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NanoTopia's ZEOvit 80L [ ]


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Good morning Christine. I'm a little freaked out by the Red Sea Refractometers results so the full review will come later. For now


I have posted in your thread.


For everyone else, if you want to know for sure if your specific gravity or ppt is correct do this:


Measure on a good balance (scale) exactly 38 grams of sea salt (a salt mix like KZ Reefers Best Salt or RedSea Blue Bucket), a salt that mixes up to NSW levels and does not have elevated parameters in excess. Then measure exactly 1L of RO, RO/DI, or distilled water. Mix the salt to the water stirring continuously until fully dissolved. You now have a calibration solution that is 35ppt or S.G. 1.026. You can calibrate your refractometers to that. Temp should be 20-25oc, 20oc is fine. Save some of this mixture in a small clean sealed bottle for future use, use the rest of your solution for a small water change :)


I have tested this on my digital refractometer and it is exactly 35ppt. Nothing we use in the hobby trade will give you 100% perfect results but this is close enough for success.


Most salinity standards sold in LFS are made from brine, different chemical composition from the type of salts we use for aquariums, thus will not give accurate results for our use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding the Neptune Systems PM2 Salinity (Conductivity) module and probe along with another Temp Probe to my system.



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Even your photo of the new gear looks awesome.


Well done.


It's better than any picture I've ever taken lol


LOL, thanks, the best is yet to come... stay tuned :)

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Nano sapiens

It's better than any picture I've ever taken lol

This made me laugh :)


I don't doubt that she could take a picture of bacterial colony tucked away in deep dark crevice and it would still be awesome!

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LOL everyone, just giving you a stir :D



Well there is a surprise coming, tank is still up and running, just changed out the equipment area. I will let the pictures (in a few days) tell the story, I think you will like it :)



Oh and added this...




African Flameback Angel

Centropyge acanthops

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Miguel Burguete

Unbelievable tank, photos and contribution for the N-R Christine!! Just passed the last days re-reading this and Tron´s post!


Nice fish, one of my dreams since I'm able to get a bit bigger tank!

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You know me Ben :D


Waiting for a picture of an uber organized tech rack that blows that space station photo above away.....

I will not disappoint... promise :)

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Connected and calibrated both the conductivity probe and the temperature probe today to the Apex. Here are some readings I am getting for salinity...

Milwaukee Digital Refractometer = 34 PPT or 1.025 SG

Neptune Apex conductivity probe (set to read PPT) = 33.9 PPT with a temperature compensation 2.1 %/℃ (as recommended by Apex)

So it is bang-on, very impressed, no second guessing my salinity, it's 33.9. I have programmed email alerts and alarms if it goes out of range either way by ~0.6 points. I have also programmed the ATO outlet to shut off if salinity (PPT) drops below 33.2.


Alarm and email:

If Condx6 > 34.5 Then ON

If Condx6 < 33.2 Then ON
ATO Outlet:
If Condx6 < 33.2 Then OFF

I am in the process of rigging a float valve in my skimmer cup, if it is tripped the Apex will shut down the skimmer, email me, and sound an alarm.






So much to my confusion, Neptune refers to "salinity" as PPT and not PSU, so I have revised the numbers in this post to reflect proper PPT measurements. Everything is still "bang-on" and working properly. So my conductivity reading is 51.7 mS/cm at 26c, equates to 1.025 S.G. (give or take).

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Connected and calibrated both the conductivity probe and the temperature probe today to the Apex. Here are some readings I am getting for salinity...


Milwaukee Digital Refractometer = 33 PSU or 1.025 SG


Neptune Apex conductivity probe (set to read PSU) = 33.3 PSU with a temperature compensation 2.1 %/℃ (as recommended by Apex)


So it is bang-on, very impressed, no second guessing my salinity, it's 33.3. I have programmed email alerts and alarms if it goes out of range either way by 5 points. I have also programmed the ATO outlet to shut off if salinity drops below 32.8.


Alarm and email:

If Condx6 > 33.8 Then ON

If Condx6 < 32.8 Then ON
ATO Outlet:
If Condx6 < 32.8 Then OFF


I am in the process of rigging a float valve in my skimmer cup, if it is tripped the Apex will shut down the skimmer, email me, and sound an alarm.

You deserve one of these for all that fine work!


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Miguel Burguete

Hey Christine! Gorgeous tank, but that you know!! I'm a fan! Have just one question:


Have you ever changed your sand during the 2,5 years? If not do you have a a proper maintenance for it?



Thank you in advance for your time!



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Hey Christine! Gorgeous tank, but that you know!! I'm a fan! Have just one question:


Have you ever changed your sand during the 2,5 years? If not do you have a a proper maintenance for it?



Thank you in advance for your time!



Hi Miguel,


Thanks for following, no I have not changed my sand but I did add a little a year ago. I don't vacuum my sand because I cannot get to it effectively with all the corals in the way. What I do is stir it up once and a while, this lifts detritus into the water column for export and coral feeding. I only try to stir the top half however. Seems to have worked as the sand is now 3 years old in this tank, stays pretty clean.

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