic probation you're gonna have to forget about the booze and the babes...

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lol you're in for a rude awakening when you get to college. unless you want to be on academic probation you're gonna have to forget about the booze and the babes...

It was a joke, and believe me, any college will have more b&b than where I am now. lol.

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Forget about the booze and babes. Just make sure you meet your soulmate there. :)

meh, over rated :P

This made me lol for real'z

I recommend you search "facepalm memes" on google, you'll be occupied for a good day or so laughing your ass off.

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In light of me saving up to get an automatic doser do you guys think it is necessary for me to dose Potassium or Strontium? I have always seen the two as being more necessary for LPS.


I also scored some free Pohl's Xtra (KZ) because it allegedly improves SPS colors. Do I bother using it?


One thing as far as dosing goes, the tank has a heavy bio-load, however I have a sump (extra volume), there is very little detritus, my skimmer is bangin', my WC's are brutal, so at the same time my tank has efficient waste removal methods.


To see what I dose now, check the first post.


Still not Zeovit, I maintain a IMO healthy .04-.07 phosphates


Anything that is a MUST add for my tank? Any before-and-after shots that may sway me? I have always been somewhat skeptical of trace elements and the nitty-gritty side of dosing, I understand a decent amount of it, there are just so many cases of it not working for people, or being $$$, or it works amazing and surpasses claims, etc.


I have a baseball tourny so fish will be coming early next weekend, again,


*1 Expensive Wrasse and 1 Fish from Greenwich Aquaria


**Plus I'm removing 2 Female Bartlett's

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I'm under house arrest due to weather, here are some meh pics, some were taken a week or two ago that I never uploaded.


I own a Sulfer Crested Cockatoo named Sophie, she likes to watch the fish and lick the glass sometimes...

DSC_0040 by spencermatonis, on Flickr
Perfectly healthy...
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I like your fishes. The one good thing about frags is that they look more natural to the tank once they grow in. Sticking colonies in seems to result in awkward growth patterns due to the new conditions.

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I like your fishes. The one good thing about frags is that they look more natural to the tank once they grow in. Sticking colonies in seems to result in awkward growth patterns due to the new conditions.

Thanks, I agree, I try to avoid getting maricultured or wild colonies, and if I do, I typically break them up.


I'm curious, which do you think I do?

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Thanks, I agree, I try to avoid getting maricultured or wild colonies, and if I do, I typically break them up.


I'm curious, which do you think I do?



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lol, yes. However when I fragged up a massive Northern Lights colony, I didn't give myself a wimpy frag... :P


I'm hoping that in 18 months, if everything just grows the way it has been and I don't have any infestations or die-offs,

the two islands will just be covered in SPS with the tables reaching out into the middle.


At least dats da plan.

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I will spill the beans...



I'm for sure going to get an amazing bright blue/purple tilefish (I feel that is the color I'm missing)


+ I'm debating on what kind of wrasse I want, I have a lot of options (Kuiter's, Naoke, Labouti, etc.)


We'll see...

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I'm under house arrest due to weather, here are some meh pics, some were taken a week or two ago that I never uploaded.


I own a Sulfer Crested Cockatoo named Sophie, she likes to watch the fish and lick the glass sometimes...

DSC_0040 by spencermatonis, on Flickr
Perfectly healthy...

DSC_0038 by spencermatonis, on Flickr
This guy eats a TON

DSC_0037 by spencermatonis, on Flickr

DSC_0036 by spencermatonis, on Flickr
DSC_0032 by spencermatonis, on Flickr
DSC_0030 by spencermatonis, on Flickr

DSC_0021 by spencermatonis, on Flickr
Bright blue polyps are hard to capture...

DSC_0019 by spencermatonis, on Flickr

DSC_0016 by spencermatonis, on Flickr

O ma gawwwdddd


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O ma gawwwdddd


lol, thanks. Just save up some ca$h so in a year when I do a 8 frag Spencer pack you can get some good stuff...



BL Granulosa

Red Planet

Nightlight Acro

Cali tort

Blue Stag





KH - 8

Ca - 450

Mg - 1400


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lol, thanks. Just save up some ca$h so in a year when I do a 8 frag Spencer pack you can get some good stuff...



BL Granulosa

Red Planet

Nightlight Acro

Cali tort

Blue Stag





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Just order some netting to cover my tank from bulk reef.


I have an order from Aqua Cave with Selcon, Garlic Supplement, small brine shrimp net, some brine shrimp eggs.


My fish are treated well! lol

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Came back from baseball tournament, the Lori Anthias was sucked up against the MP40.


With the MP40 topping out at 80-85% on Reef Crest (+plus with such a small/narrow tank) this is the risk that I take.


Even if were talking about a $30 fish, It's never fun losing a fish, especially one that was doing so well and was eating, my guess is that the Bartlett's were doing there little skirmishing and the Lori got scared, swerved into the wrong place at the wrong time.


It must have happened this morning b/c he/she is still alive, I put him/her into a large acrylic acclimation box in the tank (the lights are off, it's as peaceful as it gets without just putting the thing out of its misery).


I'll be shocked if he/she survives the night, MP40 vacuum cannot be good for the back. :(

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