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Cultivated Reef

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Sounds cool! What kind of hybrids?


Onyx perc with regular ocellaris male. I do have one, from the very 1st attempt that has a "C" middle bar and a full helmet though.

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US Marine Coral
Onyx perc with regular ocellaris male. I do have one, from the very 1st attempt that has a "C" middle bar and a full helmet though.

Nice combo! Would love to see pic of the baby when you get a chance :)

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Nice combo! Would love to see pic of the baby when you get a chance :)



I'll see if I can get the skittish little bastard to sit still long enough to get a good one.

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For sure you need to post a pic!!


My Perc hatch is straggling along. This morning I had about 15 more hatched in the tank and several eggs that still looked good so plucked out the 15 with a pipette and moved them to the snow fry tank which is only on day 2. I'll have to see if the rest of them hatch out tonight.

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I was moving some of them over to another tank and couldn't resist the photo opportunity.

I love all your clowns dude. I swear when I upgrade my tank I'm getting my very own pickle's clown :D

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I can't believe it... On the third night in the larvae tank I finally have a good solid true perc hatch going. I was really starting to wonder about that pair and if the male was just sloppy at spreading his seed but apparently he's pretty good at it.


Just not sure why I would get some the first night... a few more the next then a solid bunch tonight. I may have to take a look at the feeding schedule for that pair. They aren't maintained in the same area as my Snows so I don't feed them all at the same time.

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So I just pulled the mostly empty pot out of the hatch tank - tinted the water and added rots. I'm going to go ahead and call my new DIY 2" bubble wand a success.

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You know, that's how my hybrids hatch, it takes like 2-3 days for them to. Is that a percula thing? I was for sure they would hatch last night, super clear, bright silver eyes. I looked this morning and I had one, bopping about. Also, BTW, those round airstones for Petco suck ass. They don't sink, they float. Did not work and of course had no long stones around. Had to make do with a 1" stone. We'll see how bad that messes up my hatch.


Also, I added my new fancy o. to a female with a clutch yesterday. When I got home from work, he was fanning and defending the clutch like it was his own!

Edited by hooligan_78
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LOL on the round air stone floating - whoda thunk?


I don't know if it's a "Perc Thing" it's was wierd though I just spent 2 days hunting fry with a pipette and adding them over to my last snow hatch before having that good hatch on the 3rd night - I would of lost the first two nights worth for sure if I hadn't moved them - ata lest now they have a chance.


I wouldn't of even thought to do it but I had only 4 or 5 B&W eggs hatch a while ago and I did the same thing and they all made it. I was really surprised.


Our Fancy white is my wife's favorite fish - she is going on 2 years old now she is paired with a snow though, I'll be excited to see how their offspring turn out. I wonder if with the WW gene in her if I'll get a few really white babies.

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Seriously, floated right to the top of the pot and nearly crushed the eggs. I was like, "What the...? For real?!"


You get some WWs out of them and they could pay for your entire operation! I thought about tinting the water this morning, but added some freshly fed rots just to give the little guy something to eat while it's waiting for the rest of them to hatch. I plan on pairing my really bright colored reddish/orange ocellaris male with a snowflake once I'm ready. I wanted to finish the broodstock system this weekend, but after I actually made a list of what I needed, I nearly passed out.

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I suppose the chances are pretty slim - but you never know - I still get super snows out my Semi Snow / Ocellaris pair.



I hear you on the costs - I guess that's why so many of my builds stretch out so long.

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Hey guys, do both of you mind posting pictures of your current setup like the GRAND VIEW being a picture is worth a thousand words lol...im getting my setup going in two weeks...i already grow my own phyto rotis...im contiplating stopping the phyto do either of you guys recommend a certian brand you used to feed rotis and tint water in hatchlings tank? Thanks for any input MUST APPRECIATED!

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Here is a tour of my current brood stock tanks:



I use Rotigrow + from Reedmariculture - I've had the best results with it.

Edited by Pickle010
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About 25% of the clowns have their stripe.


Seam to be ok and I have reduced the water changes for now.



Looks like you are well on your way my friend! But it sounds like it's taken them a little longer - or is it the second stripe they are working on now? If you get a chance to pick up some Otohime, I think you'll be amazed at how much quicker they develop.


Also what temp are you raising the fry in? I found that has a lot to do with it as well.

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Looks like you are well on your way my friend! But it sounds like it's taken them a little longer - or is it the second stripe they are working on now? If you get a chance to pick up some Otohime, I think you'll be amazed at how much quicker they develop.


Also what temp are you raising the fry in? I found that has a lot to do with it as well.


Some are on their second stripe others havent started their first.


The temperature is around 28oC.


Do you think I should hold on for the air filter or get it fitted now?


Im a bit conserned about not doing a water change for 2 days but im still sucking up the crud and adding 1/2 a cap of prine 2 times a day.


Im still adding rottifers, brine, ZM000 and crushed flake.


Amnonia badge still indecating amonia.

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28 is good - I typipcally run 28 / 29


With all the food you are adding to the tank I would think I'd want to add the filter sooner then later - I may give it another day or two then add it. My fry are typically trough meta by day 8 so by day 9 or 10 I'm adding my sponge filter.


I think you'll be OK... 1/2 cap of prime twice a day seems like a lot to me - I've never added more then 5 or 6 drops and I've never done it daily. But that may have more to do with the variety of feed you are using.


How many days post hatch are you? I've also never overlapped 3 feeds (or 4 as you are now) - two at a time at most. By the time I'm feeding crushed flake I've already stopped adding rots / tinting and I'm already weaning them off the first powdered food.

Edited by Pickle010
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Im on day 16.


I think I need to get control of the feeding. I have been over caucious and fed them averything. Might also explain my amonia issue.


What to do next, what to do hummm.

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What to do next, what to do hummm.


If they are hitting the dry and the flake - just back off the rots and brine. Feed your ZM and Flake - this will ensure the smaller ones are getting fed with the ZM and then start looking to back off the ZM all together.

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what is prime?



Prime can be purchased at most any aquarium supply or online supplier - it's an ammonia neutralizer. Not needed so much in a balanced tank but a huge benefit when you are overfeeding fry in a small 10g.

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