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Lani's Clownfish Breeding Thread


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Imma try not to. :unsure:

he looks good kim,good thing he jumped while yall were around! how nice of ty to pick up the fish and take the little booger to you..lol nice meeting you ty, if yall ever need any other clowns lmk i got bunches left!!!!lol

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So...... looks like I was able to transfer a ton of babies to the hatching tank... I'm guestimating around 700, but a couple of hundred may have died... so there are around 500 now and they decimated the rots early this morning... so I've been dropping otohime in the tank every hour or more... and they are all chowing down happily, staying fat. :happy:

Just a few shots:








Action shot, about to launch at otohime:








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Wow those photos are amazing. Now that's the kind of shared info that advances the hobby for all of us.


Thanks for taking the time to do that.

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Thanks. :)


I've had a little die off and I believe it might be from over feeding.. if it isn't one thing, isn't another, right? So I've cut back and still have around 400, maybe a little less, but that's still a lot! They're growing and the big guy from the last hatch is still going strong. No stripes yet, but he is starting to look different and develop that orange pigment. Maybe soon!


Btw, for anyone who doesn't realize how tiny these larvae are, toothpick:



Oh, and the new couple (b&w and snowflake) are getting along swimmingly! She would push him out of her pot (the big one) for the first couple of days, but since then they have been hanging out together and sleeping in the same pot. Though they still separate from time to time. She even did some belly rubbing on the pot, so we'll see how quickly things heat up between them.

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Thanks. :)


I've had a little die off and I believe it might be from over feeding.. if it isn't one thing, isn't another, right? So I've cut back and still have around 400, maybe a little less, but that's still a lot! They're growing and the big guy from the last hatch is still going strong. No stripes yet, but he is starting to look different and develop that orange pigment. Maybe soon!


Btw, for anyone who doesn't realize how tiny these larvae are, toothpick:



Oh, and the new couple (b&w and snowflake) are getting along swimmingly! She would push him out of her pot (the big one) for the first couple of days, but since then they have been hanging out together and sleeping in the same pot. Though they still separate from time to time. She even did some belly rubbing on the pot, so we'll see how quickly things heat up between them.

dont let those little snows freak you out, ive had some breed really really young, just feed them a seafood diet and they will be ready in no time...goodluck kim!!
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11 days and starting to see signs of meta. They're all developing orange pigment and I'm seeing waggling swimming, but still no stripes, not even on the big guy from the last hatch. He's 20 days old if I remember correctly.


And Rudy, things are still going well with the new pair. They like each other. :)

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Whoo! Lone Ranger from the hatch on the 16th is finally showing his head band! The other guys are only 8 days younger than him, so they should start working on their stripes next week. It's really hard for me to estimate, but I'd say there are 250-300 left. :wacko:

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Thanks Eric. :)

Checked today and looks like meta is in full swing already.. at least 3 of the little guys have their head bands. :D

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This is fantastic! You make it look so easy but I know it's a lot of work. I actually looked into breeding clownfish and decided it wasn't for me at the time. Well done!

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Thanks guys!


The b&w female looks like she's ready to lay... lots of picking at the inside of the pot and rubbing her belly on it afterwards. The snowflake male, on the other hand, isn't quite so ready. He doesn't seem to know what to do. :P

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Great idea of the weedwacker string. I seen someone selling

Plastic nem looking things on eBay. They might work ok.


Sounds like your babies are coming along nicely. Can't wait to

See more pics.

Now only if I can get my onyx eggs to hatch and not die then I

Will be fine!

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Great idea of the weedwacker string. I seen someone selling

Plastic nem looking things on eBay. They might work ok.


Sounds like your babies are coming along nicely. Can't wait to

See more pics.

Now only if I can get my onyx eggs to hatch and not die then I

Will be fine!

When is the next hatch??


How old is your snowflake male? Very nice!!!

I'm not totally sure, but from it's size I'd say maybe a little over a year? I'm really not sure how to tell. :/

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i think they should hatch friday or Saturday night. thats if they survive me pulling the pot saturday. i forgot to write it down and i went away for 4 days and got back lastnight. ill get the flashlight out and stare at them to see how old they look.


where are my new pics i asked for? hehe

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