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Innovative Marine Aquariums

The 28 Gallon Itch


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That is true, I do... lol. Blackmail... fer coralzzzz :owned:



It's easy to guess your maiden name though because of your brooooother.



Have you ever drank RODI water? It's good.. I never drink the tap cuz it tastes bad, but RODI is like distilled, so good. lol

I haven't! We have an RO system set up separately which is what we drink and what I cook with. You really aren't supposed to drink the RODI or distilled exclusively because there's nothing in it. You need some of the minerals. I'll have to try the RODI though, just to see what it tastes like!

Glad to hear how much money you've already made for the sprinkler fund! I guess its been pretty hot down there? It got up to 79 here today which is pretty warm considering I don't have air conditioning. Luckily its supposed to cool down a bit over the next couple days. Guess it summer time! :)


I thought you would love that. Stunning colors! It would look gorgeous in your tank. Hopefully your LFS can locate one for you. It sounds like they're popping up in fish shipments pretty frequently all of a sudden.


Btw, how are the zoas and the yuma doing today? I'll be looking forward to photos of where you put them when you post your Friday photos this week :)

It was really hot over the weekend. Today was perfect for me. I don't even know what our high was...maybe low 80s???? My husband was complaining about the heat over the weekend and said we need to move to northern California LOL.


I'm always bringing up the subject of where will we move next. We'll wait until our son graduates from high school....and that's 5 years from now. We have quite a bit of time to figure things out :)


No thanks... I dont want either.. tornados are enough for me, I think a hurricane or an earth quake would do me in. I'm not going to California, your due for a huge earthquake which will cause a giant coast long tsunami and etc... no thanks lol my dads side is from California.

You trying to scare me???? LOL
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I haven't! We have an RO system set up separately which is what we drink and what I cook with. You really aren't supposed to drink the RODI or distilled exclusively because there's nothing in it. You need some of the minerals. I'll have to try the RODI though, just to see what it tastes like!

It was really hot over the weekend. Today was perfect for me. I don't even know what our high was...maybe low 80s???? My husband was complaining about the heat over the weekend and said we need to move to northern California LOL.


**I know your not, but I didn't have any bottled here, and I don't drink a lot of water, but it's soooo tasty when it's distilled or RODI, lol. Try it once. It's good. It's still wintery here :( annoying.


I'm always bringing up the subject of where will we move next. We'll wait until our son graduates from high school....and that's 5 years from now. We have quite a bit of time to figure things out :)


You trying to scare me???? LOL

**Not trying to scare you lol. It's a known fact. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1379187/U-S-fears-overdue-megathrust-earthquake-trigger-tsunami-decimate-unprepared-north-west.html There was a show on it a few months ago, showing all the facts, and figures, maps etc... was very frightening.. Thank God for Wisconsin, we don't get any terrorist attacks, movie stars, or scary nature (but tornados).

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I'll make sure not to watch that show!!!!!


I like how you put movie stars on your list of "Thank God we don't have" things :lol: I live in the heart of movie star land...it's not so bad. I don't even notice them, for the most part. People have to point them out to me.

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I just wouldn't want all the hustle and bustle about them, although I don't know why they don't come here, esp where I live, it's not the best but you wouldn't get an paparrazzi, and not too many people coming up to you. Plus, I probably wouldn't recognize anyone. Apparently one of the Packers was in the Walmart when I was checking out, and walked right past me... I didn't even notice, and still didn't recognize him when they said lol. Unless it was someone I love i'd probably just call my mom after and tell her who I saw, maybe put a pic or status on fb lol. But If we had them here all the time it would be annoying.

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I'll make sure not to watch that show!!!!!


I like how you put movie stars on your list of "Thank God we don't have" things :lol: I live in the heart of movie star land...it's not so bad. I don't even notice them, for the most part. People have to point them out to me.


I am like you Gena. I was a candy striper at a hospital in Miami and I rode in an elevator with Barry Gibb (visiting Andy Gibb who was very sick at the time) and I did not notice him. My friend kept elbowing me to look at him and I got annoyed at her because he was very tall, had long hair, a beard and was dressed rough like a Hell's Angel. I was scared thinking he was a rough guy!! :lol: Barry Gibb is one of my FAVORITE musicians on the planet and I missed actually seeing him and looking at his face! Silly me! :lol:

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I haven't! We have an RO system set up separately which is what we drink and what I cook with. You really aren't supposed to drink the RODI or distilled exclusively because there's nothing in it. You need some of the minerals.

Even hard water has so little nutrients our bodies can use that if we relied on getting any from it, we would die. Distilled is perfectly fine to drink, that myth was started a very long time ago but is untrue. When making any kind of drinks, I only use RO or distilled, and it's soooo much better than using my tap water (which usually has a little bit of sulfur in it, despite having a big system outside that is supposed to get rid of it!).


I'll have to try the RODI though, just to see what it tastes like!

It tastes like liquefied nothing. :lol:

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Deleted User 3

Even hard water has so little nutrients our bodies can use that if we relied on getting any from it, we would die. Distilled is perfectly fine to drink, that myth was started a very long time ago but is untrue. When making any kind of drinks, I only use RO or distilled, and it's soooo much better than using my tap water (which usually has a little bit of sulfur in it, despite having a big system outside that is supposed to get rid of it!).


It tastes like liquefied nothing. :lol:

There is arsenic and some other horrible crap in my citys tap. I get nutrition from it, whether it's good or bad bahaha. And a shit ton of fluoride. like we need it in water, toothpaste, mouthwash... yeesh. I love distilled or RODI... I don't care if people say it tastes like nothing, it has a good taste to me, and if nothing tastes like RODI then imma drink it ! :P

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As a matter of fact, I do have a photo today!!!!!! It's not a happy story though. So....I was sitting in front of my tank, as I do a lot during the day, and looking for interesting things to take photos of for "Friday Photos". I see my sweet little Ruby hanging in the mushrooms, so I start taking some photos. I see her edging toward my brain coral, which gets me all excited. I figure she would photograph really well and look so cool sitting in the brain coral. And lucky me, she does just that!!!!! EXCEPT.....she then proceeds to pick at the coral and eat it!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I was devistated to see that. Picking on my brain coral is a straight ticket to ban city!!!!! So, I managed to catch her pretty easily and sent her to my LFS. A nice customer there took her.I'm sad she's gone. She was so cool, always out, very pretty, and a hard worker. She ate a bunch of algae. I'll be curious to see if there is a difference with her gone. Luckily I still have Jade, my emerald crab, and she is behaving perfectly. Ruby had molted last week. She became twice as big after the molt! I noticed she was more aggressive after that too. She was a freebie from KPA when I ordered the emerald crab. I guess I can't recommend the red mithrax crab. :(Anyways....here's the last photo I ever took of her. She will be missed!!!!ruby_zpscbb8a4b8.jpg


The same thing happened to me! Our emerald crab Harry molted and he turned into a jerk. I caught him digging into my zoas, and taking down snails left and right! We were even supplementing his diet with seaweed hoping that would keep him full, but he didn't care. I ended up catching him and taking him back to our LFS. We were sad to see him go. It's funny how attached we get to something so little!

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The same thing happened to me! Our emerald crab Harry molted and he turned into a jerk. I caught him digging into my zoas, and taking down snails left and right! We were even supplementing his diet with seaweed hoping that would keep him full, but he didn't care. I ended up catching him and taking him back to our LFS. We were sad to see him go. It's funny how attached we get to something so little!

Oh geeze...I hope my emerald doesn't end up doing the same thing!!!!!! So far so good! I have noticed a difference with Ruby gone. She was definitely the better algae eater of the two.


I saw a very pretty Red Scooter dragonet on DD today. They had two. I liked the red one better. But, I know more of those will pop up. I'm going to try and hold out for the ruby one that Felicia told me about. But even the plain red are pretty!!!! Especially the males.


I think I'm going to hold out on ordering from Morgan. I just had to spend $287 on new glasses for my son today. Got a call this morning from him. His glasses broke in PE. This is the SECOND time it's happened. Our eye guy is great and replaced them both times now, for free, but I decided to get him another pair anyways..something more sturdy. He'll get his new ones next week and then he can wear his current pair strictly for PE. He was so happy to get out of school early today too...said maybe he should break his glasses more often. LOL. It was nice...he went grocery shopping with me. We had sushi for lunch. Then went to the garden store. Today was their short day at school anyways and they have testing all week. No homework all week because of that. Today was a testing free day though. It kind of worked out perfectly!!! :happy:

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Deleted User 3

you can buy cheap glasses on that site I got mine remember! :-) also, Gena, I found another worm today.. same unidentified beast I've seen before only during lights out I think, like a spaghetti worms one spaghetti size, green, bout an inch long, climbing up the back glass...

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I saw a very pretty Red Scooter dragonet on DD today. They had two. I liked the red one better. But, I know more of those will pop up. I'm going to try and hold out for the ruby one that Felicia told me about. But even the plain red are pretty!!!! Especially the males.

Hello nice tank! I used to have a male red scooter and i lost him when i setup my biocube. Ultimately its my own fault since my cube probably didn't have enough pods for him to munch on even though i could have sworn to see him eat some frozen food and i was certain my live rock had pods. He was my all time favorite fish. I will have to get another one soon. but I highly recommend these fish, so peaceful and beautiful.



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I bought that male red scooter off of Diver's Den last night :D My female is getting a boyfriend!!




My female was from DD and she ate frozen from the start. This guy is also eating nutramar ova so I'm excited to finally have a pair!

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I bought that male red scooter off of Diver's Den last night :D My female is getting a boyfriend!!




My female was from DD and she ate frozen from the start. This guy is also eating nutramar ova so I'm excited to finally have a pair!


Man....thats awesome

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you can buy cheap glasses on that site I got mine remember! :-) also, Gena, I found another worm today.. same unidentified beast I've seen before only during lights out I think, like a spaghetti worms one spaghetti size, green, bout an inch long, climbing up the back glass...

LOL...this is what that FB post was about ;) Whatever it is, it's freaky looking! I'm not a big fan of the worms, although bristles don't bother me at all...go figure.


Hello nice tank! I used to have a male red scooter and i lost him when i setup my biocube. Ultimately its my own fault since my cube probably didn't have enough pods for him to munch on even though i could have sworn to see him eat some frozen food and i was certain my live rock had pods. He was my all time favorite fish. I will have to get another one soon. but I highly recommend these fish, so peaceful and beautiful.




Thanks, fishdood!!!! I love your scooter! You should definitely get another. We can all compare notes on our scooters then! I do plan to get one soon. :)

You should definitely get a scooter! I almost picked one up when my LFS got a bunch. They are so cute!

I will!!!!! You should get one too. Can you mix dragonets?

I bought that male red scooter off of Diver's Den last night :D My female is getting a boyfriend!!




My female was from DD and she ate frozen from the start. This guy is also eating nutramar ova so I'm excited to finally have a pair!

You are awesome!!!!! omgomgomg I'm so glad you bought that gorgeous little guy!!!!!! :happydance: I can't wait to see him in your tank!!!!!


I've decided to go to my LFS tomorrow and request a scooter of my own. I'm going to ask him to get the reddest one he can find. Maybe I'll get extra lucky :) But even if not, the one you got A, would make me more than happy to have. He's a gorgeous one!!!!!!


So yeah....that's my plan tomorrow. I think I'm finally ready for a scooter :)

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YES! lol. It's a weird worm. I'm afraid because I cannot find it... Its too small to see perfectly with eyes, or to photograph well..

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One, one i couldn't catch and this one I didn't bother, it would have escaped easy

I think i squished the other one tho and then put it through the filter, so essentially.. ig ot it lol, that was the oen i couldn't catch, cuz I couldn't :P I could just squish it quick :P

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Gena, this is so exciting! :happy:

I cannot wait to see your new baby scooter in among your beautiful corals. OH! the pictures you will take!!

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One, one i couldn't catch and this one I didn't bother, it would have escaped easy



I think i squished the other one tho and then put it through the filter, so essentially.. ig ot it lol, that was the oen i couldn't catch, cuz I couldn't :P I could just squish it quick :P

If that worm is like the eunicids, any piece you leave in the tank can turn into a new worm. Could be why you have more popping up!!!!! Eeek...let's hope not!!!!

Gena, this is so exciting! :happy:

I cannot wait to see your new baby scooter in among your beautiful corals. OH! the pictures you will take!!

Yay scooter! My coworker almost bought one today too!

Thanks you two!!!!!


Woohooo....I'm so excited!!!! I put in my order for one about an hour ago. He'll try to get it next week. I'm super excited and scared at the same time LOL. While at my LFS I browsed a bit and saw he had a mandarin. It was a pale green with spots. Very cute. Not what I was going for though. I'm going to go peruse youtube for red scooter dragonet videos now...even though I should be working :lol:

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