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Yoshii's 10g Macro & Gorgonian Tank - 5 Years Young (Retired)


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Well one of the crowns from the coco worm is gone :( It's coming out more, but still doesn't look to happy.



I've been thinking about the fish stocking in this tank, in terms of the little neon goby I have planned. I've been looking at the cute little geometric hawk(Highfin Perchlet) and the longnose hawkfish at my LFS, and I really want to pick one to be the next fish in my 55gal, but that means I would have to move my yellow clown goby to another tank. Sooo I think I'm going to put him in this tank instead of the planned neon goby. My clown goby shouldn't bother any of the planned inhabitants, right?

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I got a TINY piece of Botryocladia (red grape caulpera, although not really a caulpera) today :D


But my dad called me today and said one of my clowns died, and he's guessing the other is dead too cause he didn't see it :tears: I've never have any fish die on me before, idk why they would die so suddenly :(

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Sickness? Where they the nice ones? :tears:













































Made $50 today.

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Sickness? Where they the nice ones? :tears:













































Made $50 today.

No, they're just common ocellaris WHEW!

They were fine, they've been fine for a long time

I transfered them from my 55 to my 10gal frag tank..idk why they would die, the water in the 10gal is better than the water in my 55 lol



Congrats on the $50 btw, from your job?

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decisions... so my mom is getting me a new cell phone (&plan) and there's no texting included, it's either no texting at all, or pay $20/month for unlimited. So my brother and sister said they are willing to pay their share if I chip in too. So that's $6.67 a month, which would be subtracted from my $10/month allowance. I want to text, since I text my friends/family every single day, but I also want to have $$$ for my tanks.....but then I would only get like $3 a month to pay for my tanks :tears:


Good thing I'm working at my LFS, but for other stuff I can't get there, like the macros I want for this tank I need to order online. ughh if only money would rain down from the sky! :(

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decisions... so my mom is getting me a new cell phone (&plan) and there's no texting included, it's either no texting at all, or pay $20/month for unlimited. So my brother and sister said they are willing to pay their share if I chip in too. So that's $6.67 a month, which would be subtracted from my $10/month allowance. I want to text, since I text my friends/family every single day, but I also want to have $$$ for my tanks.....but then I would only get like $3 a month to pay for my tanks :tears:


Good thing I'm working at my LFS, but for other stuff I can't get there, like the macros I want for this tank I need to order online. ughh if only money would rain down from the sky! :(

ugh :huh: . christmas? that'd be my next thought :P:lol:

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Ahhhh the joys of being a teen in this hobby... I'm running low on money too. Gas is killing me :/


You have some cool-looking stuff though! :)

Edited by Wiil
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Congrats on the $50 btw, from your job?

Nah, was serving at a lodge up here, only get to keep $18 or so, the rest goes to my trip.


How much were the clowns that died? I'm guessing about $60 for both?


Being a teen in the hobby isn't too hard, you just have to have people to get you stuff. And enter contests.

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hahaha money... being a teen and trying to maintain your tank isn`t easy :(.. it suckss. But every since i got a new job at this restaurant iveee beenn set! Tips are the best thing that ever happened:) Every week im makin 150 in tips plus a pay check every two weeks its great:) So my advice.. Work at a nice food place!

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ugh :huh: . christmas? that'd be my next thought :P:lol:

Haha my mom doesn't get me Christmas or birthday/other holiday presents anymore :(


Ahhhh the joys of being a teen in this hobby... I'm running low on money too. Gas is killing me :/


You have some cool-looking stuff though! :)

Lol I know


Thanks! Btw, I love the YCG in your avatar :wub:


Nah, was serving at a lodge up here, only get to keep $18 or so, the rest goes to my trip.


How much were the clowns that died? I'm guessing about $60 for both?


Being a teen in the hobby isn't too hard, you just have to have people to get you stuff. And enter contests.

Ohh ok thats cool :)


Nah, they were like $26 or $28 or something like that (for both) They're just common ocellaris clowns, not my precious mocha ones :P


hahaha money... being a teen and trying to maintain your tank isn`t easy :(.. it suckss. But every since i got a new job at this restaurant iveee beenn set! Tips are the best thing that ever happened:) Every week im makin 150 in tips plus a pay check every two weeks its great:) So my advice.. Work at a nice food place!

Lol if only I could skip school to do that xD

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Lol I know


Thanks! Btw, I love the YCG in your avatar :wub:


I wish it were mineeeee :( But hopefully soon! ...when I get the money for polyps and stuff so it'll be happy

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I wish it were mineeeee :( But hopefully soon! ...when I get the money for polyps and stuff so it'll be happy

They're so cute! :D I have one in my 55gal, tons of personality! Except he did kill 2 of my monti cap frags :tears:

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You need another 55.

Hahaha why? I love nanos :)



YESSS I HAZ $$$$! I've been nagging my mom to pay me my allowance for like 2 weeks, and today she finally did :) I got $55 to spend on this tank!! omgomgomg


Now...just to wait for John to get codium, caulpera prolifera, oar grass, and mangroves in stock all at the same time. :P

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I dunno.




Every time you type "codium", I have to snicker. :lol: :lol:

I would love to have a nice huge tank in the living room, in fact yesterday I talked to this guy who basically had my dream system, a 360gal with his koi pond as his chiller, and a separate tank connected to his sump to make water changes a breeze -jealous-


:rolleyes: freshmen.

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As a freshwater? Ughh.


Femanazi's. :rolleyes:

Nope, it's a sw reef, he has some SICK acros too


Cool tank! Wish I still got allowance, I was told to get a flippin job! Lol!

Lol $3/month isn't much of an allowance




Anyways, sad story tonight :( 10gal frag, in which I was keeping the sponge, coco worm, feather duster, lobo colony, and some other random corals crashed.


Coco worm-dead

Clownfish-dead(as mentioned before)

Lobo-some heads dead, others are barely clinging to life)

Feather duster-worm still alive, I found it at the bottom of the tank, out of it's tube, no crown

Other corals, like palys(closed up) monti setosa is bleached, etc


Oh, but I found the pistol shrimp, which is very tiny, but alive. Idk where to put it


:tears: I still have to do homework too...

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