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Cultivated Reef

Day Job


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I'm one of two Navy E-6B pilots on this board. Live in Oklahoma city and fly a Boeing 707.


I use my per diem from deployments to justify my reefing addiction (I mean, if you don't fiscally PLAN for having that money, you might as well NOT have that money, right??? :rolleyes:)


Since we're in the Navy in Oklahoma, we have to bring the ocean with us. Sad.



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I am a Medical Director for a Medical Education Company. (Basically a glorified medical writer)

I can answer all you cancer/adhd/obesity/cardiac/ED/rheumatology/bipolar/schizophenia quesions. :P

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I am a Medical Director for a Medical Education Company. (Basically a glorified medical writer)

I can answer all you cancer/adhd/obesity/cardiac/ED/rheumatology/bipolar/schizophenia quesions. :P



ED huh? I think there might be a few people on here that could use your assistance..... :blink:

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My worst job was construction one summer.


I also worked in an entomology (bugs) lab at Simon Fraser University. I had nightmares that bugs were crawling all over me.


My dream job is to make movies for a living.


My current job is making movies for a living. (Hey, what do you know!)

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hi everyone

i was wonder what do my fellow nano-reef due to make the cash to pay for there reef aquarium addiction.

i personally work as a Instrmentation & Controls Engineer for the Company AEP. its not glamous work but i make good money and have fairly good life as of yet. but while i was in college i did every kind of job ranging from pizza cook to working a brewery to aqurium cleaner thats how i started my hobby. so if you guys would like to share what you do to make the coral cash that is so important our lives






PS. Tell me about your best and your worst day job or night jobs




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Ahh very cool i was at John Amos but not Kammer/Mitchell. i am now working for a contracting company overseas building new power plants i am leaving next truseday for ireland for about 4 months then on to a project in California. AEP and i came to words and i left and broke my contract with them just before thanksgiving but all is well in my little world

Edited by scottyreef
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My worst job was molding industrial suction cups, ones that were on steele frames and had like 24 sixteen inch cups on them, I worked in a section of the factory that molded the cups, it was a room that was kept at 110 degrees so the rubber could be moulded. There were 20 presses that were at a really high temp (cant remember exactly, but i do know that a seconds touch on the metal would brand your skin, so I've got scars all up n down my arms.) We had a drinking fountain but couldnt keep actual containers of water because of oshea standards. We would wear bandannas on our heads soaked in water to keep us cool but they would be dry in around fifteen minutes. It was eleven hour shifts, with an hour for lunch. But we could smoke in the building, and because of the airflow we didnt even have to take them out of our mouths, sothat was ok. Oh, and the shift was 4 pm to 3 am.


My best job is the one I have now, I work on cars, all day, and love it.

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im an arbourist for davey tree. worst day was today, everything went wrong, truck broke down, chipper broke down, my groundsmen started to yell at me. other arbourist not giving my equipment that i lent out back. best day, finishing the days work at 10:30 in the morning.

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