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The Mantis Tank Thread


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Hey guys, I am selling my Chiragra (already). She is boring.. actually she isn't that boring, but she is only active when I am not home and is kinda skittish. I would keep her, but I found a Smithii :) and he is already on his way. I caught my Chiragra this morning and she is in a holding container in my tank waiting for a new home. I will give her to an LFS if no one buys her. 10$ plus shipping gets her.....

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How much would shipping be to 19010 I may be interested. By the way my son is stationed at Laughlin You guys keep up the good work !!!


Thanks AL

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well guys i have been thinking and since the mantis cult has been officially ended by its creator i have decided to recreate it under the mantis mafia...with us being stomatopod owners we need a more menacing name then a cult, and nothing is more scary then the mob, so let this be the official start of the mantis mafia


welcome to the family lol

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well technically im not, monte is, and its more like the godmother,


and if you gotta a problem wit it she said you can take it up with her...or you'll be sleepin wit da snails

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Woah! Hold on matty. I didn't end the cult, I just turned it into a democracy that shall have no leader. All the people are equal. Don't try to pull that mantis mafia crap again ;)

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haha but a cult is not a democratic union, a cult must have a leader and without a leader it looks like i have taken command, look at it as without a leader we would have mantis mayhem and that is not a good thing

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well if we want to get technical about it, Travis WAS the leader and by his own edict he made it a democracy with no leader. basically unelected himself and didnt vacate his position so much as nullify it. lol we can always stay a cult and just worship Dr. Caldwell. :)

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I am pleased to anounce that i too am now a member...here is my new Gonodactylaceus ternatensis.

I am still unclear of its sex. i got it from a LFS who got it in a shipment of corals so i took it home. he is now housed in a 5.5 but upon further reading i imagine i will have to get it a bigger tank.


here is a pic



let me know what you guys think. it is readily dealing with some hermits from my main tank. pretty cool stuff.


also i would like to thank travis for all his help in answering my PMs. thanks man! :)

Edited by modularduck
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hmmm... i also wonder if this mantis has orange meral spots (G. tern) or dark meral spots with a white band (G. smithii). it's just that it looks exactly like my G. smithii from a profile. also i THINK i see the little pink bumps on the base of the telson (end tail spiky thing)... if i do, then G. smithii. also how big is he (length)?


regardless of species it is a beautiful mantis. i love the red lines on the back.

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he/she is a little nearly 3" in length and 1/2 or so wide. as far as the meral spotting goes, are we talking on the main part of body (forgive my noobness to stomatopods)? after looking closly at the G. smithii pics on roy's list, i can see how the bodys are meral but mine is not like that at all solid green with bright red lines between body segments almost identical to the G. tenatensis pic on the bottom of roy's list page, with the exception that his/her smashers are bright blue and blue scales on either side of head but all antenna are orange. here is a blown up version of pic




don't know if this helps would be cool if it was a smithii as i could keep in current tank longer. thanks for the help with the id and sexing guys. i'll have to post a new tank thread when we get it all figured out so yous guys can see it home.


here is g.ternatensis pic that looks like it most to me.



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Here's an old pic of Cozmo from the front page. The orange circles are the meral spots. Does your mantis have orange meral spots or dark/purple meral spots?

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well sorry for the misunderstanding, i was under the impression that you were leaving and it was to be a democracy but i tried to take it over, that is my fault, and i apologize, modular duck that is an awesome looking mantis, and travis can definitely point you in the direction of what type it is, the kid is practically a stomatopod genius, as for me, i think its time for monte and i to return to the shadows, i have a lot of work to do with her so that shell disease doesnt overcome her, in the mean time i have about 3-4 months before her next molt so wish me luck, and i will be posting updated pics of the tanks throughout this time and look for 2-3 more tanks popping up by me

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yes G. tern always has the red intersegmental lines but the problem is that occasionally it is also seen on G. smithii (a bit of a rarity and a nice bonus).


here you can see the dark merals with white outline on my G. smithii. you can compare to Cozmo above.



and a crappy pic where you can see the red lines.


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THATS it exactly how mine looks with the dark blue with white around them and smashers are blue infront with the same pink color. I think it is a smithii after seeing your pics justin thanks guys!

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any time duckie, but it doesnt end there. a bit more good news. 1) G. smithii are often more interactive and hardier than G. tern. 2) they don't get nearly as big so they do just fine in 5.5 gal. I have mine in an 8gal biocube which is about 6gal of actual tank to roam around in.

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Well, I got my NEW mantis on Friday! Once again, I didn't quite get exactly what I wanted (smithii) but it is probably one of the next best things: a G. Glabrous! She (I think) is amazing looking, and is a lot more interactive than the Chiragra. I'll get some pics up here eventually. Someone buy my dang Chiragra, she is still in her temp. tupperware home in my tank lol.

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well sorry for the misunderstanding, i was under the impression that you were leaving and it was to be a democracy but i tried to take it over, that is my fault, and i apologize, modular duck that is an awesome looking mantis, and travis can definitely point you in the direction of what type it is, the kid is practically a stomatopod genius, as for me, i think its time for monte and i to return to the shadows, i have a lot of work to do with her so that shell disease doesnt overcome her, in the mean time i have about 3-4 months before her next molt so wish me luck, and i will be posting updated pics of the tanks throughout this time and look for 2-3 more tanks popping up by me

no problem matty. best of luck.


THATS it exactly how mine looks with the dark blue with white around them and smashers are blue infront with the same pink color. I think it is a smithii after seeing your pics justin thanks guys!

lucky you :happy:


any time duckie, but it doesnt end there. a bit more good news. 1) G. smithii are often more interactive and hardier than G. tern. 2) they don't get nearly as big so they do just fine in 5.5 gal. I have mine in an 8gal biocube which is about 6gal of actual tank to roam around in.

and smithii are a heck of a lot less agressive too


Well, I got my NEW mantis on Friday! Once again, I didn't quite get exactly what I wanted (smithii) but it is probably one of the next best things: a G. Glabrous! She (I think) is amazing looking, and is a lot more interactive than the Chiragra. I'll get some pics up here eventually. Someone buy my dang Chiragra, she is still in her temp. tupperware home in my tank lol.

its most likely a G graphurus like Cozmo. they are more commonly found in the hobby. you can check to see if the median carinule is present on the telson to be certain. just watch out as this species is VERY agressive.

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I checked her carinule and it looked like a glabrous (hole wasn't there). I got some pics, just need some time to upload them.....

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Mine kinda looks like Cozmo from the front (orange meral spot, lime green walking legs, blueish head) but the antennal scales on mine are yellowish/reddish in some areas, and mine doesnt have blue on its telson. Also I think the pattern on mine is a little different. I wish I could get a better look at its tail now, but I am still pretty sure it didn't have the median carnule...

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glabrous and graphurus are basically the exact same species and can only be distinguished by the median carinule. i wasn't able to tell until he molted and i found the telson. the carinule is extremely small so its hard to tell with certainty otherwise. why not post some pics anyway?

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