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Saltwater Fish Index





Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project.  Feel free to post personal experiences or your favorite pics of your fish within the links


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  • Christopher Marks pinned this topic

My Biocube 32 currently houses: Maroon, Chromie and Gramma. It will have a Diamond Goby when I find it. And one more fish before I start researching Corals.

That last one slot for fish however is vacant and I haven’t found a candidate despite reading several times our lovely index.

I’d like another peaceful, or semi to balance the future behaviour of maroon who’s a sweetie at present. I’d like a yellow fish of small dimensions and suitable for my tank. I’d earmarked yellow cardinals but they’re not to be found in GB.

Any suggestion?



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On 9/5/2021 at 4:04 PM, Tritone said:

My Biocube 32 currently houses: Maroon, Chromie and Gramma. It will have a Diamond Goby when I find it. And one more fish before I start researching Corals.

That last one slot for fish however is vacant and I haven’t found a candidate despite reading several times our lovely index.

I’d like another peaceful, or semi to balance the future behaviour of maroon who’s a sweetie at present. I’d like a yellow fish of small dimensions and suitable for my tank. I’d earmarked yellow cardinals but they’re not to be found in GB.

Any suggestion?



There’s a few yellow gobies. I like the yellow neon goby as they are pretty outgoing. 

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On 9/5/2021 at 5:04 PM, Tritone said:

My Biocube 32 currently houses: Maroon, Chromie and Gramma. It will have a Diamond Goby when I find it. And one more fish before I start researching Corals.

That last one slot for fish however is vacant and I haven’t found a candidate despite reading several times our lovely index.

I’d like another peaceful, or semi to balance the future behaviour of maroon who’s a sweetie at present. I’d like a yellow fish of small dimensions and suitable for my tank. I’d earmarked yellow cardinals but they’re not to be found in GB.

Any suggestion?



Yellow clown goby if you don't plan on sps, Yellow tail or neon Damsel (YMMV but you could try a lemon or chrys Rex/ traceyii [Talbot's, theory is that certain ones from the wrong location go ugly when they're older]), Fangblenny (there are a few with a fair bit of yellow on them [blackline are my favorite and stay quite small]), Threadfin cardinals get yellow ish, Yellowstripe cardinals (I don't know if that's what you meant by yellow), Acares midget chromis (but they might go to war with your other chromis, or really get bullied more likely), Black bar chromis get yellow-ish and are more like damsels, watchman gobies might not love sharing with the diamond...
Yellow Molly?

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18 minutes ago, filefishfinatic said:

what is the best dragonet to keep with a melanurus wrasse 

Hands-on experience is my weakpoint lol, I have absolutely no idea, they might compete for grazing food sources.

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Probably a scooter as they readily eat prepared foods more often and are a bit more bold. You definitely can not rely on pods with the wrasse. Make sure the brine shrimp you feed are FRESHLY hatched. Hatch them yourself. 

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i am going to feed fresh brine thru a egg auto feeder going through a tube down into a hatchery zone in the tank where they will swim up then get stuck in nylon and it will be like eating a pod from a tock.. im not concerned about feeding prepared but i will probably try incase my feeder dies while im on vacation. do the scooters swim like the mandarins? i was considering psych mandarins out of all the mandarins becasue they are the hardiest. 

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5 hours ago, A.m.P said:

Yellow clown goby if you don't plan on sps, Yellow tail or neon Damsel (YMMV but you could try a lemon or chrys Rex/ traceyii [Talbot's, theory is that certain ones from the wrong location go ugly when they're older]), Fangblenny (there are a few with a fair bit of yellow on them [blackline are my favorite and stay quite small]), Threadfin cardinals get yellow ish, Yellowstripe cardinals (I don't know if that's what you meant by yellow), Acares midget chromis (but they might go to war with your other chromis, or really get bullied more likely), Black bar chromis get yellow-ish and are more like damsels, watchman gobies might not love sharing with the diamond...
Yellow Molly?

Hi ya

thank you. I had short listed a yellow clown goby. And no, I’m not planning a mange tout type of corals in my tank. So that is my lot fish wise. A Diamond Goby and the Yellow Clown Goby .

I read they shouldn’t fight as they occupy different heights of tank/water Is this correct? 

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Just now, Tritone said:

Hi ya

thank you. I had short listed a yellow clown goby. And no, I’m not planning a mange tout type of corals in my tank. So that is my lot fish wise. A Diamond Goby and the Yellow Clown Goby .

I read they shouldn’t fight as they occupy different heights of tank/water Is this correct? 

They're both peaceful, one will find a burrow, the other will do clown goby things wherever it decides to. Beautiful animals, some can be quite long-lived and I unfortunately have no idea what separates those from the more usual 3-6 year animals.

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22 hours ago, filefishfinatic said:

i am going to feed fresh brine thru a egg auto feeder going through a tube down into a hatchery zone in the tank where they will swim up then get stuck in nylon and it will be like eating a pod from a tock.. im not concerned about feeding prepared but i will probably try incase my feeder dies while im on vacation. do the scooters swim like the mandarins? i was considering psych mandarins out of all the mandarins becasue they are the hardiest. 


They scoot around hence the nickname scooter. Psyc's do a mix of hovercraft and scoot.


Mandy's can be shy and some will literally just swim away from food if another more bold fish is eating it. This can be an issue with a bold feeder like a wrasse or any shrimp. Then the mandy doesn't get enough to eat. I have had bold ones mandys but overall scooters are a bit bolder at baseline and easier to keep. 



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