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[Cadlights 34G] No turning back now!


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Wow, sorry to hear of the loss and crash Rodney. :( Those are never fun. It's one of the reasons that have kept me from getting a BTA... Fortunately an event like this always has a silver lining of some sort, for you it was the scaping. :) Good luck on the recovery and comeback!

Phixion, I am certainly hesitant about getting another BTA, but I must admit I sure did enjoy watching my clown with it.


On another note, a couple of months ago I changed my HQI to a 15K XM bulb and have noticed my corals are not near as bright as they use to be. I just ordered a Phoenix 14K bulb and will post some pics of the before and after to see if it makes a difference.


Thanks for tagging along.

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Interested to see how the bulbs differ... Aren't the XM bulbs supposed to be better?

Phixion, that is what I have been told and it may be something else that has casused my corals to bleach out a little. They still look okay and are growing well, just don't seem as colorful as they once did. I look at my tank now and look back at the pics I have posted and it just does not pop like it once did.


Also, my tank is almost a year old and I have little to no coraline growth at all. My Ca level has always checked between 420-500. I see all the tanks with there back walls covered and I don't have a single spot.

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Phixion, that is what I have been told and it may be something else that has casused my corals to bleach out a little. They still look okay and are growing well, just don't seem as colorful as they once did. I look at my tank now and look back at the pics I have posted and it just does not pop like it once did.


Also, my tank is almost a year old and I have little to no coraline growth at all. My Ca level has always checked between 420-500. I see all the tanks with there back walls covered and I don't have a single spot.


it could very well be the bulb.


I know how you feel though. My 10g custom AIO tank has higher Ca levels, yet I get NONE growing on my rocks, but small spots here and there on the glass and my Koralia Nano pump, so odd...

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I hope to have some pics posted today of my on the rebound CAD.


Also, I did get in my new Magnesium, Strontium and Iodine test kits. I am going to see what kind of readings I get as I have never tested for these elements before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting things back to normal but it has been slow. Here are few pics of some of my new additions.














I have got to get better at taking pics! :huh:

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I was finally able to catch my six line wrasse and return him to the LFS. He was responsible for killing a number of $hrimp and fi$h. I know many people are able to keep them without any issues but this guys was an absolute menace in my tank. I tried for months to catch him without any success so I finally did not feed my tank for 4 days. I have invented the most incredible fish catching device known to man. I am currently trying to get a patent on this device but I will go ahead and share with all my fellow reefers if your promise not to steal my idea. :lol: Are you ready...close your eyes....














What do you think...am I on my way to riches? :D

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Question...how do you edit and update the title or topic description of a thread? Example...I would like to post the date of new pics under my thread title?

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Question...how do you edit and update the title or topic description of a thread? Example...I would like to post the date of new pics under my thread title?


Nice pics rodney. Just go back to the the the very first post in this thread and you can edit the topic as well as the description.

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Nice pics rodney. Just go back to the the the very first post in this thread and you can edit the topic as well as the description.


Thanks Rehype...hope all is going well for you?

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New Blasto...




Not sure...Cynarina or Scolymias?




Cheap fella but star of the tank...




This Blasto not doing so well...




Wave to the camera...




I have been running the Phoenix 14K HQI bulb for a couple of weeks now and in my opinion things seem to be doing a little better. Hard to tell for sure in such a short period of time but so far so good. I certainly do like the looks of my tank better with the Phoenix than I did with the XM.


Thanks for taggin along... :)

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They are indeed, thanks! Just working on some pH issues with the 30g... The GHA is finally all gone courtesy of a sea hare I'm borrowing from a local reefer. My lettuce nudie and tuxedo urchin weren't making a dent in it. Now it's time to clean up my 10g custom AIO tank, lol!

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They are indeed, thanks! Just working on some pH issues with the 30g... The GHA is finally all gone courtesy of a sea hare I'm borrowing from a local reefer.


I am battling hair algae in my CAD39G as well. How long did it take your sea hare to deal with the issue?

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Can you take pics of the back?

I will see if I can get some pics of the back. My tank sits in a corner so there is not much room but I will give it a shot.

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I am battling hair algae in my CAD39G as well. How long did it take your sea hare to deal with the issue?


I've had it a few weeks now. it's really hit and miss with them though just like any livestock. Peppermint shrimp won't always eat the aiptasias (I have one that hasn't touched any), 6lines won't always eat your flatworms, and sea hares won't always eat your GHA... But they are certainly worth the try.

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Where's the water level in t he back? Im screwed.

WindCloud, my tank is at work and I am home right now but I believe my water level in my display is about 1.250" from the top of the tank and my back chambers are about 3.00" from the top of the tank.

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do u hear splash and could u describe the process? it drips in the back chambers. is there any sound? i have about 5 inch down and I"m afraid the noise

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do u hear splash and could u describe the process? it drips in the back chambers. is there any sound? i have about 5 inch down and I"m afraid the noise

Yes, there is some noise but nothing a bag of purigen or filter floss won't take care of. The sound of the water is nothing compared to the skimmer and cooling fan noise.

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