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Daves Shallow SPS 35g


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I should have all of my Ozone reactor equipment today! I hope to have time to build it this week and hopefully running in the next few weeks.


I'm saving up some for a Hanna refractometer. Its a piece of equipment that I will keep forever so I figure why not get the best? I want to start doing two small water changes a week and see how things react to the water quality. I am working on a salt water/RO water station so H20 changes will be a breeze.


Fun picture for the day...




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Thanks DHaut.


The eel is doing great. Its a great feeling that he now recognizes me for food. It will just pop its head out every time it feels the vibrations of me walking by.



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bitts - Shoot me a link to your stuff.


Well I did a huge cleaning of the tank. Pulled the Vortech, iTech, Ehiem out and cleaned them all. Everything is working 10x better now. My ALK is back to 9 and the corals look GREAT.


I updated my blog on LED lighting so you guys should go check it out! ;)





here's the link




nothing great but may save you some time.

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I wish I could pick them up along with some other stuff but I need to save for equipment now. Thanks for looking out DHaut!


I received my DIY ozone reactor stuff today. I am extremely excited about this and it is going to look great. Hopefully I can have it built this weekend and in the next few weeks have it hooked up. :)


Here's a few pre-fab pictures. The bio-bale material goes into the reactor to slow down the water flow and more reaction time for the ozone and water to react. This will run to my MR1 shorty carbon reactor and then back to my tank.







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If I didn't know what that was, I would have figured you were starting up a meth lab or something ;)


Looking forward to seeing and hearing how it turns out for you.

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congrats uhuru, strated a thread about it on the main forum. but i dont think anyone looked at it befor it was pushed down and off. eeh... anyways congrats.


and dave the tank of the month thing is way cool. looking forward to the next.

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Thanks bitts.


I am working on a real blog and buying a host for it. It would be easier for people to follow and you would not have to log on.



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I was working on my dining room table on my LED stuff and I started to look at my tank behind me. My one eyed hermit was looking odd. I walk over and look hard and its molting in front of me! I know its nothing crazy but it was one of the coolest things to watch. I grabbed my camera and started to snap away.


Excuse the ones that are not focused, I was way to excited over this.


The Molting

















I hope I am not playing this comic book series stuff out ;)



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Really digging the action series Dave. Seeing hermits and shrimp molt is one odd occurrence to see in person. I saw my Peppermint Shrimp 1/2 molted in my previous tank and it was crazy to watch.


I've got my heatsinks in! The LED unit just got a little bit smaller :)




Big Thumbs Up!!!

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