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Billdemart's Inhuman Creation Station (20 High)


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I think it's funny that we all say we shoulda bought two....

blackrockreef.com should make a "2 for" deal....

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I think it's funny that we all say we shoulda bought two....

blackrockreef.com should make a "2 for" deal....


Yeah... I was concerned that anything bigger would have been too long (and it may have been for this small tank), so two would have been sweet. I may just order another.

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More pics:


I love the growth on the plate... He's going crazy.


6 weeks ago:













Other pics, Frag Rack, etc.

























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Wow awesome growth in that plate! It is a gorgeous blue! And if you ever want to frag that frogspawn, I'm interested . . .

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It's like a light grayish/blue/lavender. Hard to tell really. It's kind of pale. It has bright green tentacles.


I just picked up a pink porite, a war coral, and 3 rics, a pep shrimp, and 2 mexican turbos. Pics later.

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More pics! (The 2 Mexican Turbos I bought are absolutely slaughtering the algae in my tank. It's freaking amazing).















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Wow awesome growth in that plate! It is a gorgeous blue! And if you ever want to frag that frogspawn, I'm interested . . .


Sure as it starts growing too big I'll frag you some.

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Nice score! We need a new FTS please! That's exactly the type of war coral I really like (and originally wanted), but I'm getting one with slightly different coloring later this week. You are way outpacing me with your coral collection right now, but I think I will be starting to close in once my order gets here. (I've got a few surprises coming besides the acan pack.) I hope mine look as good as yours do! Congrats on your new turbos - they are ravenous guys. I only have one, but he does a very good job.

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Nice score! We need a new FTS please! That's exactly the type of war coral I really like (and originally wanted), but I'm getting one with slightly different coloring later this week. You are way outpacing me with your coral collection right now, but I think I will be starting to close in once my order gets here. (I've got a few surprises coming besides the acan pack.) I hope mine look as good as yours do! Congrats on your new turbos - they are ravenous guys. I only have one, but he does a very good job.


I just killed the lights. I'll do an FTS tomorrow. Keep forgetting to do those.


Thanks on the War Coral. This guy who runs a shop out of his basement about an hour from me had a huge sale, I think I paid 35 bucks for that frag which I think is a great price.


I'm out pacing you because I'm sick and apparently I want to push my wife over the edge. She just stares at me a few times a week when I come in with like 6 bags full of water and corals... like WTF.. You said you were done buying crap for that tank.


I say this time I'm really done. Can't wait to see your new adds. Your tank looks great.

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  • Did a small 10% water change today and tried to siphon crap out of the fuge...
  • Manually pulled GHA off of the two rocks it is starting to really inhabit (PITA)
  • Pissed the corals off. They are fine now.
  • Fed PE Mysis, everyone rejoiced, except my hands.
  • Cleaned my Koralias. They were freaking covered in GHA and gunk.
  • Turned over a Ric on a flat plug that a turbo knocked face first into the sand.
  • Took apart my BRS reactor, replaced floss, rinsed out dividers.
  • Added a Peppermint Shrimp yesterday. Haven't seen him since I put him in the tank about 35 hours ago.

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I have to buy an RO/DI unit....


I can't get in and out of an LFS without spending 100 dollars... Seriously it's f'ed up.


I just bought


CA test kit

Phosphate test kit

Emerald Crab

2 Rics

10 gallons RO/DI


Pics to follow

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I'll get pics later. I tried putting the new rics on my ric rock and that didn't work. The flow was too strong and floated them everywhere. Not sure what to do. I guess I'll have to glue them on? Never done that before.


My green palys have gone from 3 to 10 since I got them. Crazy. Of course my ugliest coral grows the fastest.


Turbo snails and tearing algae up but knocking everything over. Every morning I have to rearrange stuff they mess up.


2 nassarius snails out of the tank on the floor again today. I don't know what's up with those damn big snails but they really don't like staying in the tank for some reason. 1 is dead, the other alive.


I need RO/DI, ATO, and an MP10.

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I have to buy an RO/DI unit....


I can't get in and out of an LFS without spending 100 dollars... Seriously it's f'ed up.


I just bought


CA test kit

Phosphate test kit

Emerald Crab

2 Rics

10 gallons RO/DI


Pics to follow


LOL I think that's the LFS's hope! Seriously consider a Spectrapure ProPlus for $149 + shipping. It is awesome. Here's the link: http://www.spectrapure.com/email/customer-appreciation.html


You gonna get the new wireless MP10 or the older version? Please tell us what you do with those rics and how you do it. I may have need of that info soon . . .

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LOL I think that's the LFS's hope! Seriously consider a Spectrapure ProPlus for $149 + shipping. It is awesome. Here's the link: http://www.spectrapure.com/email/customer-appreciation.html


You gonna get the new wireless MP10 or the older version? Please tell us what you do with those rics and how you do it. I may have need of that info soon . . .


Yeah I've read alot about that RODI unit... That's the one I want. 21 dollars shipping ugh..


I'd love to get the new wireless one with the ecosmart Driver.


I've read that you need to mount rics on some small sliver of rock and then glue that down on the LR. I've never done it though. I have 3 new ones that are on huge frag blocks that are all about to split. Once they do I will probably try and glue them all down. I have 2 blues, 3 (soon to be 6) greens, and the one big pink/orange/purple one. I'd love to add a bright yellow to the mix.

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Alright... Tested Phosphates for the first time - 0.


Tested Calcium for the first time. 500???? Is that too high? How did it get that way?


Took some more pics. Got a few new Zoa/Palys today.





















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You can't glue rics, they're too slimy.

Put them in a shot glass in your tank with some rock or rubble beneath them and leave them in a low flow area for a few days.

They'll attach on their own.


I've considered that Spectrapure unit myself.


Ca of 500 isn't awful, but you should check your Alk, it might be low.

You might be getting these levels from the salt you're using.

Is it Oceanic?

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You can't glue rics, they're too slimy.

Put them in a shot glass in your tank with some rock or rubble beneath them and leave them in a low flow area for a few days.

They'll attach on their own.


I've considered that Spectrapure unit myself.


Ca of 500 isn't awful, but you should check your Alk, it might be low.

You might be getting these levels from the salt you're using.

Is it Oceanic?


Thanks for the tips. Ok I'll check ALK in a bit. I'm using Seachem Reef Salt. Alk has always been good when I tested it before.

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Alright I pulled every sponge a filter floss out of my BRS Reactor.


I even ripped the sponges out that were glued to the tubes that go inside the cannisters. They were all brown/black and nasty... I'm almost positive they were acting like bioballs, etc. now and causing my GHA.


I hope to see the Emerald, Turbos, and WC's be able to get rid of it now.....


The Turbos have been mowing the algae on the back wall though REALLY well. It's amazing how much they eat.


I fragged my Teal palys for a fellow ARC member today and he gave me some sort of Zoa Paly. Can't wait to see it open.


I ordered another frag rack and a Dwarf Golden Moray Eel :mellow:


I'm f'ed up.

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FTS never really look good with my tank because all my frags are so tiny. I tried to get a decent one:



















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Wow are you serious? Dwarf golden moray eel? Wow you are definitely 100 times more daring than I. And I like your FTS - yeah, some of your frags are small but everyone usually starts that way. Heck my tank's got smaller frags than yours! The filling in and the progression is what it's all about anyway. Have you seen plainrt's 1 year comparison photos? It gives me (and my hubby) lots of hope about what the tank could possibly hold several months down the road.


Are you gonna have to reaquascape with the eel coming? When's it supposed to arrive?

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Wow are you serious? Dwarf golden moray eel? Wow you are definitely 100 times more daring than I. And I like your FTS - yeah, some of your frags are small but everyone usually starts that way. Heck my tank's got smaller frags than yours! The filling in and the progression is what it's all about anyway. Have you seen plainrt's 1 year comparison photos? It gives me (and my hubby) lots of hope about what the tank could possibly hold several months down the road.


Are you gonna have to reaquascape with the eel coming? When's it supposed to arrive?


Good questions... I do need to rescape I just don't freaking want to... I hate rescaping. It arrives Wednesday... I should pay someone to come do it for me. I LOATHE it.


I feel a bit guilty about the Moray buy. It was too impulsive and I've been pretty decent at doing that so far. I hope it wasn't a mistake. I felt like I read enough about them and about peoples experiences with them, that I could adequately care for it, but part of me thinks I'm pushing it.


We will see... It's definitely my last thing (besides corals) going into this tank.

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Love the pics on the last page, very nice :D Can't wait to see that eel as well. Also I may have missed it, but where did you get that rack and what size is it? I'm thinking about getting one.

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