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Threadfin Cardinalfish – Apogon leptacanthus


Here are my seven schooling Apogon. Watching these guys schooling while the boss whale keep them in check at all time. It's fascinated to be able to see these guys roaming around the tank close together. They are eating really well and most active at night time. I really need to get some moonlight for this tank soon.




Species name: Apogon leptacanthus

Common names: Threadfin cardinalfish, Longspine Cardinalfish, Bluestreak Cardinalfish, Slendertail Cardinalfish

Family: Apogonidae (Cardinalfishes)

Order: Perciformes (Perch-likes)

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned Fishes)

Maximum length: 2.5 in.

Minimum tank size: 30 gallons

Hardiness: Easy

Aggressiveness: Peacefull. Can be kept in groups of at least 5. As a group they will establish their hierarchy relatively peacefully.

Reef Compatibility: Excellent

Distribution: Western and Eastern Indian Ocean, Northwest, Western Central and Eastern Central Pacific

Diet: Carnivore. Requires a diet of meaty foods such as live or frozen brine shrimp, marine flesh, plankton, mysis shrimp, bloodworms, flake. If your Threadfin cardinalfish appears to not eat, try feeding after the aquarium lights turn off.


Look at them blue striking eyes





The Threadfin Cardinalfish has a long slender shape and a transparent body with blue and orange vertical markings on the head and front of body. In juveniles the blue lines are missing. The eyes are outlined in iridescent blue like the markings on both the fins and body. It is difficult to tell male from female unless the male is holding fry in its mouth. Cardinalfish are mouth brooders and for several weeks a male cardinal will not eat while it is carrying babies.




It should be kept in groups of at least a five individuals and should be kept only with peaceful tankmates. As a group, they will establish a strict hierarchy without aggressiveness. The ideal aquarium should have plenty of hiding places to hide during the day. They will learn to adjust to the brighter lit aquarium in time. Reef aquariums are ideal. It likes to hide in sea grass like caulerpa sp. when available.

The specific gravity should be between 1,020 and 1,025, the temperature between 73.4°F and 78.8°F. The pH level should vary between 8.0 and 8.3.


Check out that mouth



The Boss and School of Threadfin Cardinalfish















Another Angle of the Acan garden on rocks, Green Scolymia, and Red Meat



All day everyday sexy time with Maxi mini





Best regard

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Awesome bro. The cardinals look great. I luv corals but gotta give big respect to then fish. The blue eyes look sick. I have to play cardinal catch up with you. Hopefully the guys can order my cardinals soon. Are you planning on a cuc anytime soon or are you still playing janitor? Lol

Your tank is looking better and better.

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Yay! I have 2 of the threadfins :happydance: I have had them for a while now...at least 2 years me thinx. They always hang out together, great fish that most people do not consider because they are not brightly colored at the LFS but when happy in a tank they are beautiful!

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All day everyday sexy time with Maxi mini


Is this your only shrimp?



If the threadfin cardinals are anything like Banggai and PJ cardinals, you need to be wary of any shrimp you have - they can and will eat them. My banggai cardinal snacked on a sexy shrimp and bit up a peppermint shrimp, and he was nowhere near fully grown.

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Very nice David great pic of the new fish.



Nice addition with those schooling fish, much nicer than chromis imo.


I wouldnt take it that far :-)

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Dude, I miss your 17.5 Mr.Aqua bonsai setup lol.


Guess you're not going pico after all huh...ahah


Uh.. wow, you actually looked up the 17.4 Mr. Aqua? haha :D


Who's say i am not going pico. i am stacking up my bread to get one. but it look like chris about to close his shop.

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Deleted User 4
Uh.. wow, you actually looked up the 17.4 Mr. Aqua? haha :D


Who's say i am not going pico. i am stacking up my bread to get one. but it look like chris about to close his shop.


Yeah, I was a lurking member on here for the past 3 years, of course I saw your build when you started that 17.4....


Yeah, his shop is closing on July 1st for vacation-wise. A hard working professional needs a rest ya know?ahahah


It's really up to you. If you have the money ahah. It's also on sale, so if you really plan on wanting it, now or in 2-3days is the perfect time.

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i get paid tomorrow. so hopefully i can make it to the bank on friday. Gotta sneak away from the wifey. lol You all know how that goes..

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Deleted User 4
i get paid tomorrow. so hopefully i can make it to the bank on friday. Gotta sneak away from the wifey. lol You all know how that goes..


Lol, how old are you again?? I keep thinking that you're around my age but having a wife sounds pretty old to me lololol. I'm 23...

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Ok i am 100 - 72 = ??


How old am i? lol little math problem for you to do. I feel old sometime and i eat rice and play with women pedicures all day everyday. I am a Professional Nail Technician and it's my job to make the ladies satisfy at all times but i do come home to my beautiful wife and my 2 yr daughter every evening. That's what i do and this is the only time i usually get on NR to catch up members posts and relax.

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Deleted User 4

Nice, so you're pretty darn young to be married already ahaha. Congrats.


You seem to have quite a chill life somehow ahaha. Wonder how your house looks like... :D

Can't wait to get a decent house and move into a house of my own... I already made plans on how I want my house to loook and everything. Going to keep it minimal and spacious LOL.

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Nice, so you're pretty darn young to be married already ahaha. Congrats.


You seem to have quite a chill life somehow ahaha. Wonder how your house looks like... :D

Can't wait to get a decent house and move into a house of my own... I already made plans on how I want my house to loook and everything. Going to keep it minimal and spacious LOL.

I just turned 23 in April and I'll be married 3 years in October. :)

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Deleted User 4
I just turned 23 in April and I'll be married 3 years in October. :)


Ok, really young ahah. Awesome.


I'm 24 and engaged.


I feel old saying I'm engaged.


Well, apparently you're not lolol. Congrats man.

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Yo Dave, I saw a new shipment at Top Shelf Aquatics. They got 3 new meat corals that are sweet. If you remember the green clove polyps you wanted, they have some orange/green ones that are 100% better. Like 4-6 polyps per frag!


Just giving you a heads up. ;)

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