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Red hornets and why they're not rare part 2


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i should be able to get a good picture tomorrow of the frag i pick up from where org work. i had it bag for 2 days because i had to stay in LA for other business. right now little more than haft the poly are open. finger cross.

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Update, not even a week but progress. Purple is spreading. This is no lie.


My camea sucks they're better color in person.

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I think I seen a colony of these at Premium Aquatics today.They wanted 40 dollars for the rock. It had about 100 polyps on it.

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I think I seen a colony of these at Premium Aquatics today.They wanted 40 dollars for the rock. It had about 100 polyps on it.

That's really really cheap get it but make sure they are the same type.

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I have a frag of 25+ of those that I bought as 10 polyps for $20. They are under my 110w PC 4" from surface. I've had them for a few months and they are slowly starting to color up like that. I hope I get some red hornets! :lol:

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Scopus Tang

Interesting read, read from beginning to end. Organism some good info here, although I'm not sure that you are presenting info that many of us "zoa/paly" collecters are unaware of. Interestingly, a similar discussion regarding PH is going on over on NCRA forum with regards to browned out wild polyps coloring up into Purple Hornets. As was stated in the thread, all these are coming from the ocean, and all of us agree that polyps change color under different lighting. Actually I proposed something similar in regards to the RH in a thread over on R2R when RH first came out, as I'd collected Red-rings (referred to in this thread as Lava Rings I believe) back in the 90s off a wild harvested frag of Pipe-Organ coral.


So I have a question - will you be doing similar threads in order to point out the same/similar effects in regards to SPS and LPS colonies and high intensity lighting (like LEDs)?


Organism, some of us have indeed requested the combination of similar color morphs under the original/oldest threads "on that site", and I believe that Who Dah? has responded agreeably - check out the new listing of Blowpops under the Eye of Ra listing.


Unfortunately, regardless of how many threads like this that are posted, you will still get those who think they are going to make a quick buck by buying, cutting, naming and reselling LFS frags - its not exclusive to R2R, I see the same thing on RC, SWF, and this site, as well as others. Even the retailers have gotten into the game. When I first started into reef tanks, you could buy a colony of 100s of zoas for $29.99, now its $30.00 for a small frag or a single polyp, and most people refer to a frag of 10+ polyps as a colony. Just a couple days ago we had a new poster who posted up a name poll on a zoa he'd had in his tank all of two days - after a few days it was obvious that the polyp was the same as an already named morph, yet he already had his name and I'll bet money that he'll be posting up a sale thread here soon with his new morph. As long as people are willing to play the game and pay the $ how do you stop it?


Supply and demand is what drives the coral market - not just zoas and palys, but all the corals. Look at Acans or Chalices or Scolys. If I pay $20 or $30 or more for a polyp, why shouldn't I remake that when I go to sell?

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Here are true hornets from the original seller.





You can see even without actinic you can see the alternating skirts easily and it shows that the entire skirt gets the same amount of light. You don't really get the true colors until they are fully grown. My friend is selling these for around $60 now so the price is coming down, expect from the online vendors who are actually raising the price for some stupid reason. I'm definitely buying a frag once the price is around $20 a head. :)

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You can see even without actinic you can see the alternating skirts easily and it shows that the entire skirt gets the same amount of light. You don't really get the true colors until they are fully grown. My friend is selling these for around $60 now so the price is coming down, expect from the online vendors who are actually raising the price for some stupid reason. I'm definitely buying a frag once the price is around $20 a head. :)


Wow, you're totally right, if you take a picture of a fully colored up zoanthid with and without actinics for some weird reason it shows the same fully colored up characteristics like alternating skirts under non-actinic light. Weird how makay's polyps in the original post showed non-alternating skirts even under regular light. You know, before they colored up, although now like your buddy's I'm sure they show alternating skirts under different light. I wonder how your buddy's would look if he left them under the same lighting as that first pic for two months?


Here, this guy should humble you a bit, he knows what he's talking about and spent about 3 pages on some thread arguing with a "bunch of fools" who didn't understand how palys color up. I think he'd probably have some choice words for you.


I notice a lot of people get jealous or angry if someone has a morph that could turn into something nice, notice how you guys are all crying that they are just "brown zoa's". There really isn't much more I can say, except they have great potential to turn into something nice so enjoy them. ;)
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So I have a question - will you be doing similar threads in order to point out the same/similar effects in regards to SPS and LPS colonies and high intensity lighting (like LEDs)?


I'm sticking to zoanthids for now since nice lps and sps sell way too quickly here, working on coloring up some purple hornets right now but won't be posting that thread until they're 100% colored up so there's no arguments. If anyone wants to name some overpriced zoanthids (not, and I repeat this time not, palys), then feel free and post them so I can do those next.


Organism, some of us have indeed requested the combination of similar color morphs under the original/oldest threads "on that site", and I believe that Who Dah? has responded agreeably - check out the new listing of Blowpops under the Eye of Ra listing.


Jeremy's a great guy and he can only do so much, he's just gotta have some helpers go through and redo the whole zoaid gallery, there's like 5-6 pages that could easily be 2...

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Wow, you're totally right, if you take a picture of a fully colored up zoanthid with and without actinics for some weird reason it shows the same fully colored up characteristics like alternating skirts under non-actinic light. Weird how makay's polyps in the original post showed non-alternating skirts even under regular light. You know, before they colored up. Now I'm sure they show alternating skirts under different light. I wonder how your buddy's would look if he left them under the same lighting as that first pic for two months?


Here, this guy should humble you a bit, he knows what he's talking about and spent about 3 pages on some thread arguing with a "bunch of fools" who didn't understand how palys color up. I think he'd probably have some choice words for you.


All I can say to you is that you're #####. You keep coming off as this arrogant prick who acts like you're always right and everyone else is wrong. I'm done showing you glowing examples of the real hornets while you keep crying over your ####ty little red ring zoas that will never sell for over a $1. I keep on picturing you standing over your coral tank all day long in agony, wishing for something that will never happen. Not once have you replied in a friendly manner, its either "No, you're wrong!" or "How dare you question me!". It's sad to see a grown man obsessed over a little zoa. :rolleyes:

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You're right, my merely pointing out that you posted purposely misleading pictures and used it as a basis of "fact" is arrogant. Here's another quote for you.


You kids are fools, mine looked 100 percent the same as those at first and colored up exactly into a lunar morph (go check atlantis,ocaquatic) you'll notice how the center is slightly dark which over time should turn into what I had. Unless you guys owned a similar looking morph I would say I would be the better judge at what they're most similar to, hell the proof is in the photo's I posted. If you guys are to ignorant/stubborn to see that, it aint my problem.


I've got millions of these by the way. All about you arguing as to how browned out red palys color up, and take, and I quote, "several months" to do so. The proof is in the photos I've posted, if you're too ignorant/stubborn to see that, well, then according to fiction101 "that ain't my problem". You can come back in "several months", since that's how long your brown palys took to color up and is coincidentally how much leeway and respect you expected from everyone else until yours colored up. Otherwise it sounds like you only want things to be fair only when it's convenient for you, and unfair when it works in your favor.

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It's sad to see a grown man obsessed over a little zoa. :rolleyes:


:lol: says the one who keeps coming back to this thread.

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Here are true hornets from the original seller.





You can see even without actinic you can see the alternating skirts easily and it shows that the entire skirt gets the same amount of light. You don't really get the true colors until they are fully grown. My friend is selling these for around $60 now so the price is coming down, expect from the online vendors who are actually raising the price for some stupid reason. I'm definitely buying a frag once the price is around $20 a head. :)



arent these both the same pic that are both photoshopped?

edit: btw yes i think there nice zoas. just one looks black & white other looks overly saturated

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All I can say to you is that you're #####. You keep coming off as this arrogant prick who acts like you're always right and everyone else is wrong. I'm done showing you glowing examples of the real hornets while you keep crying over your ####ty little red ring zoas that will never sell for over a $1. I keep on picturing you standing over your coral tank all day long in agony, wishing for something that will never happen. Not once have you replied in a friendly manner, its either "No, you're wrong!" or "How dare you question me!". It's sad to see a grown man obsessed over a little zoa. :rolleyes:

Wow someone is pissed because they realized they overpaid for something. There is enough proof here going against you. Organism works with coral every day and knows what he is doing. He is acting the way he is because he is right.

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Shhh, let the grown man obsess over his little zoa, the way his hostility has completely 180'd from his thread to this one on how long it takes for red zoanthids color up when it's his wallet on the line is just endlessly entertaining :)


It's not often that you get to see someone dig their own hole so well, this is just classic.

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Shhh, let the grown man obsess over his little zoa, the way his hostility has completely 180'd from his thread to this one on how long it takes for red zoanthids color up when it's his wallet on the line is just endlessly entertaining :)


It's not often that you get to see someone dig their own hole so well, this is just classic.

His name is "fiction".

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arent these both the same pic that are both photoshopped?


That is awesome! Dizzle you kick ass, how did I not see that?


Fiction101, why does "your buddy" have to resort to lying and as is now apparent straight up faking pictures for you to defend him? That's one picture, one is just photoshopped to black and white and one is enhanced. You really posted up not only misleading pictures but faked misleading pictures as an attempt to prove your point :lol:


Dude, all you've done in this thread is make yourself look bad time and again, and you're only getting better at it. To anyone at home, save both pictures, then open one up in photoshop. Open the other one as a layer on top of that image, and then switch the opacity on the top one, you'll see it turn from one to the other because they're the same picture just photoshopped.


If you have to resort to lying and cheating to trick people into agreeing with you then you've lost already, but then again you've already admitted that to yourself if it's come down to faking pics. Also, only a sad, sad grown man obsessed with a red zoanthid would resort to faking pictures. Bravo sir, bravo, well done. Your name is fiction and you earn every letter of it.



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Nope they're not photoshoped he just talked his zoa's into posing exactly the same way for both pictures ;)



Awesome comparison picture for demonstrating the power of photo editing.

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Wheeee! Please keep this going Organism. I *REALLY* need something to giggle about right now. And this is bringing it!

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