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My first Photo dump!!


I'm getting better at the camera and also I got a tube anemone :) :)




























Forgot one:




I took these this evening and my lights were ramping down so they are a little dark.

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Wow! As always! Love the mystery wrasse. Also, tell us more about that new Alien nem in there! Soooo cool!

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Thanks! :D


The tube anemone is awesome. You have to feed them since they are a NPS. But otherwise they are suppose to be very hardy. There seems to be mixed opinion on whether they are fish eaters or not. They have a pretty powerful sting as well. I had to move some corals to make room for it. But no regrets here. It is an amazing creature and the first thing you notice in my tank now.

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I love the bright color on that tube anemone. I see them when I go diving in California and they always pop because they're so neon. I usually only see orange ones though, so the pink is really different. It's definitely the centerpiece in there now :)

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Thanks! :D


The tube anemone is awesome. You have to feed them since they are a NPS. But otherwise they are suppose to be very hardy. There seems to be mixed opinion on whether they are fish eaters or not. They have a pretty powerful sting as well. I had to move some corals to make room for it. But no regrets here. It is an amazing creature and the first thing you notice in my tank now.

Thanks for the info! It sure does glow in your tank :)
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I love the new nem! I'm sorely tempted to go looking for one now! And your clownfish is so pretty! I think I'll have to get some kind of designer clowns when mine pass on.

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Well I decided to redo my sandbed this past week. Today I sifted out the crushed coral and larger bits. Since I'm no longer going to have a jawfish I wanted to go to a more normal sand. I replaced what I took out with some fuji pink sand. It looks really nice. It just needs to clear up a bit more.


While putting things back where they belonged my female clown Claudia raced over and bit my hand. It freaking HURT! She broke skin even. I guess my clowns aren't so little anymore.

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Wow! I didn't know clowns would do that!


How's the nem? I saw one at the LFS today and almost scooped it up but it said they need a DSB. How deep is your sand bed?

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The tube anemone is doing great! From what I have read they are very hardy. I have a sand bed that is about 2" deep. I put the nem in a pvc tube and buried it.

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Sorry to hear your clown bit you! I know they tend to start doing that as they get bigger. I've been dreading when mine reach that point. Make sure you put some peroxide and neosporin on that if it broke skin! Ouch!

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Well I decided to redo my sandbed this past week. Today I sifted out the crushed coral and larger bits. Since I'm no longer going to have a jawfish I wanted to go to a more normal sand. I replaced what I took out with some fuji pink sand. It looks really nice. It just needs to clear up a bit more.


While putting things back where they belonged my female clown Claudia raced over and bit my hand. It freaking HURT! She broke skin even. I guess my clowns aren't so little anymore.

Yikes! I guess she was trying to make a point..little stinker LOL.


Were you able to get a lot of the flatworms out when removing the crushed coral?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I forget if I asked u so forgive me if I have but how did u mount the reefbreeders light?

I totally missed this


Um I mounted mine in the canopy using the kit it came with. It's of hard to explain. I threaded the wires up through the top of the canopy and used a clip to hold them in place.


So things are not going well in the tank over the last couple days. My birdsnest mostly died over night and i have no idea why. I tested everything and it's right where it should be. 2 favia frags that have never really grown are now dying and my zoanthids continue to not thrive. Also my mystery wrasse had to be removed :( He wasn't letting the midas blenny eat and my husband wanted to keep the midas so the wrasse had to go.


However my fish are doing great. My anemones are all open and looking awesome. So I have no idea what the problem is.

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Weird. Good flow? Nothing is impeding your flow? Filter sock or floss not clogged? Micro bubbles? Hope you figure it out soon!

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However my fish are doing great. My anemones are all open and looking awesome. So I have no idea what the problem is.

Ugh...so frustrating. On the bright side, at least not everything is upset.
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I did a water change last night before bed, changed my carbon and cleaned out my skimmer cup. It's too early to tell if any of those things helped or not.

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To cheer myself up I took some photos today of what IS doing well. Though in the background of some you can see my dying coral. One thing I have narrowed down is all of the coral that seems to be dying now has not been growing and have some from questionable sources.


First the new male scooter(He needs a name)









New springeri damsel. This things GLOWS in the tank










Tube Anemone stuffing it's face



Shrimp and new DD Anemone





Happy Corals









And I don't know what this one is


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I LOVE your new pair of scooter dragonets! Also, that tube anemone is my favorite thing ever :D Sorry you're having issues, but your other stuff looks great. I hope you figure out the cause of the issues.

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Thanks :)


The scooters are adorable. Luckily the tube anemone seems to be unaffected by whatever problem is causing the coral death.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow I haven't updated in a bit.


The tank has been frustrating to say the least. I've lost several corals for no apparent reason. I measured everything and all my parameters are good. Lately things SEEM to have settled down. I added some new stuff and should be able to get pictures tonight.


Until then I would like to introduce the newest member of our family Edgar.



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