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Polarcollision's Nuvo 8 & Temperate 6


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Hope this works! Here's our temperate tank


Crappy iPhone videos. Sorry. Someday I'll stop being lazy and break out the DSLR again.





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  • Excellent thread. Awesome macros. Thanks for the links. Have you figure out how to dose iron? I'm interested too bcz one of my chalices lost its green color. I was blaming on too much light. 2 weeks ago I started dosing Zeovit Pohl's Xtra 1/4-1/8 of the maximum recommended dosage. It looks promising.


You also said you've been educated by Metrokat and somebody else about feeding. Did I miss the post or would you like to share it, please?

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I have a reasonably big fiji leather next to my acros. I run carbon in a reactor for all chemical warfare issues. So far so good.


How much carbon do you run? I have 2 leather corals and I run carbon aprox. golf ball volume per 10-12 gal of water.

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Now to find out how to add iron... suggestions?? Wanna bet it's not high enough in my Reef Crystals salt.

From John Maloney:

It is feregon. You can find it at Cvs. Use sparingly after dissolving one tablet in a 12 ounce bottle of water overnight. Can be dangerous if young children get ahold of it. That bottle will last you a very long time. Be sparing iron too high will cause cyano.

^^ I figure I'll use one tablet for the reef and eat the rest.




Oh man, that vibration against the tank drove me nuts. At first I put a tiny piece of filter floss on both sides, but it works out better to cut a long piece that can wrap around the pump like a taco so that the bottom is dampened too. I just cut a slit in the floss to slip the suction cup through. It's still not as silent as the stock pump, but pretty close.

My Mag5 drove me insane with the vibrations in the sump. It was like a boom box! It also comes with these super small nubs of rubber for cushioning which are really undersized for such a big heavy pump. So this weekend when I moved the tank and cleaned out the sump, I cut up a computer mouse pad to fit the chamber where the pump is and it is beautiful!


Aww, thanks! I think it's just called coral hording. But probably wont fly as a TV show... :lol:

It's called stacking the dishwasher. :happy:

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From John Maloney:

^^ I figure I'll use one tablet for the reef and eat the rest.




My Mag5 drove me insane with the vibrations in the sump. It was like a boom box! It also comes with these super small nubs of rubber for cushioning which are really undersized for such a big heavy pump. So this weekend when I moved the tank and cleaned out the sump, I cut up a computer mouse pad to fit the chamber where the pump is and it is beautiful!


It's called stacking the dishwasher. :happy:

Thanks for the suggestions! Watch your iron levels - too high and the brain suffers. Boom box for sure! Tank used to be on the counter, so the entire kitchen hummed. Could have at least played better music for us! :angry:


Watch out dishwasher. I'm a lean, mean tetris player and I *will* get that last plate coral in there.


How much carbon do you run? I have 2 leather corals and I run carbon aprox. golf ball volume per 10-12 gal of water.

Two golf-balls of chemipure in the media basket. Everyone says chemipure is not supposed to soak up minerals, but it does in my tank. Magnesium falls predictibly when it's in and stopps falling when its out. The leather was going to outgrow the tank anyway, so it has a new home. Replaced it with a duncan for the clownfish.



  • Excellent thread. Awesome macros. Thanks for the links. Have you figure out how to dose iron? I'm interested too bcz one of my chalices lost its green color. I was blaming on too much light. 2 weeks ago I started dosing Zeovit Pohl's Xtra 1/4-1/8 of the maximum recommended dosage. It looks promising.


You also said you've been educated by Metrokat and somebody else about feeding. Did I miss the post or would you like to share it, please?

Oh good--it started out as just a way to organize the tons of info. Glad it's helpful for you too.


See above for the iron dosing suggestion Kat passed along. It seems to be working for her if you see the gorgeous corals in her tank. The Red Sea testkit says that iron (also potassium, iodine, and calcium) is an indicator mineral for other trace minerals. Ideally I'd like to use something that also includes those other trace minerals--whatever they are.


For feeding, the conversation is on Veng's thread. He was starving out algae which also starved out the corals. I was doing the same thing over a fear of algae... Now twice a week I turn the water cloudy with phyo- and zooplankton just for the corals. All Brightwell products. Feeding plus dosing KoralKolor and amino acids has helped color up the red montipora a bit. Algae is growing now and nitrates are 1, but a tailspot blenny is a better solution than starvation. :D

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I LOVE the videos of the temperate tank. I'd really enjoy seeing a FTS of that tank if you ever think to snap a photo of it. That decorator crab looks like a mini version the ones I see diving in California. They're one of my favorite things to see diving :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night all 4,000 of those little white brittle stars migrated to the highest point of the rockscape and um... 'danced' the night away.



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  • 2 weeks later...

What a great tank. The video close up of the crab is so interesting. He really takes his time to enjoy what he eats and chews it up well! :lol:

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I'm moving house in a few weeks. Any advice?


The rockscape fits in a 5 gallon salt bucket so I was thinking about putting it in there with the tank water and heater, leaving an inch or two of water to cover the sand bed left in the aquarium. Hopefully that will minimize bio die-off and reduce any cycle. New place is about 30 minutes away.


Should I have anything on hand to reduce ammonia or anything else I'm not thinking of?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Any updates on the move?

Everything turned out pretty well! I was a busy night tearing down the tank and setting it back up, but I didn't lose anything. The pink birds nest was out of the water for too long and lost a little bit of flesh, but everything else didn't notice the new zip code.


I made a video with the 200mm bellows extender and a 100mm macro lens. Vimeo kept the HD quality: http://vimeo.com/65880527


Here's the latest FTS:


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Oh, wow! Thanks everyone for stopping by and for the compliments. :-)

Damn best nano ever. Even better camera and video skillz. That vid is nutz!

I'll trade you for the seahorse garden...


Just have to add here that video rocks! :D

:-) Glad you enjoyed it!


Still looks lovely, the video is great, loved the music. No Jasper.....?

Jasper is bored of the tank. Maybe a box next to it will rekindle his fish love.


Awesome little tank. Love the aquascape.



Holy cow!!! You need to win totm someday. Close call.

Ha! Doubt it, but that means a lot to say so. :-)


What an awesome tank, love the video!



Thanks! My current mission is to read through your thread in search of clues to brighten up the pink lemonade mille and deepen the Cali tort. Already it is clear I need to be better at testing and dosing for I, K, and Fe. Switching to Red Sea Pro once the reef crystals are used up, so hopefully that will do a better job of maintaining those 3.


Looks beautiful!


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You own an amazing tank, so cute! Aquascaping is very inspiring - lovely shapes and colors, congratulations! I will definitely drop by often to see how it grows. Waiting for more updates...

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Thanks! My current mission is to read through your thread in search of clues to brighten up the pink lemonade mille and deepen the Cali tort. Already it is clear I need to be better at testing and dosing for I, K, and Fe. Switching to Red Sea Pro once the reef crystals are used up, so hopefully that will do a better job of maintaining those 3.



Are you having issues with the green or blue, or both colours on the Cali Tort? The Cali Tort seems to have deeper colours for me if it is lower in the tank. It also responds well to potassium between 380-400ppm, mainly for the blues.


Are you saying the tissue on the Pink Lemonade is dark? Perhaps get it growing and the new growth will have better colour. I have found this to be the case with many of my acro's. Old growth stays dark and the new growth is bright and vivid, at least in my tank.


It's hard to make all the corals look great at the same time, SPS are tricky that way.


Have you checked potassium (K) levels?


What are your current PO4 and NO3 levels?


Try target feeding zooplankton foods to the SPS once and a while. Amino Acids will also help.



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going back a few pages. Did you find a good way to dose Iron? How about the other tests, what did they show? I have Seachem Iron for freshwater and Randy Holmes-Farley has mentioned this will work, but I don't have a test kit yet so not adding any. :)

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