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The_gats 40B, 2 years of reefing


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Sweet, do the ballasts alternate? Those are great pics for a phone! Cant figure out white balance for actinic shots on my tank, they always turn out a giant blue blur. yours look good

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Sweet, do the ballasts alternate? Those are great pics for a phone! Cant figure out white balance for actinic shots on my tank, they always turn out a giant blue blur. yours look good


I was able to change it so that blue are one switch.

Nice setup. I love 20 long tanks!


Thanks thanks...they are sweet.

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Wow new lights look great! Really makes them pop under actinics. I believe you when you say it looks so much better in person. I would love to get some shots like that to show those kind of colors. Looking good though and everything looks awesome!

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nice rics

Thanks I really like them. Coralmorphologic is great. Definitely recommended.



Wow new lights look great! Really makes them pop under actinics. I believe you when you say it looks so much better in person. I would love to get some shots like that to show those kind of colors. Looking good though and everything looks awesome!

Yea I hear you. I don't know how to use a camera so I just stick with the iphone.


New problem. Seem to be getting a lot more red slime spreading in the tank. It's not to bad yet, but I want to stop if before it goes to far. Trates are undetectable and phos. hard to read, but it might be between 0 and .25 ppm. Could I add phosguard or equivalent to my HOB filter? If so how could I go about this? Thanks in advance.

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the phosphate remover I used was called Pura phos-lock with pura being the brand, The can it comes in comes with a media bag, same with their carbon. I use them a filter socks sometimes....anyways you could always fill the bag up and throw it in the HOB. I had that red slime for a bit it sucks..........The rics are lookin great!

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Yeah I went through a good while with the slime also. I just made sure to be patient through getting rid of it and am very pleased to how my sandbed looks now.


Also Ric's look awesome!

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the phosphate remover I used was called Pura phos-lock with pura being the brand, The can it comes in comes with a media bag, same with their carbon. I use them a filter socks sometimes....anyways you could always fill the bag up and throw it in the HOB. I had that red slime for a bit it sucks..........The rics are lookin great!


I'll probably run to the store tomorrow and pick up something to try to rid the cyano.


Yeah I went through a good while with the slime also. I just made sure to be patient through getting rid of it and am very pleased to how my sandbed looks now.


Also Ric's look awesome!

Yea it sucks it's only like 3 small spots on random rocks maybe about a square inch. Is it normal to not see it until lights are on for a little bit. I got home this morning and could not see it until the lights were on for a while.


I'm enjoying the rics. They are opening nicely although one of the detached and is sitting in a low flow spot in the back corner on the sand so I am just letting it sit there for a week to see if it will give me better surface to glue.

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I had to stick the morph ric in the sump to attach because it was gettin blown around too. Any luck with slime? when I had it I was doin 2-3 3 gallon water changes a week :huh: to try and suck it all out and win the battle, I think my problem was still surface water in my sump, so I ran the sump level lower so the water falls over the baffles

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Red slime is going away slowly. I got a ball of chaeto to put in the back corner of the display and some phoslock to put in my HOB.


I started building a new stand on saturday and should have it done by the end of the week. With the new stand comes new opportunities. I am building it with three shelves, one for the display on top obviously, a small 6 in high shelf for storage and best of all a shelf with 25" of clearance for the future fuge/sump. Heres where the advice is needed. I think I am going to get another 20L for the fuge. I think I want to do the glass-hole overflow and wondering if I should just drill a the new tank and tranfer everything over. The other question is whether or not to skim. I probably wouldn't be able to get a skimmer until Christmas. My other idea was just to have a rack of some kind for media and then have the rest as a fuge. All suggestions are very appreciated.

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That looks awesome, is that your shop?


Its my dads shop. It is quite nice. Got everything you will ever need and probably more. Once I get the tank built I am going to stain the stand a dark walnut color to match the bed my pops built me in the wife. Its a solid walnut bed and is beautiful.

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Its my dads shop. It is quite nice. Got everything you will ever need and probably more. Once I get the tank built I am going to stain the stand a dark walnut color to match the bed my pops built me in the wife. Its a solid walnut bed and is beautiful.


My pops is a carp. too!! I think its awesome your adding a sump!! If I were you, I would skim. I got my BM for 110 bucks. Its incredible the crud that thing will pull out in a week, considering I only feed every two days.

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My pops is a carp. too!! I think its awesome your adding a sump!! If I were you, I would skim. I got my BM for 110 bucks. Its incredible the crud that thing will pull out in a week, considering I only feed every two days.


Yea thats what I was thinking. I am going to have to start looking at other peoples sump plans to get some ideas on how to do it. I would like a good size fuge w/ some mangroves and some macros.

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the stand looks great! i decided to go with a 29g for my display tank with an old 20L for the sump/fuge.


i'd drill the new tank and transfer everything from the old to the new and use the old for the sump. im trying to decide between adding a skimmer or not but i prolly will go with one just to avoid any issues from not running one. i still plan on having a fuge with hopefully a lot of macro, live rock and sponges. im still in the planning/research stages of the sump. i hope to have it set up by thanksgiving

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I was given a few frags from a friend yesterday. I got an acan frag that he said for whatever reason was not doing well in his tank, so he thought maybe I could stick it in my tank and get it to turn around. Also got brown frag on digi that was hidden in the shadow in his tank so hopefully that will color up. Well I think I will get the new tank later this fall drill it and transfer everything over, then set my tank up as a sump.


In other news it seems the cyano has been taken care of for now so that is a good sign. Other than that all is well just enjoying the tank.

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Glad to hear the cyano is under control :happy: It can be such a nuisance to look at. I know it bugged the hell out of me :lol: Hope you can help those corals color back up and become healthy again.

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Glad to hear the cyano is under control :happy: It can be such a nuisance to look at. I know it bugged the hell out of me :lol: Hope you can help those corals color back up and become healthy again.


Yea luckily it wasn't bad. I added some phospholock it seemed to stop coming back after being siphoned out. The acans are beginning to puff up some more so they look like they are going to pull through and the digi is looking good but still brown.


On another note I realized tonight out of pure design luck my new stand is going to end up with the top being ~37"x~20". I think you guys can guess what I am getting at. Obviously this is something for the future. Maybe next summer.


Other than that all is well. Fish are all getting along, corals are all opening up, shrimp are still snap happy since the addition of the few emeralds, and all is well.

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Wish a 40B would fit on my stand :P


I knew you would get the idea. Haha. Which I am going to have to go to if my frogspawn keeps growing like it is. I am ready to get this stand down and started on the sump for this.

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