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The Yasha Hashe Goby Thread!

Nick's Reef

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My tank has finished cycling and I added my first two inhabitants: a Yashia Goby and Pistol Shrimp. Before putting them in there, I fed them twice in the LFS bag. They readily ate Spectrum micropellets. I wanted to make sure they had full stomaches before going though the wilds of a 34 gallon Solana (they've been in a tupperware for 2+ weeks at the LFS).


Well, after acclimation I released them into the tank and immediately the current wisked the two away. The Pistol Shrimp distracted me as it was swimming in circles on the surface of the tank and I lost sight of the Goby :( He must have burrowed deep within the live rock or sand.


The shrimp found a crevace and just sat there all night. I threw some pellets in the current to entice Mr./Ms. Goby to come out but to no avail.


What are the chances that they'll never find each other again? The shrimp is so sad...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I got a Yasha Haze Goby today a my lfs for $38 and i have not seen him since i put him in my tank the lfs couldn't find the pistol shrimp but i have it on hold

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I think I've lost my second randalli pistol in a row. I had my first one for about a couple of weeks, which it then died after it paired with my yashas in their burrow. Probably a bad molt.


Now, after having my second one for about 3 months, I think the same thing has happened. It paired with my yashas in their burrow. However, I haven't seen the pistol in 3 days. There's absolutely no evidence of any digging. Now, I suspect he could be going through a molt. However, I just got a new emerald crab. He accidentally went into the yashas/pistol burrow. Well, nothing ended up chasing him out, which leads me to believe that the pistol's still very weak or it's dead.


What do you guys think happend to him? Bad molt?


Also, seems like there's another member here who's had trouble with pistols. Anyone else have problems? I thought randalli's were tough?


Any info. is greatly appreciated!!

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okay, pistol is definitely dead. I just saw one of my emeralds hang out in the burrow and drive one of my yasha's out. The other one's still in there, though. When I shined my flashlight in the burrow, the emerald seemed to push further in the burrow. The light also scared the other yasha back into the burrow.


So, now, I have 2 yasha's paired with an emerald crab???


What is going on???

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  • 1 month later...

My Yasha's are super shy. They don't have a pistol paired with them at the moment, although I know that they did at one time. Would they become more outgoing if I were to get them a pistol?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wind: I think the typical prices for a Yasha is around $50-$60. My LFS is calling their dealer next wed. to see if they can get a Yasha and pistol in for me. I told him if it was going to be over $50 to not bother. But he's a cool guy and generally gives me pretty good discounts so it's generally the same base price as live aquaria.


I really want a yasha... awesome looking. But my question... will they be okay with a crushed coral bed? This tank (used) didn't have sand and I didn't think of replacing the bed with sand.

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No responses from that Yasha keepers lately...


I had another question. When I was at my LFS last week putting on order my Yasha, the guy said their supply company had them listed as difficult to keep, but we checked other resources and they said they're easy.


Is there anything particularly difficult or special about taking care of these? I haven't seen much that screams special feeding or care like a mandarin.

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Just got the call from my LFS. He just talked to their dealer and I'm going to be getting a Yasha and pistol shrimp for about $60-$65 :-D

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From what other people have said, they aren't hard to feed, but sometimes they can be extremely shy, to the point that they appear missing or dead.

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I'm hoping the fact that the yasha and pistol will be the first occupants (besides cuc and skunk) in the tank will help with the shyness.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, it is a yasha haze, but I'm not sure if the blue fin colors are true to life. It looks like the yasha photo and the hawkfish (the red fish above) photos have been photoshopped onto new backgrounds, and so the blue on the yasha probably came from a tank background.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How bad are these guys with messing with frags on the sandbed? I'd hate to get a pair and find my ric garden scattered everywhere.

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How bad are these guys with messing with frags on the sandbed? I'd hate to get a pair and find my ric garden scattered everywhere.

I think you'd be fine as long as they don't pick that exact spot to burrow...

If they did, let them do their thing, then build the ric garden around that???

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A pistol shrimp is more likely to move things that are lying on the sandbed.


Well I'm thinking of getting a pair and am interested if other people have had issues with different types of pistols being more inclined to redecorate or not.

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Ok so I have been following this thread and cannot wait to get mine... I am planning on adding two b/w osc. clowns and one of these guys with a pistol, however, this is my first saltwater tank. I have been keeping fish for many years, and I have taken things very slow and asked about a million questions. Anyways, after reading this thread I became interested in having a pair of yasha with one pistol. Could I have 2 clowns and 2 yasha in a 6 month old 16 gallon tank. I know four fish is really pushing it, but they occupy different parts of the tank so I was curious.


If that is too much, shold I add the 2 clowns first then the yasha later or the other way around. Also, how long should I wait in between additions?


Thanks for everything!

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Well I'm thinking of getting a pair and am interested if other people have had issues with different types of pistols being more inclined to redecorate or not.


I've only had a tiger pistol, which is larger than the Randall's. It would move pieces of rubble (around the size of a quarter) to plug up its burrow entrances. It won't move anything on the larger rocks. Also, you could make a frag rack so the pistol has no way of stumbling over the frags.

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I'm going to go get mine in about 20minutes. Any last minute advice? I've waited 2 mos. for my LFS to get them in and they finally said to come in around now so I'm almost off. The pair will go into an aquapod 12 with a clown and fire shrimp and will complete my stocking.

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So I just got them and the pistol seems to have settled in well and started digging after being in a hole in the live rock for the first hour! The goby seems to have found a crevice in the live rock and likes to stay there. They haven't seen eachother yet by what I can tell but I'm hoping they'll pair up w/in the next 24 hours. The colors really seem to pop when they are in the light the little time they have been! So I have my fingers crossed and will see if I can get a video of the tank/pair tomorrow. I'll keep you guys updated. . .

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