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The Unofficial Sexy Shrimp Thread


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ive read a lot of this thread.. but i havent seen anythng about raising fry or having one survive mysteriously... anyone have a thought?

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What do you mean by 'having one survive mysteriously?' You found a baby in your tank?

I'm working on an article for the site now and will include a small section on raising the babies. For now, though, take a look at the first post of this thread. There are a couple of links under 'Breeding'. :)

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I just found this site


I've been lookin for other sexy shrimpers


10g 80w pc 860gph

on an upset xenia





tank is finaly finishing its cycle


lfs is getting me about 4 or 5 more


probably get a goby or blenny of some sort too


like I said this tank is very young,but Fred the sexy shrimp does not seem to mind

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I guess I'm a member of the sexy club too. I have 2 :wub: I thought I lost one as it was missing for about 3-4 weeks. Yesterday I took apart my HOB filter to clean the impellor, came back to put it back in and there was a sexy sitting on top of my chemipure elite! Quickly put him back in the tank. Came back about 30 min. later to check on how it was doing...and saw 2 standing together! Turns out the one has been stuck in the filter for almost a month...poor guy! And I change the media weekly too...must have been underneath the rack or something!

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2.slowduo - :welcome:

But you have corals and a shrimp in a cycling tank? Bad idea..


gena - Crazy story! I know my mom's sexy shrimp take trips into the back chamber of her tank from time to time... and they aren't easy to catch. -_-

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so, i'm a little worried about my sexies bothering my zoas. they will start picking in the center of a closed up polyp. after they leave and the zoa opens back up the skirt looks damaged to me. i feed them mysis or pellets almost every day...did i just get "bad" sexies?

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Some sexies tend to have larger appetites and like to be fed more often. When I can mom's sexies picking at her zoas, I usually chase them away with the forceps and give them more food. Usually satiates them.

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Well... it used to be Official.. until just a few days ago. I was feeling self-conscious and changed it to unofficial.... I might just change it back and delete xbox's thread. ;)

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just got a tiny porcelin crab for the 10


I was told,and I read a couple articles that said they would be fine together


I got the smallest one they had too


he is not much bigger than the sexy,I still want more sexys

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so heres some pics of my sexy shrimps 10g world



some palys I got for 1$ at a frag swap 2 weeks ago


some anthilia from same swap 5$


nice zoas from lfs


and one of the star


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Took me a long time before finding a pair of healthy sexies. In fact, after spending 10 minutes catching one from a display tank, the LFS employee discovered a whole bunch in another section - all congregated within a pile of seaweed. He felt so silly.


But... the wait was worth it. Two of them, happily situated on one end of the tank - along with a fire shrimp, a cleaner shrimp and a pair of clowns. Love coming home and be totally amused with their constant wiggling.



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Finally got around to settng up the new nano for the Sexies and Spike Fin Gobies. Thought I would share a few pictures of the new setup. The tank houses five sexies and a pair of Spike Fin Gbies. It's a 6 Gallon drilled tank with a 25G sump. Everyone seems happy in the new home!

Full tank shot:



One of the Spike Fin Gobies



And the sexies!









and another Spike Fin shot!




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Nice rock wall - foam?


Yes, went with the black spray foam back wall. The sexies love it and hang out on it all day. I used it so that I could create some ''caves" for the spikefin gobies. This should look very nice once the zoanthids start to grow and some coraline starts to cover so it becomes more natural looking.

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i have a coral banded in my tank and am thinking about getting to sexys today would there be any conflict with the coral banded shrimp and the sexys, oh and a lawn mower blenny, thanks

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