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Cultivated Reef

Mangrove Forest-time to say goodbye


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Are you really thinking to add corals to this tank? I wouldn't though. It looks so clean this way. If you really want to, I would suggest you add some small pieces extending from the rocks you have right now so it does not ruin the clean look.


I think corals could definitely look good in it, just a matter of choosing ones that lend to the scape instead of detract from the focus.


I have a guide in the macro algae section you can take a look at, or in my sig


A question on the mangroves growing out of water, can you train the root system to grow over a rock like many bonsai are? I think it would be very cool to try and train one to grow out of water over a piece of live rock until ready then transplant the rock and all into a tank.

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A few days ago I found this thread and read all 40 pages. This tank is off the hook! So unique. I don't want to see you add any corals, I'd rather see you add a third mangrove and be done with it. However, I tend to keep tanks a few years, then get bored with them and move onto other scapes, fish, etc., so I can see if you want to change it up every now and then. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be epic, you are a "water box artist".

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Are you really thinking to add corals to this tank? I wouldn't though. It looks so clean this way. If you really want to, I would suggest you add some small pieces extending from the rocks you have right now so it does not ruin the clean look.


I have already added corals, I'm very choosy on the corals I want so it'll look good. Plus I love sps so it's a must


I think corals could definitely look good in it, just a matter of choosing ones that lend to the scape instead of detract from the focus.



A question on the mangroves growing out of water, can you train the root system to grow over a rock like many bonsai are? I think it would be very cool to try and train one to grow out of water over a piece of live rock until ready then transplant the rock and all into a tank.


I don't think so as the roots are different then normal roots, not saying it can't be done, but I think it will be difficult with the type of roots that mangroves have.


A few days ago I found this thread and read all 40 pages. This tank is off the hook! So unique. I don't want to see you add any corals, I'd rather see you add a third mangrove and be done with it. However, I tend to keep tanks a few years, then get bored with them and move onto other scapes, fish, etc., so I can see if you want to change it up every now and then. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be epic, you are a "water box artist".


Thank you for the high praise! :happy: But I really have the sps bug and I will chose corals that suit the mangrove and what you see in nature(I hope)

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Then I'm anxiously awaiting more posts..... :P :P


coming up


man, love the progress ... I am still intrigued by that mysterious tank on the side of this one :)


That's the black lagoon-click the link in my sig


These stop light are super good at hiding, I have like no rock in there and I can only find one at any given time




Also took all the wire off the mangroves today-took a while



There free at last!


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When you undo the chains that bind do you get a growth spurt from the mangroves?


Not so much as growth spurt but more growth from more locations. New branches, so yes I guess so lol


That first picture is awesome. The way the waterline and background fades away, it looks like your photographing over a sand bar in the ocean.


Yeah it kinda does and you can see a blue eye photo bombing in the back


I just love the colour you get with your lighting, looks just like how things would appear in the ocean.


I LOVE this lighting. Most people don't venture into the natural sun look going for the more blue look. While my corals may not have the crazy colors due to less fluorescence showing, it's what you would see in nature. It's why I went with high power whites(110w) and then added the other colors to balance it out and give that sunshine look. It's not perfect but close.




Thank you it's getting there!

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edit: saveing this for a surprise



Too late...i already saw it :happydance:


Not sure if I am sold on it, but you have an eye for these sort of things and I'm sure you will make it will turn out great.

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Surprises... Not another tank


no more tanks I have to many lol


Too late...i already saw it :happydance:


Not sure if I am sold on it, but you have an eye for these sort of things and I'm sure you will make it will turn out great.


maybe i should just repost and see what people think



Tell me what it is pm me lol



If I told you I'd have to kill you :furious:



Lol nah Giga would get to both of us first lol


I do have a black belt is awesome so ya-I'd get ya

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  • 2 weeks later...
Verrrry nice.. I lost track of this thread when you were having trouble in the mounting of the lights.. given any thought to some sand sifters?


Right now I have a conch that is doing a fantastic job, but I'm making some changes and then gonna try and seed the sand bed with all kinds of stuff as it's too clean right now for anything that would feed of the micro fauna

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What you have done with them is amazing! The wife and I are planning an upgrade to a shallow reef system and wanted to incorporate some red mangroves. Seeing this makes us want to do it even more. It's also cool to find someone else from the Beach on NR. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences.

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What type of fish is that?


Red Stop Light Cardinalfish (Fowleria flammea)




What you have done with them is amazing! The wife and I are planning an upgrade to a shallow reef system and wanted to incorporate some red mangroves. Seeing this makes us want to do it even more. It's also cool to find someone else from the Beach on NR. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences.



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