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Coral Vue Hydros

Jgpico's 30 gal nuvo. New fts pg. 48


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Wow...I haven't checked in here lately...I've been missing out!!!! You are a pro with the camera now, I see!!! :) Everything looks fantastic!!!!

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Wow...I haven't checked in here lately...I've been missing out!!!! You are a pro with the camera now, I see!!! :) Everything looks fantastic!!!!

Thanks gena I appreciate the compliment. I have gotten better with the camera but their is room for improvement.

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I got this frag last night and was wondering if anyone had an ID for me. It's a purple base with green polyps. Really awesome growth pattern.


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I'm really thinking about upgrading my skimmer to one of the new cad lights pipe less skimmers. I have been patiently trying to get my innovative marine skimmer to work correctly and I am having no luck. Very frustrating to come home to a collection cup overflowing every other day. It looks like people are having good luck with the cad light skimmer so I'll give it a try once I have the money. Hopefully it will be soon.


On another note it looks like my cyano problem is slowly going away. It's about time, I dot know how much longer I can look at my tank covers in slime.

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Just wanted to post a couple photos of my pocillopora that I got back in June. The first picture was taken the day I put it in the tank on 6/11 and the second picture was taken today 9/3. I didn't realize that I had gotten this much growth in that amount of time until I was looking through my pictures and saw the frag it started as. I guess I must be doing something right.


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I got this frag last night and was wondering if anyone had an ID for me. It's a purple base with green polyps. Really awesome growth pattern. null_zpscb366876.jpg

Too soon to tell, it could be an encrusting montipora or a branching montipora.

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It could be.

I know it's not an encrusting monti, I saw the colony in the guys tank but I forgot to ask what it was. He hasn't gotten back to me when I ask what it is either.

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It almost looks like an ORA Borealis or Joe the Coral. Beautiful nonetheless.

I think I narrowed it down to being a miyagi frag. No way to prove lineage though so I don't know.

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Well it looks like I'm giving up on keeping fish for a while. I came home from work yesterday and my Bangaii cardinal was nowhere to be found. Can't find any remains or anything. Looks like it's just gonna be my clownfish for a while.

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So sorry, jg! I think Banggai's are known to be "delicate", for whatever reason. I've read of people losing them...they just disappear. Your tank is looking fabulous though. :happydance: That dragon's breath looks awesome!

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So sorry, jg! I think Banggai's are known to be "delicate", for whatever reason. I've read of people losing them...they just disappear. Your tank is looking fabulous though. :happydance: That dragon's breath looks awesome!

Yeah. I had a pair to start with and one died a while ago. I've had this one for about a year now and it was eating and doing fine and then this. Only thing I can think of that might have caused it was me cuttin back on feedings to try and help with the cyano and gha. I'm going to wait for a while to add anymore fish. I'd like to take care of the little algae I have left before I add anything else. The cyano has killed a few corals as well which sucks but thank god it wasn't anything that I can't replace. I love te dragons breath, it adds so much color and diversity. I really want to add more macros to the tank, that should help with algae as well as give me the look I'm goin for. I am also goin to be adding some gorgonians. Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it.

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Yeah. I had a pair to start with and one died a while ago. I've had this one for about a year now and it was eating and doing fine and then this. Only thing I can think of that might have caused it was me cuttin back on feedings to try and help with the cyano and gha. I'm going to wait for a while to add anymore fish. I'd like to take care of the little algae I have left before I add anything else. The cyano has killed a few corals as well which sucks but thank god it wasn't anything that I can't replace. I love te dragons breath, it adds so much color and diversity. I really want to add more macros to the tank, that should help with algae as well as give me the look I'm goin for. I am also goin to be adding some gorgonians. Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it.

I look forward to seeing some gorgonians in your tank!!!!
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I got this frag last night and was wondering if anyone had an ID for me. It's a purple base with green polyps. Really awesome growth pattern. null_zpscb366876.jpg


Man that's a nice piece! It reminds me of my Purple Bonsai



But its definitely a Monti. It also reminds me of Tub's Lavendar Stellata


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Man that's a nice piece! It reminds me of my Purple Bonsai



But its definitely a Monti. It also reminds me of Tub's Lavendar Stellata


I wish I ha a bonsai frag, it's one of my favorites. I think you might be right on the tubs lavender stellata. The base is a pale purple with super bright green polyps, it's definitely one of my favorite pieces.
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this one looks like ora joe the coral to me.

You're the second one to say that so I wonder if that is what it is. Hopefully once it grows a little but more it give me a better idea of what it actually is.

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Well I went to the lfs to trade in a few corals that didn't really fit my tank and ended up leaving with a plate coral. I have wanted a plate for a while now since my orange one went to reef heaven. I will get some better pics with my dslr later but for now here is te best I could do with my phone. It has a bright orange mouth or mouths I should say since it has two. The only problem is that it took the spot I was saving for a clam. Oh well, I'll figure that out later.


Don't mind the cyano, I'm rigging up some dynamite to take care of that issue.

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