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Jeffro's 50 g build.


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a tiger is bigger and could prabaly stand up to your wrasse. mine does fine with my harlequins, and my tnak is smaller than yours.

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Yep. But I don't clean them up. I don't think it is flesh, because my tank, although it has algea, dosn't seem affected. Seems more like a "skellton" of some sort.

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It's a though but the candy stripe/rainfords pistol is it's natural symbiotic partner and I like the look of em. I also have pom poms and bumble bee shrimp as well and the tigers get big.

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My tiger is maybe a little longer than my harlequins, but comparing them, the harlequins seem a lot bulkier and bigger. I've had my pistol for about a year. The pistol's first partner in my nano was a hi fin goby. They did very well together. Here is a pic:


But I can't say much for your other shrimp, however, your tank is pretty big (for a nano).

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That's cool. The high Fin and Dracula are very similar except my drac is a little cooler. Lol. I can't get one of those local either at the moment maybe I'll pic one up if I see one. I still like the look of the smaller more reef safe candy stripe.

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i was going to get a candy stripe, but the LFS didn't have it and the tiger looked pretty cool too. They paired the night I got them, too.

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That's sweet that they paired rite away. I was hoping for the same but like I said my possum wrasse ruined their friendship quick.

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Looks like you got your account back :)


Rainsford's will pick at red bugs. Most Amblygobius gobies will.

What's up AM yeah I'm glad I'm back. I love the fact he's picking at them. Some food for him and less pests for them. Good deal IMO. He's still looking great by the way. Plump little belly and all.

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Well I was going to go to bed but then you happened to figure out how to put your thread in your sig. Now I have 26 pages...

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Got new buddy for my dracula. I got em to pair almost instantly, very little work.


I also picked up a new crocea, my first clam! Something looks wrong from when I saw it in the store. It seems to have white spots on it almost like it got damaged in transport. Did the clam pinch shut on it's mantle?


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It was pretty cool to whatch them pair up. It took like ten mins, the goby heard the snapping and came up to it slowly. Then hung next to it for a bit flashing it's fins. Finally gave it a little love bite real slow and the sheltered the shrimp while they went back to the borrow.

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Hey jeffro, my crocea is similar. I have white stripes down the mantle. Ive had it for 2 weeks or so and seems very happy. Good luck with it.



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Thanks GG I was woried something was wrong. Any special care beside what You do for sps?

First thing is put him on some rock. I looked that up when i brought mine home. Crocea like to attach to rock. Mine attatched within 5 hours. As far as any care, I bought a calcium test kit a few days later to see where its at. Im at 400 right now and from what I have read for what I have in my tank that is good But if i decide to add any sps i will need to up it.

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