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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Tigahboy's 15S [LPS-only]


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Updated pic of chalice peak (sideview):




Seahorse macro shots:






dennis, i'm so jealous of your chalice collection!

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yay! my seahorses actually came right up to my pipette when I was trying to feed them frozen mysis today. one sucked a mysis out directly from the tube. sweeeet.


more pics:







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Can you e-mail me large versions of those dendros and the green leather? I'd like to use one or the other as a wallpaper for my comp.



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okay. nevermind. the email bounced back saying that it exceeded the acceptable size limit. Let me try to send one by one.


Thank you. If that doesn't work, maybe you could upload one to the web and send me a link to right click > save as? A "free wallpaper" section at PR would be cool.

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Dennis -


So it's OK to have seahorses with LPS? I thought anything that could sting was a no-no with seahorses. You notice any trouble or interactions yet? If you're not noticing trouble, it gives me hope for my tank some day becoming a seahorse home.


You have 2 horses in your 15 hex and 2 here, or are they the same horses & I just have your tanks confused...?


Looks beautiful as usual.



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The previous seahorses in the hex were given away (too hard for me to feed them live food all the time).


But these captive bred ones from oceanrider really chow down on frozen mysis AND they are much hardier than the other pair.


I've noticed interaction. Basically saw a tail touching my acan tentacles. Once it looked like the acan was trying to grab hold, but the seahorse just swam away. They avoid the acans now. And haven't seen any contact between them since. I suggest getting the hardier captive bred seahorses tho since they are much stronger swimmers and can handle the flow better - thus being able to avoid certain corals easier.


I've been doing a lot of research and it seems like a lot more ppl are keeping captive bred seahorses in mixed reef tanks just fine. Melev over on RC watched his H.Erectus grab on to his dendrophyllia tentacles w/o harm as well.


So in conclusion: so far so good. they eat like pigs and love the frozen mysis I prepare for them daily. and they definitely can handle the flow in my tank. and if u want a better chance w/ keeping seahorses successfully, go w/ oceanrider.com! They do great work to farm seahorses w/o stripping them from the wild and they are real easy to do business w/ (and they are located in Hawaii).

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Thanks for the info. I'm real familiar w/ocean rider & agree that captive is 100% the way to go.


I've been registered over at seahorse.org for about as long as I've been here. But they have a very restricted list of what is OK w/seahorses & seeing as I can't set up another system (not everyone can do what Tigah does!), I was just going without the horses. I may check on you again in a month or two just to see how they are doing, if it's OK w/you.


Thanks again,


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YGPM, dude... I asked you about tangs, but I wanna know your thoughts on seahorses now. :P I'd AIM you, but no internet @ home. :| THe tank's looking mighty fine.

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Hey Tigah. I guess my pms aren't working because I tried to send you one about a week ago. So, without any intent to hijack your thread...could you please e-mail me at shadyman_210@hotmail.com. I was wondering if maybe you could get a clear for life for me and possibly ship it. Also, what would you think about putting the Ocean Light 150Watt pendant over something slightly bigger with similar dimension? The prices are so good on these pendants right now. I could always go to the 150 watt or 70 watt also. Thanks.

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Wow Tigah... just catching up on this thread and watching your seahorse videos :) I didn't know you were a Final Fantasy 8 fan! :D When I saw that your video's music was by Faye Wong, I was like... Nah... it wouldn't be THAT song.. and then, there it was! The FF8 theme :lol:


Thanks for making my day B)

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Still debating whether to add more LR. I kinda like it open as is...but I'm open to hearing your thoughts on the matter. =)


It is amazing, leave it. Not that I count. ;)

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If you're having "filtration/export" problems, add the rock. Otherwise, leave it open like it is now. I swear... My 40 is a mirror image of your 30 b4 you went completely LPS crazy. :P Your mantis is beautiful!


PS, get on AIM> :P

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