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El Fab's Pico Reef: 2007–2010

el fabuloso

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The monti is starting to grow out of the water. I really should do something about it like maybe move it over to the RSM but I worry that it might not thrive in there. :unsure:


I remember you saying something about not wanting to frag it at all, but if you could manage to frag off a semi-hidden part of it and stick it in the RSM, it'd be a good way to find out.

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I just read your whole thread. Amazing progress. Outstanding job man. Keep it up.

Thanks! :)


I remember you saying something about not wanting to frag it at all, but if you could manage to frag off a semi-hidden part of it and stick it in the RSM, it'd be a good way to find out.

Good thinking. I have a small frag in my fuge that I could test with although the last time it was in the RSM half of it bleached overnight. :scarry:

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Jamie, su español es bueno aunque no creo que lo necesitará en Belice, ya que la mayoria de la gente hablan inglés. Hay varias maneras para cerrar una carta:


Le saluda atentamente (o simplemente "atentamente")


Se puede decir "cordialmente" si quieres algo menos formal. Para la familia y amigos, "un abrazo" o "besos" será suficiente.


¡Más fotos muy pronto! :)


damn, necesito investigar lugares ántes de aprendiendo la lengua. Alguna vez voy a ir a un país que habla español. :rolleyes:


pero ahora puedo usar este sitio para practicar:



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Good thinking. I have a small frag in my fuge that I could test with although the last time it was in the RSM half of it bleached overnight. :scarry:


Water params essentially the same? Would be fun figuring out how high to mount it in the RSM, the 9W PC over the fuge may not be much, but its what, barely a few inches from the frag itself? Would be fun figuring out about how high in the RSM would be semi-equal in terms of lighting intensity.

Edited by gregzbobo
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Amazing job on the tank!


Just one quick question: Is your AquaClear 70 still noisy, or has it quieted down after prolonged use? Mine has only been up and running for about a week total, and I've taken apart the motor numerous times, but yet it is still NOISY on the low setting.


Thank you very much!


(sorry if you have already answered this question before)

Edited by happyclam
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I can't speak for El Fab, but my AC70 has been running since mid October, and its quieted down ALOT, its just a very mild hum, and I sleep with it about 4 feet from my head each night.

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I'm enjoying all of the Spanish in this thread. I still read it pretty well, can't hear it or even speak it very well anymore, but that's what happens when you don't use it.


El Fab, I got a picotope for Christmas. :happydance: I'm debating putting my 70w Viper on there. I can't decide what I want, there are too many possibilities!

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I can't speak for El Fab, but my AC70 has been running since mid October, and its quieted down ALOT, its just a very mild hum, and I sleep with it about 4 feet from my head each night.



Any updated lately? I started my nano because of this Pico. I hope one day mine can look as good as his does.

No updates at all. I've pretty much been neglecting this tank for a while now and it looks like crap. I've been holding out till I get it back to shape to take some pics but I may just take some pics of it as is, to show everyone just how much I've neglected it. Oh and I'm pretty sure that all my shrimps are dead. :(


I'm enjoying all of the Spanish in this thread. I still read it pretty well, can't hear it or even speak it very well anymore, but that's what happens when you don't use it.

Genial! Vamos a hacer más. :happy:


El Fab, I got a picotope for Christmas. :happydance: I'm debating putting my 70w Viper on there. I can't decide what I want, there are too many possibilities!

Yay!! Awesome. Welcome to the small side. I understand the feeling, there's so much you can do yet so little room. Unlike big tanks you really can't afford to throw random crap in a pico which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Pre-planning is important. Figure out what you would like to do ahead of time and go from there but keep in mind that your tank will most likely evolve over time so make sure you make that's something you can do easily down the line. A 70W viper is probably a bit much for a pico, try to go with something smaller if you can.


Wow, this tanks looks waaaay bigger than its 3 gallon capacity. I have a picotop sitting empty in my fish room, might have to start a pico project inspired by you.

Do it!!! :)

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El Fab, is the right-hand side of your sig supposed to take a person to another of your tanks? Right now it directs you to a thread on someone's PC actinics, and you are not mentioned in the thread at all that I can see.....

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A 70W viper is probably a bit much for a pico, try to go with something smaller if you can.

It probably is too much, but I have it and I'm curious. We'll see what else I can find.

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Your tank looks awesomazing! :)


I can't wait to set mine up but taking my time on it at the moment to get the right stuff!

Thanks! Can't wait to see yours come together. It's always good to plan ahead. :)


El Fab, is the right-hand side of your sig supposed to take a person to another of your tanks? Right now it directs you to a thread on someone's PC actinics, and you are not mentioned in the thread at all that I can see.....

It linked to my Red Sea Max thread at one point, before the server crash and I'm still mourning the amount of information that disappeared from that thread and have been too lazy to put it back together again. Not much has progressed with the tank, except that the other day the elephant ear mushroom ate my black ocellaris. :eek:


It probably is too much, but I have it and I'm curious. We'll see what else I can find.

You can always test it to find out. I have a 50W Hydor in mine and have not had any issues with it.

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It linked to my Red Sea Max thread at one point, before the server crash and I'm still mourning the amount of information that disappeared from that thread and have been too lazy to put it back together again. Not much has progressed with the tank, except that the other day the elephant ear mushroom ate my black ocellaris. :eek:



You can always test it to find out. I have a 50W Hydor in mine and have not had any issues with it.


Ouch on the clown loss.


I think he meant 70W MH fixture...



BTW, I got a big frag of Tyree Flowerpetal cap, going to let it grow out some in my NC12, then frag a piece off for my pico. First SPS, wish me luck. lol

Edited by gregzbobo
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Ouch on the clown loss.

Meh, he was really stupid. It was just a matter of time. :lol:


I think he meant 70W MH fixture...

D'oh! Of course, I don't know why I was thinking about heaters. Anyway, MH on a pico is too much IMO. Not necessarily the amount of light but with all the excess heat it creates.


BTW, I got a big frag of Tyree Flowerpetal cap, going to let it grow out some in my NC12, then frag a piece off for my pico. First SPS, wish me luck. lol

Good luck! fingerscrossed

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Anyway, MH on a pico is too much IMO. Not necessarily the amount of light but with all the excess heat it creates.


The heat is what worries me the most. I might try it with the arm adjusted really high above the tank. A MH lit, SPS pico could be pretty badass...

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Meh, he was really stupid. It was just a matter of time. :lol:


Kinda funny in a way that a mushroom could eat a clownfish. Sad, yet morbidly humorous.

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The heat is what worries me the most. I might try it with the arm adjusted really high above the tank. A MH lit, SPS pico could be pretty badass...

If you could find an efficient way to keep it running cool, that would be awesome.


Kinda funny in a way that a mushroom could eat a clownfish. Sad, yet morbidly humorous.

Ain't it? I immediately had that concern when he started hosting that mushroom but the mushroom didn't seem to mind so I stopped worrying. That was ten months ago. Then the other day I went to feed my clown and he was nowhere to be found. I checked everywhere even the overflow in the back and there was no way for him to jump out of the tank. Then I looked at the mushroom sitting there, pouting with its mouth puckered and in its bloated body I was able to make out a dark figure with white stripes. It's like it lulled the clown into a false sense of security for this long and then waited for that day to finally eat it. :scarry:

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How To Neglect A Pico


I know everyone's been bugging to see some new pics and truth be told, I've been embarrassed to post any because I have completely neglected this pico. One thing I can tell you is that neglecting a pico isn't hard to do at all. I have not done a water change since November, have not done any water testing since last summer (including salinity) and have not done any feeding since October.


The only things I've kept up with are top-offs and that's mostly because it's automated and two-part dosing (if I remember). I try to keep the glass free from algae whenever I can or at least the areas I can get to. I haven't seen my lone sexy shrimp in weeks and it's probably safe to assume that she's dead. :(


On the other hand my yellowtail damsel is alive and kicking and the SPS are not only surviving but are in fact thriving in this neglected pico. So without farther ado, here are the long awaited pics of the tank in all its ugliness.








The monti cap covers more than half of the tank forcing everything under it to stretch out. The blastos however get plenty of indirect light and don't seem to be faze by the fact that they're completely shaded.






The mushrooms stretching for light (and yes, those are flatworms):






The rics happy as always:






Even the rest of the LPS seem to be content although they don't have a lot of room to grow into.








The SPS on the other hand are an entirely different story and are relentless in their growth despite the lack of room to grow.












The millepora tries its hardest to grow out of the water as you can see from its dead corallites.






The birdsnest are doing well despite being smothered by algae:




And the encrusting monti encrusting into the back wall:




The Aussie delicate and the mystery acro are doing well and even coloring up nicely.








The problem is I've finally hit a wall with this tank to the point that I no longer know what to do. In short, the signs of old tank syndrome are beginning to show which at this rate will only lead to the tank's ultimate demise. In the past I've been really hesitant about touching the monti cap but now I see that I have no choice but to either remove it completely or hack it down into pieces. This alone will open up a lot of real estate for other things. Monti frags anyone?


The Plan

In the next few weeks my goal is to find a new direction for this tank in order for it to continue on. To reverse the signs of OTS, I've decided to replace some components. I'll be purchasing a new powerhead to replace the old one which is now completely bogged down and covered with blue cloves. I also plan on replacing the AC70 motor, impeller and intake tube to get it back up to speed. Hopefully these small measures along with a new direction will whip me back into getting this tank back on its feet.


P.S. If you think this tank looks bad, you should see my Red Sea Max.





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Amazing. Truly amazing. Who'da thought anyone would ever outgrow a Pico with SPS, lol.


Can I have some cloves :flower:

Thanks! And of course you can have some blue cloves. I'll be weeding this tank out soon enough which means plenty of frags for everyone. :)


Holy time to frag some shiz!!!! omgomgomg

if only my tank looked like that if I neglected it <_<

tank abuser :lol::P

I know, I'm bad. :(

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