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Diver's Paradise - The Original


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Oh no! I really hope I didn't just crash my tank...


So last night after the lights had been out for a few hours, I turned off the AC70 like I always do so I could target feed some of the corals and add Phytofeast without it getting sucked into the filter. I usually leave the filter off for 30 minutes to an hour while everything eats, so I decided to get in bed and read a book while I waited. I apparently fell asleep because I woke up and immediately realized I hadn't plugged back in the AC70. My original thought was they should be ok for that long without flow, but then realized the heater is now in the fuge moded section and its cold here now. My tank was sitting at 70 degrees...crap...


I've got the AC70 running again trying to warm up the water and most of the corals look ok, just mildly ticked off. My Xenia though is all flopped over like it can't stand up and looks really mad. I'm hoping once I get it warmed up everything will be ok. I hope I didn't kill any of my corals...so upset right now...

I once had a power failure on my 35g tank. Lost all power for about 8 hours in the night. Had no adverse reactions to this and it was also in the winter time. I had something similar in a 10g. It got down to around 72 degrees. Some zoas/palys were upset for a while. May have even lost some...can't remember. Everything should be ok since it's a slow decrease in temp as opposed to an instant drop. I'm sure everything will be fine fingerscrossed

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I once had a power failure on my 35g tank. Lost all power for about 8 hours in the night. Had no adverse reactions to this and it was also in the winter time. I had something similar in a 10g. It got down to around 72 degrees. Some zoas/palys were upset for a while. May have even lost some...can't remember. Everything should be ok since it's a slow decrease in temp as opposed to an instant drop. I'm sure everything will be fine fingerscrossed


Ok good to hear. I'm really stressing out right now. I'm really worried about my cleaner shrimp and my little pistol shrimp. The cleaner shrimp is alive and isn't acting distressed but seems to be less active than normal, which I guess makes sense in the cold water. I only see the pistol shrimp at night, so I can't tell how he's doing.


In the last couple minutes my xenia has perked up a bit and is looking better. A bunch of my zoas, palys, and mushrooms are partially closed up but hopefully they'll open once the water is back at the right temperature.


I can't believe I managed to do that. Lesson learned...

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Thanks for making me feel better about this guys! I think everything is ok and luckily that wasn't a disaster. The water is slowly heating back up and its currently at 74 F. Apparently that's warm enough for the corals to start being happy again. All my zoas, paly's, and mushrooms are fully open and the xenia looks back to normal. My open brain had curled up into a puffy ball and now its all open again. Glad I didn't crash my tank with my first big mistake, shew!


Now that I'm not stressing out about that...

omgomgomg you got magicians!!!! Lucky!!! I'm in the mood to shop for coral today but it's my son's birthday and that's not on his list of things to do :)


Everything looks great! That "not-a-plate" looks like a plate to me. And your new sps looks like the one Joel just got!

I'm so happy I finally got myself some magicians. There are at least 15 very large polyps on the rock I got so they look pretty impressive. They also look REALLY happy even with the tank at 74 degrees right now. I couldn't believe they were only $25.


You'll have to go shopping for some new stuff after your son's birthday. Is he having a fun party or anything?


There are two girls that aren't quite as knowledgeable that sometimes work at the LFS the "not-a-plate" came from and they were the ones who didn't know exactly what it was. The guy that seems to know more about the corals had apparently told them it wasn't a plate but was a close relative of a plate. This type has multiple mouths whereas a plate is only supposed to have one is what I was told is the difference. Since it supposedly doesn't have a common name, neither of the girls could remember the latin name. They tried to look it up for me and couldn't figure it out, so we kept jokingly calling it the "not-a-plate", so I think I'll keep calling it that, haha.


I'll have to go look at Joel's thread to figure out what it is he got. I think its some sort of acro, but I don't know what type. If I don't kill it I'll maybe try some fancier SPS's...although at the rate I'm going with already trying to freeze the poor thing, we'll see how this goes, haha.

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I've decided to enter Phil Your Aquarium's contest for a free mystery frag pack. If you guys want to check out my entry its here:



Mine is the one captioned "Red open brain with teal center."

You just have to like Phil Your Aquarium on Facebook and then you can vote in the contest once every day. If you like my "kush" coral please vote for me and help me win! :)

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Well my fish are in a bucket drip acclimating to the DT water right now, yay! I was so sick of having to deal with the QT, so I'm excited to add them back into the main tank. I also think the mandarin will do much better in there. I'll post some pictures once they're settled in the DT and are out and about. The pistol shrimp is living in my YWG's old home in the DT, so I'm interested to see if he goes straight in there and meets the pistol shrimp.


In the meantime here's a fun photo of more hermit crab antics...


"I'm the king of the world!" B)

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Ok so the fish are all back in the DT and seem to be doing ok, just a tad bit freaked out. I drip acclimated them for about an hour and a half. They're all being really shy right now, but I figured they would be. I'm sure in a day or two they'll get used to the DT and start being sociable again.


I also pulled the impeller out of the AC20 that was running on the QT and put it in the AC70 to lower the flow. Its a MUCH slower flow, which I know is necessary for it to really function as a fuge with the chaeto. Now that the flow is so much lower I've got my powerhead running again, so everything is back to normal. I'll post new photos and videos of everything once the fish stop being so shy.

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I looked on FB to see your contest entry...but can't find where they are on the FB page!!!!!


That's a cool hermit shot! Mine used to like to climb my gorgonia. The thing would bend over like a tree branch, and the hermit still hung on :)


I'm glad everything is back in the DT!!! Can't wait to see them out, about, and happy!

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I looked on FB to see your contest entry...but can't find where they are on the FB page!!!!!

Oh, it seems like the page doesn't load right all the time. Just click on the word contest on the left hand side under the profile picture and it should bring you to all the entered pictures. Then just look for mine which is listed under my name "Felicia Svedlund". Once you click on it there will be a button that says vote.


That's a cool hermit shot! Mine used to like to climb my gorgonia. The thing would bend over like a tree branch, and the hermit still hung on :)

They are so amusing and get into such antics. I bet your gorgonian just loved that, haha.


I'm glad everything is back in the DT!!! Can't wait to see them out, about, and happy!

I'm so glad I don't have to water change, feed, and top off two tanks constantly. So glad to be back to one. The firefish was out and about this morning before I left for lab and the mandarin was hovering around under one of the rocks. No sign of the YWG but I'm hoping he's in his old burrow with the pistol shrimp.

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Your pom pom should be named ET.

I like it! I'll call him that from now on :)


And in thanks for thinking up an awesome name, here's a funny cat picture:


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:lol: funny ET kitty!


I figured out you have to "like" them on FB to see the pictures. I voted for you and will everyday, if I can remember. Great picture! :)


I hope they have another contest soon! I want to get in on it :)

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Well my fish are in a bucket drip acclimating to the DT water right now, yay! I was so sick of having to deal with the QT, so I'm excited to add them back into the main tank. I also think the mandarin will do much better in there. I'll post some pictures once they're settled in the DT and are out and about. The pistol shrimp is living in my YWG's old home in the DT, so I'm interested to see if he goes straight in there and meets the pistol shrimp.


In the meantime here's a fun photo of more hermit crab antics...


"I'm the king of the world!" B)



See, that is cute. Hermits are such goofs.

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:lol: funny ET kitty!


I figured out you have to "like" them on FB to see the pictures. I voted for you and will everyday, if I can remember. Great picture! :)


I hope they have another contest soon! I want to get in on it :)


Awesome! Thanks Gena. Some of the pictures jumped ahead pretty quick, so I probably don't have a chance but here's to hoping...


See, that is cute. Hermits are such goofs.


I know! They're probably the cheapest thing in the tank but they're good for endless amount of entertainment.

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So I came home and looked at my tank and all of the critters were out in the open! That is absolutely a first. The firefish is chilling right up in the front of the tank and the mandarin seems to have adopted a rock he likes to hover on. And the cleaner shrimp was hanging out with the frogspawn as usual. The blue porcelain crab and ET (the pom pom crab if anyone missed Kat naming him) were hanging out underneath another rock. Its weird because they move from rock to rock, but I always see them right next to each other now. They're apparently best buds. They hang out under one of the rocks and the porcelain crab uses his fan things to sift the water while ET waves his pom poms around, haha.


IN EVEN MORE EXCITING NEWS...my YWG and candy stipe pistol shrimp already paired! The YWG was sitting out front of the pistol shrimp's burrow and the pistol shrimp kept coming in and out of the burrow. Soooo exciting! I wish I could get a good picture but their burrow is behind the center rock, so I can watch them in the reflection of the back glass, but its impossible to get a picture. Oh well, I'm just amazed they paired so fast and I was so entertained watching them for a while.

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woohoo! great news!!!! That didn't take long at all :)


Well, even if you don't win the contest...I really think it's the best photo on there! Too bad you don't live down here. You could go to Vivid (LFS) with me and Danielle this weekend. You would love the selection! I might buy some magicians from them if they have it and if they are fairly reasonably priced. How are your new ones doing? Did you get the Duncan or is that tomorrow?

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woohoo! great news!!!! That didn't take long at all :)


I know! I'm shocked by how quickly everything got settled and I can't believe the YWG and pistol already paired up.


Well, even if you don't win the contest...I really think it's the best photo on there!

Thanks! :D


Too bad you don't live down here. You could go to Vivid (LFS) with me and Danielle this weekend. You would love the selection! I might buy some magicians from them if they have it and if they are fairly reasonably priced.

I'll actually be in LA this weekend because I'm going on a dive boat out of the LA harbor to go diving for spiny lobster. We drive down Thursday evening and then get on the boat and sleep on the boat for the night since its a live aboard trip. We'll be diving by Catalina and Palos Verdes all day Friday and Saturday and then we'll either drive back to Berkeley on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Too bad I can't go check out Vivid which sounds awesome, but it'd be a long trip for the coral back to Berkeley, haha. You two enjoy! I hope you find some reasonably prices magicians and rainbow palys. :)


How are your new ones doing? Did you get the Duncan or is that tomorrow?

My new acans and the duncan are supposed to come in on Wednesday because they were supposed to ship today, although speaking of which I haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail so I wonder if that happened. I'll let you know how they're doing as soon as I get them.

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Your diving trip sounds exciting and cold!!!! It's so cold tonight!!!! Make sure to take lots of pictures :)


Yeah its gonna be cold, but I've got my 7 mm wetsuit, boots, gloves, and hood so it won't be too bad. I'll take a ton of photos and make sure I post some on here. Hopefully I'll get a couple of me and my friends holding the huge lobsters we're going to catch :)

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Yeah its gonna be cold, but I've got my 7 mm wetsuit, boots, gloves, and hood so it won't be too bad. I'll take a ton of photos and make sure I post some on here. Hopefully I'll get a couple of me and my friends holding the huge lobsters we're going to catch :)

Do you eat the lobsters on the boat, for dinner?

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I'm beginning to have a bit of an algae problem and I don't think I have enough snails because my silly astreas keep falling over during the day when I'm gone and by the time I find them the hermits have eaten them. I ordered a 5 gallon quick crew from Reef Cleaners to supplement my current snails to hopefully help with the algae a bit. I guess I also need to cut back my light cycle and consider starting to use RO water instead of tap water...yeah yeah, I know.


I also ordered Reef Cleaners sample macro algae for a penny, so we'll see which kind I get. And I got some pods so make the order $25 so I could use the coupon for $5 off any order over $25. I'm sure my mandarin will appreciate the pods :)

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I just ordered some snails from reef cleaners too! They shipped today :)

Did you order one of the quick crews? Considering the crazy pile of snails people always post after they order from there I'm interested to see what I get. The pack I ordered is supposed to have like 14 snails total. Sadly mine won't ship until next Monday because of the holiday.

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Do you eat the lobsters on the boat, for dinner?


I'm sure the cook on the boat will cook up some of the ones we catch for us to eat right away on the boat. Then the rest we'll put in a cooler and bring back to Berkeley. The fishing regulations let you take 7 per person, so between me and my 2 friends we could come back with 21 lobsters. We'll just throw them in the freezer and have a very long supply of lobster.

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