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StevieT's Red Sea Max Experience


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No idea. It was hidding in the back on Friday. Came in Monday and it was dead. Sick, age, over dosing on mag, no real idea.


Crabs and starfish got to him pretty quick, never saw much of a body.

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Huh thats a bummer. So do you check in on your tank at all on the weekend? I know its going back to work on a weekend, I don't know it would be kinda hard not being able to make sure everything is ok.

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I used to check on it on the weekends all the time when it was in IL. I was so scared of something going wrong. That subsided and I chilled out a bit. Monday mornings was RUN to the tank to make sure it was OK.


Then I started inTank and was working out of that office/shop on the weekends and at night. So I saw the tank for about 14 hours/day.


After I moved it I only see it on the week days for about 10mins/day. Feeding days a little longer. I do not see it every on the weekends. Maybe a few times since it has been moved in April. These new pictures were actually all taken this past Saturday. I spent three hours shooting it.


The tank is very mature and very automated so I do not worry any more. I still get the rush to check it every Monday morning but I usually don't see it until feeding time. I really regret moving this tank, I enjoyed it so much in the office in IL. But the coworkers on the other side of the building enjoy it so my work is complete.


Now with the Reefkeeper I know my temps are stable within the 2° allowed/day. An ATO is a must and basically let everything else do it's thang.

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Thats true, I don't have an ATO or a reefkeeper lol.


Ya having it in you own office was cool I bet, its in a better place now :P

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you say mabye overdoasing on mg killed your coral beuty, well that sparks a question. How much/often do you dose ca, kh and mg? I am batling a low mg and i am dosing like mad! Do you test constantly to determine your mg levels? I feel like im dosing like crazy but i cant keep it above 1300...

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Thats true, I don't have an ATO or a reefkeeper lol.


Ya having it in you own office was cool I bet, its in a better place now :P


ATO a must, hands down

Reefkeeper just for fun, I have to keep progressing in this hobby or I get bored.

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143 pages and wow, what a nice tank.. would you get a red sea max again if you were starting over?


Great question


Because it stated a successful business that gave me the inspiration to invent and grow a company from scratch yes!


The tank looks amazing, the stock equipment is junk, but welcome to the AIO world. I would say yes. When I purchased the tank there were very few higher end AIOs on the market. I try and be original when possible.

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you say mabye overdoasing on mg killed your coral beuty, well that sparks a question. How much/often do you dose ca, kh and mg? I am batling a low mg and i am dosing like mad! Do you test constantly to determine your mg levels? I feel like im dosing like crazy but i cant keep it above 1300...


I had a faulty salfiert mag test kit so I OD'd one week. I never tested much for mag and after testing it showed I was super low. So i dosed.... It may or may not be the cause not one other living thing in my tank was effected.


I rarely tested before and I should have kept it that way. But I was doing weekly water changes. After some time I got sick of that and changed to biweekly. There is so much that plays in your head in this hobby. I need a digital readout for everything.


I dose M,W,F with a two part solution half capful of calc and 3/4 of alk.


Ya it probably is, maybe I will get one. Who knows...


I want you slimmer by the way.


Hit me up in a few weeks after I move. I will have more time to frag and ship then.

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I had a faulty salfiert mag test kit so I OD'd one week. I never tested much for mag and after testing it showed I was super low. So i dosed.... It may or may not be the cause not one other living thing in my tank was effected.


I rarely tested before and I should have kept it that way. But I was doing weekly water changes. After some time I got sick of that and changed to biweekly. There is so much that plays in your head in this hobby. I need a digital readout for everything.


I dose M,W,F with a two part solution half capful of calc and 3/4 of alk.


I aggree, I need a digital readout for everything. I test way WAY to much and probably dose to much as well. I think it is time to back off on the testing and just go by the growth/colors of my tank.


Thanks as always...

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I rarely test, when it works it works. Yet as I matured and go bored I try and mess with things. I tested to know when my calc and alk drop and thus my dosing schedule. Water changes are key and cheap. Stick with what works, read your corals they will tell you what to do with the tank. My mag is spot on with my new test kit and I will find when and if it drops.

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I rarely test, when it works it works. Yet as I matured and go bored I try and mess with things. I tested to know when my calc and alk drop and thus my dosing schedule. Water changes are key and cheap. Stick with what works, read your corals they will tell you what to do with the tank. My mag is spot on with my new test kit and I will find when and if it drops.


What brand Mg kit have you found to be reliable? I dont think I really trust any of them... -_-

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What brand Mg kit have you found to be reliable? I dont think I really trust any of them... -_-


My salfiert test was either old or bad. So I went with a seachem which is easier to use (IMO) plus comes with calibration solution if needed.

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Where ya movin to? I'm too lazy to read back.... B)


BTW...I'm a true Yankee now. We already had our first snowfall. October 15th. WTF??????

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It's that crazy global warming! It was 70° here yesterday, 45° today. So how are things out there?


I bought a house in my hometown, so out from the parents basement into my own place. Very nice house doesn't need anything done to it. Move in ready which became a huge thing because of inTank. I just don't have the time to do major stuff to a house right now, I would love to but silly people with tanks need acrylic junk.


It will be nice to have my own place again, I will miss the free food that I didn't have to cook.

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Militant Jurist
It will be nice to have my own place again, I will miss the free food that I didn't have to cook.


It's nice, isn't it? I still get free food sometimes, usually when my grandma comes down to visit. She makes ham or homemade meatballs sometimes for me, and brings them down already made. I just have to put the ham in the oven for a bit to re-heat or put the meatballs in the mike for a few minutes. It's great food without the effort!


You need to get yourself a similar hook up! :lol:

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Option A: Pay for a cook or find a girl that can do women's work

Option B: Frozen dinners

Option C: Drink beer, feel full work all night long

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I saw you with your Mom. I'm sure she will keep you well stocked! Good job on the house. What's wrong with being move in ready? Fixer uppers are over rated! :lol: Especially when you are working multiple jobs.


Connecticut is beautiful! After Texas for the past 20 years it's a nice change. But now that I'm settled I'm getting the "itch" again for my tank. Now I'm researching the LED craze. You think I could do it? I'm pretty handy..... :unsure: :unsure:


I think I'm going to hold off on doing anything until spring. So I have time to find good deals and work on projects like a LED light.

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No move in ready is what I need right now.


LED looks really cool but I don't know one thing about them. I can see that being the future of aquarium lighting, just need some more mass produced models on the market and not so much DIY. Good to see you back!

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