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55 Gallon - 2 years old


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my phos went up to .15 from .07 in a week. I could see being at .4 after a month.. I feed daily though.

I'm pretty sure you hit the nail on the head about the feeding. I feed twice a day and it's gone up since starting that. Also, the algae on the glass is growing crazy fast daily (which I just read yesterday is an early indication of too much phos). in the fuge red hair algae has started to grow on the rock. what eats that? or should I just assume it will go away once I get GFO going?


side note: I'm going to HD to get more PVC this and that to reroute my drains so I can easily replace the socks once skimmer is in. I also removed a baffle on the left of the sump that I had just put in (to help reduce microbubbles).


any recommendations on reactor? or they're all the same basically?

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what about the MR1 shorty's as a suggestion for the reactor.. if you have red turf in the sump, seriously get a blow torch on it. Pics needed for ID tho.

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what about the MR1 shorty's as a suggestion for the reactor.. if you have red turf in the sump, seriously get a blow torch on it. Pics needed for ID tho.

I am definitely getting that reactor!
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BRS reactors are well made and simple to hook up and change media. Its a little bulky though. The Phosban 150 is more compact but is a pain to change media in. It also came with a pituful plumbing kit.


As for a sump, why don't u build one out of acrylic? Its not as hard as it sounds. I have built two.

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I bought the mr1 shorty due to space limitations but it will be perfect for GFO and carbon together. I still need a confirmation on that red algae if anyone can help.

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Skip running the carbon for now and just run GFO for the first month as you're going to exhaust the first couple batches of GFO in just a few days time. Once you get your phos down to your target range, you should be good to go on running carbon and GFO together. Pack the carbon between the bottom 2 sponges so it doesn't tumble and then tune the flow so that the GFO tumbles on top of it. You'll need an extra layer of sponge and plastic divider to separate the carbon and GFO and there's going to be no easy way to just change out the GFO, so you're gonna have to change all of it out. Every 2 weeks should be fine. I'd go with 1/4 cup of GFO to start with. My guess is you'll end up at about 1/3rd cup of GFO and 1/2 cup carbon every 2 weeks.

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John Maloney / Reef Cleaners

5:22 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Ulva and a red turf algae, I would remove the red turf algae, it isn't a good guy.

so there you have it.
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dang, you can imagine how I felt when I found all that water in my stand.. hopefully you lined yours with shower tub liner.. time to look for an acrylic sump mang.

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so you thought you heard the last from me, huh? or you most likely didn't care. hah.


fuge tank cracked, again. so ####ing pissed off and fed up with that design. it was a stupid idea/design from the beginning, evidenced here. the fuge cracked the day before I was to receive these...



both from diver's den

pygmy cherub angelfish

terminal phase redfin fairy wrasse


but they went into QT as you can see, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

the wrasse was extremely stressed from shipping was completely white and laying sideways on the bottom of the bag and tank. he got a bit better for a short period of time in the latter pictures but he's back to floating sideways on the bottom of the tank. the angelfish is doing great.


then I said to myself, if the tank stand isn't working for me, I'll MAKE it work.

new sump


also, I had a shipment from reefcleaners coming at the same time.

2 Emerald/Ruby Mithrax Crab*

2 Fuzzy Chiton*

1 Fern Caulerpa

1 Caulerpa Prolifera (Small)

1 Red Gracilaria



and one of the chiton's is near death as well.


new sump


I removed the lower half of that center brace...wasn't supporting anything. I literally pulled it out with my hands. But just to be sure I added that wood, etc. in the background.


and the skimmer is in and working as you can see!


also, I had my first flatworm, it was the clear kind but I sucked it out immediately just in case.

also, got this...



also, found these...


and I had to order a new board for my RA+. When I turn it on the red light just blinks 3 times and the green is steady.


that's about it. called liveaquaria and gave them the heads up about the wrasse. they said that's fine, just let them know when he bites it.

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Put the chitons on the rock you want them to stay on, not the sand. They won't move from that rock.

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Sorry to hear of all the critters that did not make it. Are you sure that crab is not a molt?

yea, I emailed the pic to John and he confirmed it was dead. sent refund.
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Much cleaner design on the sump! Why did u derim it though?

wouldn't fit with the trim on top or bottom. but I removed that stuff from this tank a year ago. it was going to be a different DT but ended up sitting in my basement this whole time.
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wouldn't fit with the trim on top or bottom. but I removed that stuff from this tank a year ago.



Rimless and bottomless oh my!

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