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Coral Vue Hydros

lgreen's Ultimate Guide To Nano Fish


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So basically your argument is that it should be like yours on reefs.org?


Or like any scientific paper, www.liveaquaria.com, foreign websites, diving photography sites, etc etc etc.?

Edited by wombat
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Or like any scientific paper, www.liveaquaria.com, foreign websites, diving photography sites, etc etc etc.?

I agree with you, in an ideal situation. But then the guide would no longer be noob-friendly. We're pushing their intellectual capabilities as it is.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As a newcomer to reefs , I just wanted to say how brilliant this Ultimate Guide to Nano fish is (wish there would have been something like this for parenting!). It will help me think so much more clearly and responsibly from the very beginning and will hopefully prevent the later heartache of impulse buys gone bad.


Thank you, most kindly, for sharing your experience and thinking.



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I have a 14g biocube and I am in the process of stocking it (running for three months). I currently have a diamond sleeper goby & a yellow clown goby (wanted to add the most peaceful fish first). I would like to get two more small fish with LOTS of personality and lots of color.


I'm new to reef keeping and would like some advice on fish that may be good. You can check out my tank blog if you want to see what else I have stocked in the tank...




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14g is too small for a diamond sleeper goby.



Well he is in there already, I bought it on the advice of my LFS, from reading these forums I now know they can't always be trusted... If he is not a good fish for this tank what do I do? I'm new to this whole reef aquarium thing, and so advice is helpful for me.




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Well he is in there already, I bought it on the advice of my LFS, from reading these forums I now know they can't always be trusted... If he is not a good fish for this tank what do I do? I'm new to this whole reef aquarium thing, and so advice is helpful for me.





Those get pretty big. Take him back to the store.

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Okay, a number of people have said take him back... which is fine. But on lgreen's guide it says that an orange spotted goby can be kept in a 10g tank. I am pretty sure that orange spotted and diamond sleeper goby are the same thing (at least they have the same picture on a google search). So what's the deal? Thanks.



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Okay... Googled it again... looks the same as mine, but then again it's really late... Here is a picture of mine which one is it? Sorry still new(ish) to the whole reef thingy... I wish when they sold them they used their latin names, then at least I would know for sure which one I bought!



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No they are not, hes talking about the orange spotted shrimp goby, not diamond goby. two different fish all together.




Diamond Goby (sand sifting goby):




Orange Spotted Goby (shrimp goby)




Okay... Googled it again... looks the same as mine, but then again it's really late... Here is a picture of mine which one is it? Sorry still new(ish) to the whole reef thingy... I wish when they sold them they used their latin names, then at least I would know for sure which one I bought!




looks like a small diamond goby to me.

Edited by lgreen
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Diamond Goby (sand sifting goby):




Orange Spotted Goby (shrimp goby)






looks like a small diamond goby to me.


i'd have to see the face more head on though to be 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure.


Thanks, I think you're right it's the diamond goby... crap, it's my favorite thing to watch in the tank, it has so much personality!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really good guide. Should I only keep one fish in my 5.5 gallon tank? Currently none of the space is taken up so theres plenty of swimming space and I'm not going to go OTT with live rock because I have plenty of time to let it mature, there could be quite a bit of space left. Would it be pushing it to have a Yellowtail blue Damsel in with a Yellow Neon Goby perhaps? Or an Ocellaris Clownfish on its own?


I'm also not planning on having any Zoa's or mushrooms, which may or may not be a good idea. Does the amount of fauna decrease or increase the capacity of a tank or does it have no effect?

Edited by Pea
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I would advise against a damsel with anything else in there. The damsel would most likely harass anything else. If you really wanted two fish I would suggest waiting quite awhile until you were rather experienced. Then I would suggest going with two very small gobies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I have been doing a ton of reading about cycling, and the process, types of fish their care, and compatibility, but I need a guide as to when it's ok to add things. I'm not finding much help, and have been told so many different things from pet store workers to people who have tanks... How do you know if the fish is doing ok or not? I have done freshwater for years and just started a salt after many years of wanting to attempt it, but i'm so worried i'm not doing something right, or my fish might die. :huh: Please help!!

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Ok, I have been doing a ton of reading about cycling, and the process, types of fish their care, and compatibility, but I need a guide as to when it's ok to add things. I'm not finding much help, and have been told so many different things from pet store workers to people who have tanks... How do you know if the fish is doing ok or not? I have done freshwater for years and just started a salt after many years of wanting to attempt it, but i'm so worried i'm not doing something right, or my fish might die. :huh: Please help!!


Lucky for you, most nano fish are very hardy in terms of disease and easy to keep fed. For the time to add fish, you should wait awhile between each addition (unless you have a group/pair that should be added together).

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