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Daves Shallow SPS 35g


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That setosa makes me envious. I thought I was getting decent growth out of mine. It encrusts fairly well and sends up the occasional branch but no awesome tabling growth like yours is giving you!

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dave are you noticing anything else positive or negative, from the daily water/small changes.

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Bitts - Nothing negative at all. With small amounts there are no massive changes. With cleaning the sandbed there is no time for things to rot and you notice all the small things. Nailing aptasia before it gets out of control, finding any algae to pick/pull and just noticing things before they can go bad.


Most people over look the small stuff stuff and only look for the big picture. With how different each coral is its good to check each daily, nothing crazy but a brief overlook. Look at us we inspect our faces, shower, eat, ect. Its the same stuff that we need to imply in our reef tanks!


Hope this helps!




P.S- I am getting 6 mini dart gobies today!

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thanks dave been thinkin about doing a daily change of a quart to help stabalize my spg, and make sure that the water is as pure as posable. use to do this, back when i started, but aparently i've gotten lazy of the years.


lookin forward to the mini darts.

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Great thread! Great tank!! I'd just like to know....how many hours do you have in YOUR day.


I only have 24 hrs. It seems like you have a million things going at once!!


I DON'T see how you do it!! It makes me tired just reading about everything you are doing!!



I would like to make a suggestion about your blog....On all of the articles

except the latest one, the character font doesn't contrast enough with the

background. (at least when I browse it with Firefox). Makes it hard to read!!


I tried to pm you with this info but your box is full.


Keep up the good work!!



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Bitts - I think a small change every 3 days is a little better. Just me though


Doug - Thanks so much! Its hard to balance everything out, between working 9-10 hours a day at work, new business, fish tank, girlfriend and every day life. I like it though! send me an email at....




DHaut - My LFS :)



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I should have pictures tonight.


Only three showed up, they are still alive from the night!


By far one of the coolest fishes, small, school, colorful and on the move all day! For my new tank I plan on trying 20+



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What a weekend so far! Played paintball today, finished some fun stuff with my LED's, and all mini darts are alive!


Mini Dart Gobies - I ordered five to start with. One did not make it from shipping. After putting the four that survived in my tank I lost one right away or so I thought. Yesterday three were still in a group and the other still no where to be found. I wake up this morning and then next thing you know, all four are alive and in a group! So happy they all lived.


Nano-Box Reef/Ryujin Lighting - My new company I am starting for nano tanks. My first plan of action is my Ryujin series of lighting. I have been working on this for 3+ months and things are just starting to finalize. I have my first controller all together. This will go with my LED fixtures or you can use it with your DIY set up. It has an OLED screen, USB, power supply ( or you can use yours ) and some other really cool features. I should have these finished in another 1-2 months. Stay tuned!


The Four Amigos







Ryujin - It has begun!



Hope you enjoy!



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The mini darts are so cool. Glad to hear that they are staying strong for you. That said, that last video is rocking. :wub:


All you need now to top off the Saturday is a brew for that Brookyln Brewery coaster ;)

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:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:




Love the new additions, and also really love the name of your new company/ies!!!


Congrats bro!!!

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By far one of the coolest fishes, small, school, colorful and on the move all day! For my new tank I plan on trying 20+




Very cool Dave. They look great!

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