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Tigahboy's Reef 2005


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how many inches of sand to you all have in your tank. I keep hearing that anything below 4" doesnt give a proper balance of some sort, but for my 4" looks like too much. What kinds of sand are you all using?

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Originally posted by Travis

Yeah, I just met this one girl that's realy interested with Fish in general.  I think I am gonna ask her out...MAN THIS IS WAY OFF SUBJECT!...


fish stores are actually good places to hook up wit chicks. :)

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hahahaha...dude, the one day that I don't post and my thread gets the most hits and views ever.


I'm not gonna even try to comment on all of that above...but you guys sure know how to keep yourselves entertained. I actually was tired...I've been on nano-reef straight this entire week not b/c I have nothing better to do, but since I was on my computer doing work for school, so I would take mini-breaks and post crap.


But I'm finally officially done w/ finals, so I just crashed all day...a deep slumber. hehe.


Unfortunately, my crashing prevented me from picking up the clam. So I rescheduled it for tomorrow. And I'm still looking for charger for my camera so I can post pics.

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Lol. Amazing how off topic your threads tend to get, Dennis. ;) {I know I'm not helping any... but oh well!} Hey... Got a question for you... If you could throw another fish into your tank, since you have the same size and selection issues as me, what would you get? My girlfriend feels bad for the angel being all alone. I was thinking about a sand sifter like you have, but the top of my sand has turned into a lot of CC now... :( Aside from totally stripping down the tank, I don't think I can swap out and get fine sand now... :( So any ideas??? I would really like to see a firefish in here, but w/ no top I'm afraid of fish-jerky. :( Sorry to hijack your thread, but I wanted your opinion! ;)

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Damn you're just now finishing your finals? We finished ours on the 10th, and I've been bored stiff ever since. It sucks being 7 hours away from your tank for 2 weeks, I've literally got nothing to do.


Just to prove how bored I really am, I've started to build model airplanes, lol!!! I'm such a dork :|

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Originally posted by VicSkimmr

Damn you're just now finishing your finals?  We finished ours on the 10th, and I've been bored stiff ever since.  It sucks being 7 hours away from your tank for 2 weeks, I've literally got nothing to do.


Just to prove how bored I really am, I've started to build model airplanes, lol!!! I'm such a dork :|


sounds like it...

why not work..., sell frags, hmmm, somethin.

i just get to bored, with no sleepin an all. :)



wake up!! wheres them pics!!

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I'm only home for 2 weeks, well, less than a week now. I'd just be happy to see my tank and know that it's surviving, I've had bad luck with vacations before :|

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My new acanthastrea lordhowensis (3-4 polyps)...




New "blue" chalice...haha...he looks green to me too. Guess he lost his colors via shipping. hopefully he'll turn back to his amazing blue color. And yes, I have no space for him, so behind the rocks he goes for now...




Some kinda ricordea yuma...not positive what color this is considered...orange? My only yuma in my entire tank.



And finally, red monti cap frag.



Gotta pick up some more additions tomorrow that I failed to pick up earlier today. So stay tuned...

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The new acan lord looks exactly the same as another frag I got...it's cool tho, I can use him for a trade later...here's a pic of the OG acan lord...and a little bitty baby head above, which I fragged to trade w/ uchiha's acan lord.




I actually forgot about these blue zoo's since it was a smaller frag. They looked like whatever, and they were cast to the side. But I noticed today that they now look AMAZING. check out the crazy blue color!



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See I knew it...the moment I post, it's like I can hear crickets up in here. hahhaa. Yet it was a crazy party while I was gone...hmmm....


Okay, full tank shot will be up soon...gonna go take the picture right now (i'm probably talking to myself)...=)

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im still here, for a couple more minutes.

nice pics, i love the way your full tank looks.

if you dont mind me askin, aproximatly how much rock is in the main tank??

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sorry Tigah if im wastin space, or annoying,

but does any of all that rock hit the back wall?

the reason i ask is, i couldnt tell in the other pics and i know you just added more rock.

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