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MJ's 29g Barrel 'O Monkeys

Militant Jurist

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Militant Jurist
Why can I foresee automatics on motion detectors.


Good to hear there was nothing more then a broken window.


Read a case about something like that a while ago. Apparently the cops and the law frown on those kinds of things.


lol...look on youtube for a video of a paintball gun that uses motion sensors to shoot at anything within a 180* radius. it was a freakin' sweet build.


Haha that's awesome. Hm... ideas....

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Militant Jurist

Well, the security net is being tightened. The door in question: locked down tight. I'm getting a new fiberglass door, so this should hopefully be the end of this particular headache.

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Yeah it would probably get you in trouble inless your there to fire it your self.




Really good fly paper then :)


Yeah that would probably get you in trouble as well though. Oh well.

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Militant Jurist

I have the solution:


security-camera.jpg followed by punisher_says_smile.png



Apparently my brother looked into some fairly inexpensive, but good quality, video surveillance for my dad's shop. I'm thinking about getting a system for the house, with internal and external recording. Most of these seem to have night vision standard.


Once I had an ID, then the problem can be....... addressed.

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Militant Jurist

Haha that's awesome. I think I'd rather load something other than paint though. ;) At the very least, some bank money dye.

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Deleted User 6

i'm sure that could be accomplished. but i guarantee if someone starts getting hit with regular ol' paintballs and they don't know where they're coming from, they'll gtfo.

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Militant Jurist
i'm sure that could be accomplished. but i guarantee if someone starts getting hit with regular ol' paintballs and they don't know where they're coming from, they'll gtfo.


Getting hit with either of these would be a much better guarantee:





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Militant Jurist
So did ya go to the dog and pony show with the Pres yesterday, heard it was in Columbus?


It was a block away from my office. I walked by it to go file a notice on one of my cases. It was interesting to see all of the protesters that were there. I was also on the look out for Secret Service snipers. I was curious to see what kind of rifles they were using.


The bigger show was in Clintonville (a suburb of Columbus), where he had a private meeting with a person IDed as a someone assisted by the porkulus package. For Obama to end up in Clintonville isn't a good sign.... he had to look that far just to find someone who was benefited?

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Militant Jurist
He's such a dweeb.


That's one word for it. If he were a Republic, I could only imagine how bad it would be in the press. The insult tossed at Bush would seem like compliments. If this guy spent as much time working for his employers (the taxpayers), as he does working for his special interests or on his golf game, things might actually be working out. But as it is, unemployment is up in today's report, and the once unlikely possibility of a double-dip recession is not being discussed as a real possibility. Even the usually unanimous Fed is starting to crack, with one member warning of dire consequences from the current administration's (and the Fed's) policies.

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He doesn't, IMO, care about anything but the destruction of the capitalist system and the demise of personal wealth. Like those before him (read Stalin, Mao, Marx) he believes in the practice of socialism for the people, not for the socialist. It is evidenced in just about everything he does. The people must tighten their belts and the providers (people like us that work) must provide to the recipients (people that don't pay into the system but bleed resources from it). All this BS while he goes off to vacations, concerts, sporting events etc on the tax payers nickel.

How about Michele and one daughter going to Spain for a vacation that cost the taxpayer $375,000.00? So if his salary is about $400k per year he should give that back because they spent that amount on the trip. Yeah right!!!

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Militant Jurist
He doesn't, IMO, care about anything but the destruction of the capitalist system and the demise of personal wealth. Like those before him (read Stalin, Mao, Marx) he believes in the practice of socialism for the people, not for the socialist. It is evidenced in just about everything he does. The people must tighten their belts and the providers (people like us that work) must provide to the recipients (people that don't pay into the system but bleed resources from it). All this BS while he goes off to vacations, concerts, sporting events etc on the tax payers nickel.

How about Michele and one daughter going to Spain for a vacation that cost the taxpayer $375,000.00? So if his salary is about $400k per year he should give that back because they spent that amount on the trip. Yeah right!!!


The sad thing is that he told the American people that this was coming. He openly talked of redistributing wealth and fundamentally transforming the country. Even though Michelle Obama technically paid for her own trip, the taxpayers sure were on the hook for sending the protection detail that went along with them. With all of the vacationing they've done lately, it seems like the primarily interest in the White House was the travel perks. Oh, and let's not forget about the great games of golf. When you are POTUS, you don't have to wait behind the 80 year old couple who walk the course. ;)


Ok, new rule: Every time Obama wants to have a "teachable moment" or introduce some new policy, he should have to yell "FOUR!!" so that everyone can get their heads down and their wallets covered.

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Ok, new rule: Every time Obama wants to have a "teachable moment" or introduce some new policy, he should have to yell "FOUR!!" so that everyone can get their heads down and their wallets covered.



That my friend is beautiful!!!!!

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Militant Jurist

On the subject of the mosque controversy, I've just heard probably the best analogy that sums it all up pretty well:


"40 years ago the Manson family committed unspeakable murders in the name of a Beatles song, I still love the Beatles, but surely I would never ride around a couple of blocks from Sharon Tate's resting place blasting Helter Skelter on my car stereo.


Sure, I have the right to do it, I just wouldn't because it's disrespectful."


Source: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2010/...set=1#comment10


That my friend is beautiful!!!!!


I thought you'd enjoy that. B)

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since this political thread has devolved into what it is, let me inject some facts:


Bush vacationed twice as much as Obama as of last month:



It took Reagan almost 4 years before the horrible economy he inherited rebounded.



Obama is more to the center/right than Clinton and even some Republicans of yesterday. Nixon started the EPA, more regulation, a regulated healthcare system. The right has simply moved so far to the right to be nearly unrecognizable. But nothing will change your minds as whatever Obama does will be wrong. I heard a lot of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" from the Right during the Bush years. This is just Obama Derangement Syndrome on steroids!


The fact is Obama inherited a failing banking system, a failing economy, two wars and grid lock in congress. Facts, not blame, facts.

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Militant Jurist

I wish I had time to respond more fully, but here's a response to a few selected items:


As for Obama's overreach, one needs to only look so far as ObamaCare's individual mandate. "Never before has the Commerce Clause and associated Necessary and Proper Clause been extended this far." Virginia v. Sebelius, Case No. 3:10-cv-00188-HEH, August 2, 2010 Memorandum Opinion Denying Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, at p. 25.


Let's see... then there's the ethics and transparency issues that have plagued Obama, despite all of his promises and assurances. The closed-door ObamaCare negotiations. The rushed and un-read bill. The tax delinquent, and industry connected, Secretary of the Treasury. Let's not forget the appointment of an SEIU attorney to the National Labor Relations Board, or the bulldozer Obama drove through senior creditors' rights in the GM/Chrysler takeover/restructure.


Then, there's Obama's "teachable moments," such as when he lashed out at the police office who arrested his friend, despite having no facts about the situation.


On the economy, Obama's policies rely on the widely discredited Keynesian multiplier effect. His tax hike proposals on "the rich" instead soak those who are far from rich... small business owners. As noted above, reputable economists have begun to discuss the more probable double dip recession we're heading toward, as a result of uncertainty in the policies of the future. With the possibility of large tax hikes next year, there's going to be a lot of profit-taking at the end of this year, leading to a possible collapse of the market. Let's not forget the easy money the Fed is spreading around, combined with the continued policies of the Freddy and Fannie, which are helping those with "undocumented income" get houses they can't afford. This combination is going to lead to the house market collapse, part II.


"[G]rid lock in congress" - Are you serious? Democrats have had a majority since 2006, and in the 111th Congress, the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority.


Also, I love the way you attack Henry and I as doing nothing but "blaming" Obama, and being "deranged," when you apparently haven't read this "political thread" and you know nothing about us. As for me personally, I don't blame him for everything. I am rather pleased that he has wisely continued the Bush policies on Gitmo, state secrets, targeted killings, staying the course in Iraq, the "surge" strategy, the use of military forces within the United States, enforcement of the Patriot Act, wiretaps, military tribunals, rendition, and the denial of habeas corpus to Bagram prisoners. For those things, Obama gets an atta-boy.

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Militant Jurist

Sometimes I wish I did more in federal constitutional law.... I'd love to rain on some larger parades. Instead, I just get to piss off the State of Ohio and many of its political subdivisions and entities.


I need to mow the yard and do some maintenance on my firearms tonight, but I'm hoping to snag better pictures of the tank tonight. The clowns and shrimp seem to like their new home. The sixline and chalk bass have been behaving as well, thankfully!

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<lol, obama is dumb>

That doesn't even warrant a response.


<<As for Obama's overreach, one needs to only look so far as ObamaCare's individual mandate. "Never before has the Commerce Clause and associated Necessary and Proper Clause been extended this far." Virginia v. Sebelius, Case No. 3:10-cv-00188-HEH, August 2, 2010 Memorandum Opinion Denying Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, at p. 25.>>


Really, that's the big overreach? I thought you'd have something substantial (can you even explain that example?) like suspending habeas corpus, authorizing secret prisons, illegal domestic wiretap (NSA), breaking from the Geneva Convention, authorizing an illegal war, you know, stuff like that. All done by Bush and administration while Republicans were mostly silent. Hypocrisy.


<<Let's see... then there's the ethics and transparency issues that have plagued Obama, despite all of his promises and assurances. The closed-door ObamaCare negotiations. The rushed and un-read bill. The tax delinquent, and industry connected, Secretary of the Treasury. Let's not forget the appointment of an SEIU attorney to the National Labor Relations Board, or the bulldozer Obama drove through senior creditors' rights in the GM/Chrysler takeover/restructure.>>


Certainly not complete transparency. But much better than the last admin. The secret energy meetings with Cheney, the A.G. secret signing of power during a hospital visit, outing a CIA operative and the cover up, the lies about WMDs and yellow cake uranium, scores of lobbyists in the White House, VPs former companies' back-room deals and contracts. All done by Bush and administration while Republicans were mostly silent. Hypocrisy.


<<Then, there's Obama's "teachable moments," such as when he lashed out at the police office who arrested his friend, despite having no facts about the situation. >>

I'll give that one to you. Although the Cambridge PD did act stupidly, he didn't need to weigh in on it.


<<On the economy, Obama's policies rely on the widely discredited Keynesian multiplier effect. His tax hike proposals on "the rich" instead soak those who are far from rich... small business owners. As noted above, reputable economists have begun to discuss the more probable double dip recession we're heading toward, as a result of uncertainty in the policies of the future. With the possibility of large tax hikes next year, there's going to be a lot of profit-taking at the end of this year, leading to a possible collapse of the market. Let's not forget the easy money the Fed is spreading around, combined with the continued policies of the Freddy and Fannie, which are helping those with "undocumented income" get houses they can't afford. This combination is going to lead to the house market collapse, part II.>>


You're talking about rolling back taxes to Clinton era. Even lower than Reagan era. I think you'd agree those were pretty prosperous times? Yes? It's not socialism, nor Marxism, nor communism. He's always said, $250,000/3%. We have a progressive tax rate already. He's just trying to stop the tax breaks to the wealthiest 2% of Americans. Far from rich? Really? I'd define 5-1/2 TIMES the median income as RICH! My taxes will go up. I don't mind.


<<"[G]rid lock in congress" - Are you serious? Democrats have had a majority since 2006, and in the 111th Congress, the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority.>>

I never said Republican gridlock. It is gridlock. When the Republican party votes NO en bloc, it makes it hard to get anything done. Remember a few months ago when Republican Richard Shelby held up all of Obama's lower cabinet appointees for political reasons? That's gridlock.


<<Also, I love the way you attack Henry and I as doing nothing but "blaming" Obama, and being "deranged," when you apparently haven't read this "political thread" and you know nothing about us. As for me personally, I don't blame him for everything. I am rather pleased that he has wisely continued the Bush policies on Gitmo, state secrets, targeted killings, staying the course in Iraq, the "surge" strategy, the use of military forces within the United States, enforcement of the Patriot Act, wiretaps, military tribunals, rendition, and the denial of habeas corpus to Bagram prisoners. For those things, Obama gets an atta-boy.>>


I never attacked you or Henry. Did I even mention your names? Bush Derangement Syndrome was something I heard a lot from the Right during the Bush years. Every criticism leveled on him was caste with the same light. I remember watching Neil Cavuto in 2008 (yes, I watch and read FoxNews) and he had a financial expert on. She was just quoting stats that our economy was in a downturn, that wages were falling, unemployment was rising, and we were heading for a full-blown recession (turns out she was only half right, the recession already started a year earlier). Anyway, Neil stops her and asks, "when President Bush walks past a mirror, does he see his reflection?" She's like, "what?" He says, "you know, like a vampire or demon." He then says she and the left are attacking the president, they are un-American, they should be ashamed and he dresses her down for quoting stats. Fast forward today and you get people who are so emotional and filled with such vitriol toward YOUR president, when their guy was much worst. It's really disheartening. As far as reading the whole thread, no, I did not. I was expecting to read about MJ's 29 gallon tank. I guess I missed the political subtext in the heading?


You want to attack the pres, fine. But be fair about it. When someone says he's a bum for vacationing, the truth is he vacationed HALF as much as the last guy. So it doesn't exactly ring true or even genuine. It's the HYPOCRISY. There's too much screaming, exaggeration, and hyperbole. And It seems to be all about your party regaining power. Unfortunately for you the people spoke during the last election and the Republicans lost big. Maybe that will change. I honestly don't think it will anytime soon. The party has splintered itself beyond recognition. Which is really too bad. I respect and admire the party of yesterday. I was a diehard Republican but regrettably the party is a shell of what it once was. If you aren't already, try getting some perspective on the news and watch/read something other than Fox. Try the BBC or other "lamestream" media outlets.




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