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The Keep-Downsize Coming


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Woke up this morning and it was -22 F. The windchill is -40F, I decided to stay home :)


I feel ya on that one, far too cold to leave the house. Went to my parents for the cold and turned the heat down in my apartment. Hopefully I didn't turn it down too much and my little 75W heater can hold its own... :o


The mushroom rock is coming along nicely, I bet in no time you'll be pulling them out as weeds! What's the red coral on the sand bed in pic 5? Maxi mini? Its really gorgeous. If it is a maxi, does it mind being in the sand?

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That's a very pretty red rock flower...exactly what I'm looking for. Let me know if you ever come across one like that online :).


Have you done that experiment with boiling water? I've been seeing videos of it on FB. Take boiling water and throw it into the air outside. It fascinates me. I've also seen one where you take a full water bottle outside and it immediately starts turning to ice. I'd be doing all sorts of experiments if I was in that polar vortex area LOL.

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That's a very pretty red rock flower...exactly what I'm looking for. Let me know if you ever come across one like that online :).Have you done that experiment with boiling water? I've been seeing videos of it on FB. Take boiling water and throw it into the air outside. It fascinates me. I've also seen one where you take a full water bottle outside and it immediately starts turning to ice. I'd be doing all sorts of experiments if I was in that polar vortex area LOL.


Thank you for the ID gena! Personally, after living in this freezer my whole life It's nice to hear how exciting it sounds to an outsider. Boiling some water now, melting away some winter blues!

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Thank you for the ID gena! Personally, after living in this freezer my whole life It's nice to hear how exciting it sounds to an outsider. Boiling some water now, melting away some winter blues!

I grew up in NW Indiana, so I'm no stranger to cold temperatures :). I don't remember it being as cold as it is now though.




***If I was a guy, I'd totally be peeing outdoors to see what happens LOL.

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I'm from Virginia originally. This is the coldest temperatures I have ever experienced. When I go outside I can hardly breath it's so cold.

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That's a very pretty red rock flower...exactly what I'm looking for. Let me know if you ever come across one like that online :).


Have you done that experiment with boiling water? I've been seeing videos of it on FB. Take boiling water and throw it into the air outside. It fascinates me. I've also seen one where you take a full water bottle outside and it immediately starts turning to ice. I'd be doing all sorts of experiments if I was in that polar vortex area LOL.



Last I checked K&P aquatics had a couple nice red rock flower anemones in their WYSIWYG section.


Update on the tank. This morning most everything is looking good. My new acans look nice and fluffy. The UFO favia is looking worse though. One whole head is dead with flesh falling off the skeleton. I'm not holding out much hope for this one. Bummer. I gave it a dip this morning to try and save the remaining 1.5 heads.

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Last I checked K&P aquatics had a couple nice red rock flower anemones in their WYSIWYG section.

I saw those. They say orange but one does look red.
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Last I checked K&P aquatics had a couple nice red rock flower anemones in their WYSIWYG section.


Update on the tank. This morning most everything is looking good. My new acans look nice and fluffy. The UFO favia is looking worse though. One whole head is dead with flesh falling off the skeleton. I'm not holding out much hope for this one. Bummer. I gave it a dip this morning to try and save the remaining 1.5 heads.


Pics of said favia?

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This is the one in question.




The head on the left turned white and was sludge by the time I got home this evening. I didn't take a picture of it. I did play doctor and cut off the dead part. Then I did an iodine dip and put it back in the tank. I've seen brown jelly disease before and this is not the same.

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watched the tank a it this evening after feeding some black worms.


The hectors goby spit some sand on the favia but it looks ok otherwise


I think I have the beginnings of a pair of black bare chromis, they seem to be getting cozy


I was watching my mcCosker's wrasse eating and his mouth looked really weird like he had been fighting. I looked close and he has a mouth full of bristles from a bristleworm. I didn't know these wrasses went after worms? He's still eating so hopefully he'll be ok.

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Oh...hope he'll be ok!!!!!


Is your rock flower just sitting in the sand or is the base resting in something? I know Aquascapers uses the PVC caps to cradle their flowers. Just wondering if you did something like that?

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Oh...hope he'll be ok!!!!!


Is your rock flower just sitting in the sand or is the base resting in something? I know Aquascapers uses the PVC caps to cradle their flowers. Just wondering if you did something like that?



He's just in the sand, he might be attached to the bottom glass. In fact I have tried to move him a few times and he just sinks into the sand.

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Sorry about the favid. Wish I could offer some insight but I didn't own any until 2 days ago. My interest was piqued because out of the 3 frags I received, 2 of them looked a bit rough. Have you tried varying light or flow?

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He's just in the sand, he might be attached to the bottom glass. In fact I have tried to move him a few times and he just sinks into the sand.

Ok, cool! Sounds like it did attach to the tank bottom. :)
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Sorry about the favid. Wish I could offer some insight but I didn't own any until 2 days ago. My interest was piqued because out of the 3 frags I received, 2 of them looked a bit rough. Have you tried varying light or flow?



Where did you order from? My chalice also looks like it was receding before sent. I'm hoping it will recover. Oh well you get what you pay for. Cheal frags don't always make it. I need to order from somewhere like reef gardener but it's tough. $150shipped for 3 frags when I just got 12 for $107 shipped.



My Davis has recently taken a turn for the worse as well. With it not eating I'm not exactly hopeful.. Beautiful tank though!



Bummer :(

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Where did you order from? My chalice also looks like it was receding before sent. I'm hoping it will recover. Oh well you get what you pay for. Cheal frags don't always make it. I need to order from somewhere like reef gardener but it's tough. $150shipped for 3 frags when I just got 12 for $107 shipped.


I got them from work so they were insanely cheap, practically given to me. You know what that means right? As soon as I can frag some of my own I'm obligated to give them away... Nice new sig, kinda scary haha

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My Davis has recently taken a turn for the worse as well. With it not eating I'm not exactly hopeful..Beautiful tank though!

*favia. Autocorrect will be the death of me

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Picked up a nice size magician frag, 12 polyps!


One of my favorite corals, glad to have it back.


Update on the favia it looks to same, no worse no better.

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