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Mitch's 17.4g Reef


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Lol, I saw your video update from RC, but still haven't posted in there. Sorry, bro.. I'm just not active there.


Haha, I don't know if anyone is. (Well at least in my threads)

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Radioactive dragon eyes (imo), for the zoa id.


Get like a cool pair of neon gobies!


Thanks. That could be cool. I'll do some Goby research.

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Earlier today I headed over to Absolutely Fish in Clifton, NJ. I picked up a White Spot Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis), and two very small frags - one Candy Canes and one Zoas, which I don't have an ID for. I acclimated the Anemone Shrimp and it is very stressed. I released it on top of the Anemone but it swam over to the Duncans and is hanging out over there for now. I'll monitor it closely. Once it's acclimated I'll take some pictures.

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Nice! Hope it finds the nem some time.


The shrimp found the 'nem like 10 minutes after I made that post. I'll definitely get some pictures up tomorrow of it. It's probably my favorite tank inhabitant I've ever owned! :lol:


For some reason I just love these guys...

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Here are a few pictures I snapped of the Anemone Shrimp. This guy seems to be loving life in that RBTA!





Pinch pinch!




You may not have noticed but it's missing a claw for now. It should grow back soon, though.

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Well he is cute! But I don't want it to be a sissy shrimp (haha) so fine he is handsome! :P

Haha he has to be tough with a missing claw.

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Haha he has to be tough with a missing claw.


You've got that right. I need to figure out a name for this guy, possibly incorporating the fact that it has one claw.



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I forgot to share these:



The new Zoas (ID anyone?)



This is a macro algae that was growing in the 'fuge that I put in the tank. It shoots out runners and I have it in the back left corner for now. I think it'll look really cool creeping up from behind the scape.

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I just spent like an hour reading this thread. Awesome build. I have a GLA tank the same size as yours. The build is a bit slow, but i hope that i will be able to reach the awesomess of this tank with my first reef build :)

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