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That's awesome Weetie. I knew you would get one before too long. How did you end up convincing your husband? :)


Definitely a very exciting time having a new dog. Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th.


We had some long talks about exactly why I wanted one. I actually did have some very good reasons, completely aside from I WANT IT!!!

Then one day out of the blue he shocked the heck outta me by suggesting that we all go to the Animal Shelter together. I just about fell over, he's just been so opposed.

I had actually been looking for an adult dog and he's the one that was drawn to the 2 lab puppies that we eventually chose Finn from.

I'm thinking that Finn might actually be mixed with one of the Giant breeds like a Great Dane or a Mastiff. He has the personality of one-- gentle, sweet, personable and somewhat lazy.


I hope you have a great 4th too, dive.

I think we're gonna leave in an hr. or so for the festivities, which are being held at a marina by a lake in our town.

I'm actually thinking of taking Finn with me.

I figure it's better to have him with me so I can be a calming presence in the middle of all the "pop, pop, POP!!!", rather than in a crate at home alone by himself.

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cute dog, hope you end up better then my friends who got a black lab mix from the shelter... turns out it was a lab/great dane... thing is the size of a horse, but still very friendly... anyway happy fourth!

Edited by Matty1124
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How did Finn like the fireworks??


Well, he kinda lucked out actually.

It started raining, so we told the kids we wouldn't be able to go to the fireworks and took them to pick out a toy at Kmart to mollify them (which worked quite well :D ).

But then they actually did have the fireworks later and my husband was able to watch them with our 5 yr. old from our front porch.

They actually weren't very loud at our house and Finn didn't pay any attention to them at all.

Thanks for asking!

Here's a newer pic:



In other news, I may have your Nuclear Green frag ready for you, I just need to mount it.

Not sure if I'm quite ready to receive anything back yet though.

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You guys are silly!

I am actually quite concerned about Finn right now.

He has been quite lethargic the last few days, and I think something's wrong, maybe even something serious.

He has a vet appt. tomorrow afternoon, we will see... -_-

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Lost my Yellow Coris Wrasse tonight. :(

He got really skinny (even tho I was feeding him fine) and starting just laying on the floor gasping.

Don't know what caused it, but I am down to just "Nemo" now.

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Sorry to hear of the lose of the coris....beautiful fish for sure.


How did Finn's appt go?


The appt. went okay, I think.

Vet couldn't find anything wrong on physical exam and he didn't seem to have some of the symptoms of the on serious disease I was afraid he might have (HOD).

He got medication to kill his tapeworms and we have a couple of things we're gonna work on to see if it helps.

I found out yest. evening that he's been ingesting some interesting non-food items: metal decoration from my keychain, some kinda bean or M&M, clothing tag, tennis ball fuzz, raisins...

So anyway, I gotta watch him for that.

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Sexy Shrimp

I believe raisins are toxic to dogs - that might explain it...


EDIT - just poorly belly type toxic not gonna kill him type toxic...

Edited by L34NN3
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I found out yest. evening that he's been ingesting some interesting non-food items: metal decoration from my keychain, some kinda bean or M&M, clothing tag, tennis ball fuzz, raisins...

So anyway, I gotta watch him for that.


I hope all is OK. I would just lay around too if I ate that stuff :) Sounds like a normal puppy too me.

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Glad to hear it wasn't anything serious with the pooch. I had a friend at work that his dog ate a ton of raisins and was sick for a couple of days. Just knocks them down for a couple of days but his dog is doing great now.


I know that our puppy loves to try and get just about everything she can get her paws on. She is past the chewing stage now and just likes to test us to see what she can get away with. Guess that's what we get for getting the second most intelligent dog there is :)


Oh yeah, I think our pup is part vegetarian as well....loves carrots, bananas, apples, cucumber, and lettuce. My parents gave their cocker spaniel a little bit of banana every day and she is 15 years old and still kicking :)

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Diatome-- It's good to hear from someone else who is hanging in there through difficulties.

I have small children as well, and I totally understand life getting in the way!!!

As for the flow, I did have the returns all on one side, but I have added a Koralia 1 for additional flow. I am still playing around with it's final location, but like you I think I prefer the "crashing flow" effect and will try to achieve something close to that.


I continue to feel hopeful about final seeing an upswing in my personal reefing world and this tank still seems to be looking better after all my work.

I'll try to do new pics before long.

Life's been BUSY!!!


And speaking of new pics and life being busy, here's a pic of my new baby that I just brought home tonight:




He's a male Lab mix puppy that I just adopted from the local Animal Shelter. Don't know his age for sure. I'm guessing around 3-4 months but hope to find out something more definitive at his vet appt. tomorrow.

His name is Finn, like Huck Finn.

He's very friendly, really likes people and really likes kids.

His first bad habit is barking when left alone, so we need to work on that.

I hope we get some sleep tonight!



Your cousins really like your puppy!


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Tell them to come over and see him, he loves everyone!!!

He's growing like a weed and will soon weigh the same as my 2 1/2 yr. old.

I suspect he's mixed with Redbone Coonhound.

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Cute puppy. Labs FTW!!!!!!!!


Man, great dog... I want a lab sooo bad, but I told myself I wouldn't get one 'till I have a home with a whole lot more room than I have now!


Congrats Weetie!!!

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I expect him to be big, and I'm fine with that!

One of my favorite breeds is the English Mastiff, which is the largest breed there is!

I am making very sure to train him in good manners now though, while he is still young and a manageable size. Before he goes through any door, he must sit first and stay there until I invite him to come through. Same for his food, he must sit first and is not allowed to go eat til I give him the go ahead. We go on a walk every morning, and he is not allowed to pull and if he does he is corrected. He has learned all of the above very quickly and is very well mannered.

I am working with the kids as well on the correct way to act around him and treat him.

I strongly suspect he is mixed with Redbone Coonhound. Redbone Coonhounds are common around here, quite possibly cause the breed was developed very close to here. He has a Hound tail, not a thick Lab tail, and his sister was brown with a little black on her face. You have to look close to see it, but I can see a little bit of a resemblance to a Redbone Coonhound around his eyes and his neck.

Here's a link to a good pic of a Redbone Coonhound:


If you compare that pic to the pic that SPS20 copied above, you might be able to see a little of what I mean in the face.

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All the kids in your family have beautiful big brown eyes! Such cuties. Almost as cute as the dog...


Thank You!!!

The kids in the pic BibleSue posted are not mine, they are actually BibleSue's daughters' (SN Verity) kids.

While my youngest has beautiful big chocolate brown eyes just like his daddy, my oldest actually has blue eyes. They were an unbelievable deep steel blue when he was born, and have changed to a pretty grey blue now. This pic was taken last fall, but you can see my boys eyes in it pretty good:



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