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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Newman's 10 Gallon Piece of Ocean


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Update time.


Is this piece of ocean growing? It might be...



If the corals were not still frag sized, this could look like a clownfish in the ocean right?



More clownfish? I think so...


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man i cant believe ive never even looked at this thread. i think i like this one better! no hate to the pico though.


also, do you have to have this tank chilled? i was thinking of going to a 10-15 gallon tank with t5 lighting. would you need to get a chiller?

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glad you stopped by :)


I like my pico more, honestly to me this one looks like a 10 gal frag tank haha.


This tank does have an IceProbe chiller unit, as does my pico. so far it looks like they are useless in the winter, but with summer temps increasing with each year, the units will save my tanks.


for that size tank, it depends on how many bulbs your light will be running, how hot the individual fixture actually gets, how much machinery you will be running on the tank (because all that heats the water) and how bad your AC works in the summer time+what ambient room temp you can keep your tank at in the cold times. of course a heater can always help keep the minimum temp.


We can't really run good AC in the summer time to cool my tanks, so i had to get chillers for them.

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oh ok. not too worried about winter down here. and if you dont have a bada$$ ac unit during the summers you will melt into a pool of skin and bone. how hot do your t5s run? maybe 2 parbulbs would work to reduce some heat right? does the par run hot?

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you can? great :)


jdl my coralife T5 fixture runs fairly warm. it might add a few degrees to my tank temp in the summer, daytime.

i have not clue on par bulbs (I do not like them for reef) sorry no help there :lol:

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It's hard for me to notice because i look at it everyday lol. the only thing i can tell grew, is that birdsnest on the right top.

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everythings grown in A LOT.. and it just keeps getting more and more color in there too -- i guess thats proof right there when everyone says to wait it out after getting frags... Looks amazing newman! and it really does look like the ocean!

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  • 4 weeks later...



And the reason - The Maxima Clam i received today has a small polyp of aiptasia on it.

I bet you can guess who was unleashed now :lol:


He has been in that AC110 for a few months now, and was probably very excited to get out. Also probably the reason why I was able to place him by hand from the filter fuge into the display. After the first time he flopped out of my hand, I was ready to get a net to get him out, but the second time he cooperated. He did flop towards the end but he was already in the display.


The main threat is now to the clam and the corals (especially the torch coral.) I really hope he doesnt decide to chow down on them. if he doesnt bother them, he will get to stay in the display. But a move back to the AC110 is guaranteed if I find my torch shredded tomorrow morning. I also expect that aiptasia to be gone by tomorrow :)


Time for pics of the clam. It arrived only a few hours ago, so its not fully opening yet.

From below it looks bluish. I really wanted this one to be green as advertised, but i guess there is some greenish color mixed in here as well.



From normal viewing angle it looks like a common brown clam lol



From above it looks purple with some brown I think either green or yellow spots around the black spots (its eyes?)



It does have some nice green color, but the green color is all on the inside lol! its internal cavity has the green color I was looking for in the mantle. o well :P



I have no idea what this maxima clam is, so if someone is clam-savvy, what would this coloration be called?

The clam is 3" in size. I think that can suggest that it has a good chance in my tank.

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BANISH HIM!!! :lol: ahhh the only reason I got my ac110 was b/c of ur banishing stories... But I do hope he's fine in the display... :D


as usual, great pics!

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I really would rather not have to banish him again, but it must happen if he messes with the wrong coral.

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Unfortunately the aiptasia is still there, I may have given too much credit to my shrimp lol, but so is the torch coral and every other coral looks fine so i'll assume he did not attack anything. which is always good :lol:

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Thanks sea bass, though yours is much cooler imo!

monthly FTS has been updated to this:



Also a pic with a new fan worm that was shipped with the clam:



and two random pics, 1st an above view of the front center rock:



and an above view of a rock which is behind that front center rock seen in the pic above. it houses two shrooms, a yellow-green sponge and some bubble algae lol:




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Its about time to replace my T5 bulbs now. I chose two different brands of 10,000K bulbs. ATI blue + was nice, but blue just seems to not be my thing =/

I really want shallow water conditions in my tank. hopefully one of these bulbs will do it.

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