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Schreiba's ADA 60-F


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No, I'm not running a skimmer which could be the problem. My nitrates are zero and have been for awhile according to the API test kit. I have floss, chemi-pure elite, and purigen in the canister though.


It could be the excess organics.... Id recommend some extra water changes and run a shorter light cycle while your corals adjust to the new fixture.

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It could be the excess organics.... Id recommend some extra water changes and run a shorter light cycle while your corals adjust to the new fixture.

Alright thanks! I have been running the new fixture on a shorter cycle for now but my hopes were that the MH/T5 combo will help color up the SPS over time and provide better growth.

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Alright thanks! I have been running the new fixture on a shorter cycle for now but my hopes were that the MH/T5 combo will help color up the SPS over time and provide better growth.



Np. Im sure they will but they do still need a good period of time to acclimate from the dramatic switch in lighting. In fact im still acclimating some corals right now that were under Leds to my setup.

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Np. Im sure they will but they do still need a good period of time to acclimate from the dramatic switch in lighting. In fact im still acclimating some corals right now that were under Leds to my setup.


Wow yeah I guess I underestimated the acclimation process. If they don't begin color up in a month I'll start to get worried :P

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So some of my SPS are starting to color up again :happy: I think it was likely due to the change in lighting and stress from the move. I'm slowly increasing the photoperiod of the MH too which I think is helping. Now if only the PE would come back in all of the acros...

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Thanks man! It's tough because the scape can be challenging and they can be difficult to photograph. Do you have a link to your tank thread?


Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Sometimes you just wished it was a little bit taller, but the top down view is very enjoyable. I'll start a tank thread once I restart my tank. In the midst of planning, and your setup is giving me some good ideas.

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Hey TS, thanks so much for the work you've put into your thread. I just wanted to warn you though about your Expedit case. The thicker pieces aren't actually solid. They're hollow with cardboard honeycomb stuffed inside to give them support. I realize your tank setup probably doesn't weigh more than a hundred pounds, but still wanted to give you a heads up incase. The insides look like this:




Clear skies,


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Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Sometimes you just wished it was a little bit taller, but the top down view is very enjoyable. I'll start a tank thread once I restart my tank. In the midst of planning, and your setup is giving me some good ideas.


Glad I can help you out! But yeah the one thing I wish I could do would be to hand-pick smaller pieces of live rock to have a little different scape and maybe some pieces sticking out of the water. But since I already had a tank running I just used what I had.

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Hey TS, thanks so much for the work you've put into your thread. I just wanted to warn you though about your Expedit case. The thicker pieces aren't actually solid. They're hollow with cardboard honeycomb stuffed inside to give them support. I realize your tank setup probably doesn't weigh more than a hundred pounds, but still wanted to give you a heads up incase. The insides look like this:




Clear skies,



Thanks I appreciate it! And yeah I know Ikea stuff is pretty cheap and not exactly built to last forever. But I think my tank is light enough that it shouldn't be a problem. Especially considering most nano tanks are only setup for like a year or two. I will pay attention for bowing and I appreciate the heads up!! :welcome: to N-R btw!

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Haha I wish I could say it was mine although it would probably make quick work of my cleaner shrimp and clown :P I took a trip to the DC zoo this weekend with the family and gf and they had a pretty cool invertebrate exhibit setup so I took a few shots there. This mantis was more blue than the normal peacock mantis shrimp I've seen though. It is making me think of how cool it would be to have one of these be the only creature in my tank...

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Yea it totally limits what type of livestock if any you can keep with one. Maybe a yellowtail damsel whos smart enough to keep away from it.

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Yeah very true. But the 60-F doesn't have too many livestock choices to begin with so but that could be one good choice. The other problem is finding one for sale because I doubt any of my LFS would have one.

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So the new ATI Blue+ T5 bulbs came in today and wow is my tank blue now :P But all of my colors do pop a lot more too. Once the new radium bulbs comes in I'm sure it will even it out though because my current MH bulb burns pretty blue.

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Thanks peewee!! I'm out of town for the weekend but once I get back and get the new MH bulb in I'll definitely have a new FTS and some other shots up :happy:

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My MH bulb came in yesterday and I have to give it to hype for the bulb recommendation, the color looks great :happy: Its a nice natural look but still has plenty of blue in it. I'll try and get some shots up soon and maybe another FTS.

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My MH bulb came in yesterday and I have to give it to hype for the bulb recommendation, the color looks great :happy: Its a nice natural look but still has plenty of blue in it. I'll try and get some shots up soon and maybe another FTS.



Im glad you like it. Look forward to seeing some pics.

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Some new shots :happy: I didn't take a new FTS because I need to clean the glass a little better before I can lol






I've had this one for awhile now and it has always been brown and never shown PE. Now it's starting to get a little PE and the tips are turning green :happy:

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Awesome shots Ts!

Thanks hype! I'll try and take a new FTS tomorrow once I get the glass cleaned up. I've been looking for a new fish again too but I'm like obsessed with your African Midas blenny :P

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Just can't beat MH/T5 setups! Great shots teamschreiba.


Thanks Zero! And yeah since the LED wasn't working as I had hoped I decided to go for the best ;)

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