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its just funny tryin to get to know everyone on this forum.. I can't see any of your facial expressions, I can't hear your voices -- I just have to go by what you type.. and make my own assumptions.. lol <-- sorry that was random; in response to the 10% happier.. lol

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its just funny tryin to get to know everyone on this forum.. I can't see any of your facial expressions, I can't hear your voices -- I just have to go by what you type.. and make my own assumptions.. lol <-- sorry that was random; in response to the 10% happier.. lol


i tend to stay away from internet forums when im aggravated or angry. I do this because more often than not i get into more trouble than it's worth. So generally when you read what i write. Im this cool calm collected dude.



from what i can tell we all have a yellow complexion with a round face. and about 33 expressions. lol


speak for yourself, im not yellow


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Had some fun with the droid, oh & bought some new stuffs.


mounted the controller



random shot,



another random



clammin around






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side note, i took the glass lid off in hopes that the damsel will just jump out


Very nice pics.. love the clam and leather.. how are you finding the vortech now? getting used to it yet?


fish seem to like it, i've seen more of the female clown in the last 3 days than i had in the last 3 months.


Clam is cool, i hope to keep it for a long time. Leather, isnt looking so hot, but maybe it's just me

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Leathers I have learned require some time to acclimate to the tank, they also like a lot of light... and very clean water.. my tiny frag never started to grow until I switched over to RO water and growth has been steady now..


Well here is hoping your female clown stays out a lot more now..

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Leathers I have learned require some time to acclimate to the tank, they also like a lot of light... and very clean water.. my tiny frag never started to grow until I switched over to RO water and growth has been steady now..


Well here is hoping your female clown stays out a lot more now..


well i have leds, use RO & have a skimmer



maybe it'll take a few days to look more better

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Give it a chance I had that for over a year in my tank The're very moody. The small one looks like that now in my tank cause I moved it then put it back. Plus you have leds and such. Was good to see you. The other pics look great.

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Give it a chance I had that for over a year in my tank The're very moody. The small one looks like that now in my tank cause I moved it then put it back. Plus you have leds and such. Was good to see you. The other pics look great.


indeed it was good to see you & talk about reef related stuff.


I've never owned a leather, so this will be a learning experience. Im used to moody corals, my last clam was a pita. Such is the price we pay for a piece of eye candy.


I wasnt even going to buy the clam, but Bianca was very insistant. She kept pointing to it & stomping her foot saying "mine"


So now it's time to let the tank sit for another week or two before my next purchase. Maybe a duncan? Some more acans? Who knows

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pics look great -- awesome shots! -- i like the clam -- damsels that much of a pita? I was gonna get a couple in my old 10g for my daughter.. but not if they're gonna be a hassle... theyre just so cheap!

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leather is not goo, & clam has footed it's self.




btw, i tried to make a video 4 times. but my daughter kept saying "daddy dont touch nemo" so it ruined the videos.

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btw, i tried to make a video 4 times. but my daughter kept saying "daddy dont touch nemo" so it ruined the videos.

hahhahaha, thats the only reason I don't have videos.... classic!

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But that's what helps make the videos so endearing.. lol


endearing is when i finally get the 150g + tank i want & i out her inside of it

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lol i should get the videos of her putting in HANDFULS of food because 'fishies are hungry!" and me frantically grabbing what i can with the net and fighting against the powerheads... lol

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LMAO.... at least those vids would give me a good hearty laugh for the day...


I remember when I was 2 years old and my parents were looking after my cousin's goldfish for them and I found them and thought they had had enough play time swimming in the fish bowl and took them off and dried them out in the towel because it was nap time....


Oh it was nap time for them alright... permanently..

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