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Tigahboy's Reef 2005


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i would love to stop by and take a look at your tank!!

like i said earlier, ill bring the beer!.

Tigah, is that a yellow cucmuber, ive wanted one of those, but im not sure if it will get to big in my 10g.

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Cesar - Blastos = LPS


Mini - yellow cucumbers stay relatively small. just be cautious b/c if they get too stressed or die, supposedly they release toxins that will wipe out your tank.

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

Cesar - Blastos = LPS


Mini - yellow cucumbers stay relatively small.  just be cautious b/c if they get too stressed or die, supposedly they release toxins that will wipe out your tank.



yeah i heard that too, but i dont stess my stuff to much. i aslo heard there algea eaters, "kinda" like snails.

you know,? come to think of it, ive not seen any snails in your tank??you have any kinds of snails. Tigah.

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I don't like snails. I bought a couple for aesthetics tho...like a mexican turbo, cerith, and one other. I think I have 4 snails in total. But if they start to knock over things or make too many snail babies, they're gonna be taken out of my tank.


I have some stomatella that came as hitchikers as well.

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

I don't like snails.  I bought a couple for aesthetics tho...like a mexican turbo, cerith, and one other.  I think I have 4 snails in total.  But if they start to knock over things or make too many snail babies, they're gonna be taken out of my tank.


I have some stomatella that came as hitchikers as well.


i dont like the remodeling either.:)

i have three nass. snails that sift pretty good, and are only a pain when i feed.

your cucumber doesnt knock stuff over.?

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Travis- nope...no new tank shots...i'll have one up later tonight. =)


Mini- my yellow cucumbers never really move. If you place them somewhere lower, they'll move to higher ground...but after that, they NEVER move unless disturbed.

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Hahah. yeah....or an anti-clean-up crew revolution. I'm not sure why or how a "clean-up crew" has become such a necessity for beginning tanks. It sounds like they are treated like they are as functionally as important as LR these days.

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You can limit disgusting algae growth by more appropriate care and control of water parameters. Clean-up crew is just a bandaid approach that sometimes (not always) fixes the problem only temporarily.

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yes i udnerstand, as of right now everything is very clean in my tank


.....except my subtrate


i dont want to clean the glass because im worried the 2 astreas and 1 turbo i have will die, but i like to see it crystal clear


but my subtrate, my goodness

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well beginning tanks always go through the new tank syndrome, where there are various algae blooms, god knows my tank had some nasty ones, thats why i originally bought my cleanup crew.

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Yeah, when I first started my tank, it was fuzzy brown and green after a month when it finished cycling. So I put in a handful of snails that ate it right up. There's still a bit of fuz now, but I don't have more than 8 snails, including 2 nass. and 3 cerith... My angel loves the fuzz, though. ;) When I change out my sand (which I'll do next week after a visit to Jeff's) then I'm going to probably get a goby like what you have, Tigah to keep my sand bed as perfect as yours.

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Originally posted by VicSkimmr

well beginning tanks always go through the new tank syndrome, where there are various algae blooms, god knows my tank had some nasty ones, thats why i originally bought my cleanup crew.

I never had a clean-up crew. even for new tank syndrome. it goes away with some good skimming and time.

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Yeah, I don't know if the algae blooms are caused by fluctuating parameters like most people say... or if it's just inexperience on the reefkeepers part. I know that I can explain every one of my algae outbreaks, and the cause each time was my fault.

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wow, i'm impressed, and i don't usually like LPS that much. I don't want to even begin to imagine what these frags must cost, so I'll just sit here and drool :)

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I got my sources. : I've never seen em in this color morph before. Not for sale at least. These guys are beautiful!


But yeah, most of what I get are from private coral keepers...rest are just random buys at LFS's.


These were the last of the bunch for sale tho. I believe there were 2 in total.

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Word...no more online for me. Almost all of what I got when I first started this thread were local. It just requires a crap-load of driving...probably put like 500-600 miles on my car just from coral pick-ups.

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