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Mitch's 17.4g Reef


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I'm currently in Boston visiting some family for Thanksgiving so I decided to check out some of the local fish stores. I ended up finding one with awesome selection and fantastic prices. I picked up a nice Rusty Gorgonian Frag and a Porcelain Crab for $20 total. Can't beat that :). Ill acclimate them tonight when I get home and will hopefully get some pictures up tomorrow.

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A couple of pictures:



Rusty Gorgonian



The Zoa Garden - Growing quickly but I'm still adding more!



Candy Canes



Acans - This is the last time you'll see them! Most likely will be selling them tomorrow.


I couldn't get any shots of the Porcelain Crab, it's currently hiding. Other than just now it has been out and about, though.


Enjoy, and feel free to comment!

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Gorgonian looks sick, bro. I never see any like that around here.


Thanks! I'm really liking it. I can't wait until it starts branching out, that is, if I can keep it alive... :happy:

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I work at Greenwich Aquaria!

Whenever I don't have school at least <_<

Come by and I'll get you some sweet deals :D


I think I've seen you in there, I'll be sure to introduce myself next time I'm in. Hopefully I can stop by this weekend. ;)

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maybe your cardinal fish does have a personality, a lazy one :P


Well he has a personality at night, but I can only watch it when I look at the tank with a flashlight. Other than that it's hovering and eating; eating and hovering - Nothing else.

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Well the Anemone has been back to it's stressed out state for the past few days. Ugh.


I've ruled out basically everything, and now I'm just stumped... <_<

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I got my Marine Depot order today. No one told me that the Flo Deflectors don't work for the Koralia Pumps...


So I'm still going to use the two Koralia 240's, but with no Flo Deflectors. I get much better flow with these two pumps as opposed to the one Koralia 425, which I'll now be using to mix salt water. Most of the corals are liking the more randomized flow, including the Anemone, who is fully expanded! Hopefully it'll stay this way.

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thats just how i want mine. looks so sick man!!


Thanks! I don't want to spoil things, but I might have some Purple Hornets coming soon... :D

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Oh man, I just found the Flasher Wrasse dead. I have absolutely no clue what the cause of death is. The Emerald Crab had already eaten most of the meat off of it's skeleton when I found him. Just when things were beginning to improve, I get this...


Rest in peace little guy.



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Found out today my dersa clam swallow my angel fish. I am very sad just as sad like you too! Sorry about your flasher


Haha sounds like we both had a crappy fish-day yesterday... -_-

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Here's some pictures for you guys:



A little Xenia frag I transplanted recently that's been growing like crazy



Radioactive Dragon Eyes



These no ID Zoas have been growing like mad and have gained some nice color. I actually really like them! Got them for only $5, too.



Pink Palys



Orange Ricordea



This Feather Caulerpa popped up recently and I really like it. There's about 5 shoots in the sand now.



Gorgonian in front of my Xenia colony



The mother Xenia colony



I took this shot by accident and it's not really of anything, but I think it's kind of cool!


Enjoy, and feel free to comment!

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