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Kat's Ol' Max


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Whoa! I've never seen a nudi like that, what is it called? And how did you get it?


Are those teal spots real? Because they look so unreal! lol

that is a blue spotted sea hare. I don't have it yet.
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Whoa! I've never seen a nudi like that, what is it called? And how did you get it?


Are those teal spots real? Because they look so unreal! lol


These guys are in a different family from nudis, Aplysiomorpha. The blue spots are real. I've seen different looking ones that were either black, brown, or gray; not sure if they're just different color morphs, different locations, or different species.

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You can find those blue spotted sea hare at ever Petco down here in Houston. I'm just hesitant to buy live stock from Petco.

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that is a blue spotted sea hare. I don't have it yet.


Oh :lol:

Getting it soon? Coolest sea hare I've seen.


You can find those blue spotted sea hare at ever Petco down here in Houston. I'm just hesitant to buy live stock from Petco.


Really? No kidding, I went a couple of my lfs and still have never seen one with blue spots.

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We get them at petcos here too.
Biggest problem is they eat them selves into starvation. Just make sure you have a home for him to go to as soon as he eats every thing in your tank.

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well these Petcos in Houston are stepping up their game, heck I've even heard of one having a frag tank set up and some are running LED's over the saltwater section.

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Guess who sent me a package. :closedeyes:


This is my new little aquacultured Maxima from Dr Mac. She is a surprise gift from Zeph and her color is gorgeous! I only hope and pray that I can keep her happy and healthy, hopefully my T5 lights will help. Thank you Zeph! :wub:


And just because. Happy birthday Oreo! :)

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Oreo and the package from the Clam god. My maxima and Derasa do have nice color however, and I do like my current stock.

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Algae decimation. omgomgomg


The proper word would annihilation.


It's such a shame that he'll run out of food soon though.


I think they east so much/fast because they grow really fast, so it's to fuel their metabolism. They are poop machines lol. And some get REALLY big



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The proper word would annihilation.


It's such a shame that he'll run out of food soon though.


I think they east so much/fast because they grow really fast, so it's to fuel their metabolism. They are poop machines lol. And some get REALLY big




Damn, that's your wife? She damn sexy hot. :)


Guess who sent me a package. :closedeyes:



And just because. Happy birthday Oreo! :)


Pics of the new clam? Or what is that you got in package?

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The proper word would annihilation.


It's such a shame that he'll run out of food soon though.


I think they east so much/fast because they grow really fast, so it's to fuel their metabolism. They are poop machines lol. And some get REALLY big



:o well, hopefully, he won't get as big as a dog on me. :closedeyes:

But just incase, I already told the LFS that he will be coming back to them.


Pics of the new clam? Or what is that you got in package?

It's a secret. I could tell you but then I'd have to permanently ignore you. -_-

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The proper word would annihilation.


It's such a shame that he'll run out of food soon though.


I think they east so much/fast because they grow really fast, so it's to fuel their metabolism. They are poop machines lol. And some get REALLY big



Does the woman come with it? If so, sign me up for two!!

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