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Coral Vue Hydros

Disaster's 80gal + 15gal SPS Reef Tank


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originally i bought the tank to breed clown babies (baller status right there, ADA tank for a breeder =P) but after they ate their first clutch they havent laid anymore eggs, so i have no idea what i want to do with this tank right now.


ive though about a planted tank since my brother and our friends all have it. the problem with that is...the ADA tank is currently in the basement and with the summer heat, its keeping the tank at a relatively cool 27c. if i keep a planted, i would need CO2 which i can piggy back off my brother's tank, but that means moving the tank up to the living room. then i would need a chiller.


i can go for a nano reef tank, but it means i need an mp10. im not ready to spend that much yet.

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They should lay another clutch soon. Just remember to keep the clowns (female especially) well fed. This should give you bigger clutch size. Took my clowns two months after their first clutch to start laying eggs on a regular basis. I get a new clutch every two weeks now.

Edited by TheWAND
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  • 3 weeks later...

hopefully thats the case, i havent seen them lay eggs since the last time.


nothing much to update. tank is doing fine. some corals are coloring up nicely and growing, some just looks the same.


played with the new controller software tunze released this few days. im liking it a lot more than the last one. the random mode seems a bit more random, but roger over at tunze said there will be yet another update which will be even better. cant wait for that


i need to stock up on more SPS and frag off that birdsnest

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theres really nothing to it. all you need is enough light and flow, stable calc alk and mg, and a skimmer.


flow and stable parameters is key in keeping it alive, lights, and clean water will color it up

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out with the old



in with the new



notice how im not using the new cup, this is why



someone was selling this for cheap, so i was like why not.

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yeah, its all crazed up. the neck on the body is starting to craze too, but not as bad as the cup.


well the previous owner is having some problems with skimming and wasnt sure if it was the equipment's problem or his water. i didnt wanna risk having the same problem hes having, which is highly unlikely but hey, i got a perfectly good cup to use, why not

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As long as they are "colored" and not brown, that's just fine :)


Nothing is prettier than a tank full of SPS with very nice pastel and flashy colors mixed.


What I see though is that your SPS are close to each other and that's the mistake I made 9 months ago and now my SPS are sort of touching each other and fighting for space. I actualy have to get rid of a few of them to make room for those that I prefer so that they can grow more.


I started out with very small 1" frags and tought they were going to take years to outgrow their space...but it did not even take one year!


Personaly I do not like the big ball of frogspawn in the left side..I think it does not fit well with the overall shape of the other coral and attract too much attention...it's huge!


You know the best part about this tank & why I love it so much is that even though its sps dominant it doesn't just look like a bunch of colored sticks. the way most end up.
Edited by Dani3d
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As long as they are "colored" and not brown, that's just fine :)


Nothing is prettier than a tank full of SPS with very nice pastel and flashy colors mixed.


What I see though is that your SPS are close to each other and that's the mistake I made 9 months ago and now my SPS are sort of touching each other and fighting for space. I actualy have to get rid of a few of them to make room for those that I prefer so that they can grow more.


I started out with very small 1" frags and tought they were going to take years to outgrow their space...but it did not even take one year!


Personaly I do not like the big ball of frogspawn in the left side..I think it does not fit well with the overall shape of the other coral and attract too much attention...it's huge!


yeah i probably will have to move stuff or frag the sps if they start stinging each other.


the frogspawn is really big and yes most people (non reefers) who come to check out my tank are all amazed by it because its huge and its soft looking and moves with the water current. but i like the frogspawn. so do my tomato clown pair.

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some new stuff, indonesia sps, blue stag


actinic lighting



fiji shipment


not sure what this is called. all i know is it has blue tips


this acro colored up nicely last time i took pics.

purplish body with green tips



birds nest after i fragged it



video of the moonlight from tunze 7096

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the frogspawn is really big and yes most people (non reefers) who come to check out my tank are all amazed by it because its huge and its soft looking and moves with the water current. but i like the frogspawn. so do my tomato clown pair.


I like your frogspawn too. It's nice to have some variety in a tank.

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  • 1 month later...

thanks! :D


its been a while since i updated. the tank having changed much besides aiptasia is popping up everywhere, and i have this brown fuzz (its not algae, not really sure what it is) growing in my tank. my copper banded butterfly died one day for no reason, not that im sad or anything since i bought it to eat aiptasia and it didnt touch them.


im going to tear this down soon to get ready for a new tank. im tired of always climbing into the tank to do anything in the tank and i feel as if my light, although is enough to keep all my sps and growing them nicely, isnt intense enough for some light intensive sps.


i will be replacing the tank with the same size tank but only shorter, 6 inches shorter at 24", rimless, 1/2" crystal glass with siliconeless seams (think ADA) and have a hanging light. im pretty excited about this.

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just placed an order for the tank, i changed my mind and not going to do anything fancy, not seamless silicone, no crystal glass no nothing. regular glass, traditional tank making method, black silicone with black background. it was a significant amount cheaper and faster to make. i would need at least 2 sides of the tank to be crystal glass to make it worth upgrading and that would cost too much.


im more than happy with regular glass now so im not going to change. ill keep you guys posted when the new tanks arrives. i just hope i have enough time to kill off all the aiptasia and other crap in the rocks.

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thanks zaitmi,


heres a quick snap from my phone of what my tank looks like now



i took out all my rocks which is infested with this weird fuzz and aiptasia. had them outside drying for 3 days and moved them into a black bucket in a dark basement until my new tank gets here. they should be nice and white and free of algae and other crap. will be doing a lot of water changes.


sucks to tear down the tank but its gonna happen sooner or later.

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I am sure your new tank will be as great as this one. What are the dims of the tank you ordered then? Also, you mentioned your lighting not being enough. What are you planning on doing?

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