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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Daves Shallow SPS 35g


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Looks great Dave...really digging the work area and ideas for the future tanks. You'll have to e-mail me back sometime about my thoughts on the enclosures.



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Madea - Your alive!!! How is everything going your way?


Bitts - Thanks man! I swear I am going to build a nano tank with a PVC bottom soon. I know you were really interested in that. I have been slammed with work and the LED project.



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Animal - Mini Dart Goby/ Blue Eyed Dart, and the tiny ones that we cant obtain :(



I really like the ones that live among the soft corals, we can't get those :(

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dave you know im intrested in the pvc bottom tank, but im dieing to see the triple decker too.

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I am trying to work around my move. If I can have everything ready when I move into our new house it will be MUCH easier!


Its my BIRFDAY this weekend too :P




P.S - Adam you have an email

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Nice shots Dave! Could you post a couple progression shots for the Setosa? I think seeing them next to each other would make the growth more evident.

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Oh man that is impressive! I can't wait till mine takes off. It's encrusting some, but it's color is unbelievable...I couldn't be happier!

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Oh man that is impressive! I can't wait till mine takes off. It's encrusting some, but it's color is unbelievable...I couldn't be happier!

I'm with you... Mine is pretty damn small right now, but the color is amazing!!!


Mine needs to take off like Dave's!!! -_-


Good stuff for sure Dave!!!



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Great growth on the Setosa Dave. The one that I have must have decided it's finally laid down a nice enough base and it's starting to have growth on the outer rim similar to yours. Very exciting to see it finally doing something other than taking up real estate :)


LIFE last night was FANTASTIC.....my wife and I were glued to TV once again.

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Thanks guys! Its hard to really tell how much it has grown because there are 25+ branches on the lower side. I could seriously frag this 5-10 times and it would be hard to notice. I am trading a Setosa frag and Pink polyp cap frag for a Miami Hurricane tomorrow so I will post some new pictures.


Life was spectacular tonight. Makes me want 1000+ engineer gobies :P


I received the first two prototype controllers, now I am just waiting for a few parts to put them together. I hope to have something running in a 7-10 days.



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I received the first two prototype controllers, now I am just waiting for a few parts to put them together. I hope to have something running in a 7-10 days.



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wow those pics say it all.

any thoughts as to the growth. im sure that we would all like to replecate this.

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Deleted User 6

Love you new eviota nigriventris! I saw one at Petco the other day (of all places, lol) and I'm going to stop by today to see if it is still available. I had a pair but one disappeared and I think it's gone for good. The other I see about every couple days. The sixline chases it though so it stays hidden a lot.


Still no pics of that stand?


Also, on the mini darts, my only concern would be jumping. They are TINY - the skinniest fish I've ever seen. I don't think even 1/4" mesh would stop them.

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Thanks guys. Honestly I think my growth has been with the small water changes and keeping up with my CAL and ALK. With some patience any ones tank can have some nice growth. Oh and feed your tank, A LOT!


The stand should be completed soon, I have just been so busy between work, life and starting my new small business I have been really overwhelmed with stuff. This past weekend I had a Mexican Fiesta at my house for my birthday and was much needed!


Any ways I just finished a H2O change and I will have some photo's tomorrow.



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