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Teenyreef's IM40 Not-So-Teeny Tank - August FTS


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To the left of the Duncan, right to the left of the little snail or hermit there appears to be a small blossom of some kind.. Have you noticed this Teeny

I noticed a couple small feather dusters there the other night, but they were at a bad angle for pictures. I just checked and they don't seem to be there now. Maybe later :)


Investigate!!! :)

I sprang into action immediately B)

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Presley looks like a stuffed animal :wub:.


Think you got into that cyano they've been having trouble with in Florida waters? I've been reading a lot about it..it's really really bad. And symptoms are flu-like symptoms!

I was on the Gulf side up in the pan handle, and we had the exact opposite of cyano problems. The water was so clear it was like being at the pool.


27939665862_db215759c9_b.jpgdownload_20160702_141451.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


28042192195_bd9715d2b7_b.jpgdownload_20160702_141502.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


We also had some beautiful sunsets :)


27428132283_34f4d46a1e_b.jpg20160621_194030.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr

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OMG, I want to be in that water!!!

It was amazing! From the fly bridge we could see pods of dolphins swimming hundreds of feet away.

where exactly did you go???? take me!

Panama City, Florida. The pictures are off the gulf coast side of Shell Island. I want to go back already :)

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Oh wow. I cry when I see dolphins. I need to go to Panama City.

We love dolphins, and they have lots and lots of them there. Lots of people sign up for the "swim with the dolphins" tours which drive a boat up to a pod and dump the people in. Of course it's not legal to feed them, so they almost always swim away at that point :)


That puppy!

Since I don't have hardly any corals or fish in this tank yet, I'll just post more puppy pictures :)


27944509532_3af43920f5_b.jpg20160702_174616.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


27944508282_d0788bcd19_b.jpg20160702_174613.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


To the left of the Duncan, right to the left of the little snail or hermit there appears to be a small blossom of some kind.. Have you noticed this Teeny

I found it! It's a little feather duster. Cell phone pic:


27433145103_9110a378d3_b.jpg20160702_200752.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr

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We're fine with puppy postings, no problem there. I always love it when finally the feather dusters appear. Makes me feel good about the tank.

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Oh wow. I cry when I see dolphins. I need to go to Panama City.

Me too. Them Dolphins are pretty scary and horrible creatures, they make my wife cry and scream??

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Presley looks like a stuffed animal :wub:.


Think you got into that cyano they've been having trouble with in Florida waters? I've been reading a lot about it..it's really really bad. And symptoms are flu-like symptoms!


The blue-green algae over here on the SE coast is AWFUL!!! Fish and wildlife are dying. Just found a young manatee that died because of it. Beaches are closed. Business that rely on the water are struggling. It's sickening, and no viable solutions being discussed. Another case of mans interference destroying the earth.

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The blue-green algae over here on the SE coast is AWFUL!!! Fish and wildlife are dying. Just found a young manatee that died because of it. Beaches are closed. Business that rely on the water are struggling. It's sickening, and no viable solutions being discussed. Another case of mans interference destroying the earth.

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I found it! It's a little feather duster. Cell phone pic:


27433145103_9110a378d3_b.jpg20160702_200752.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr






The blue-green algae over here on the SE coast is AWFUL!!! Fish and wildlife are dying. Just found a young manatee that died because of it. Beaches are closed. Business that rely on the water are struggling. It's sickening, and no viable solutions being discussed. Another case of mans interference destroying the earth.


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Beautiful vacation photos! I was just in Florida on vacation as well, but I was down in St. Petersburg.


Also, puppy photos are just fine because he is soooo adorable! What a cute little fluff ball with those blue eyes :)

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We're fine with puppy postings, no problem there. I always love it when finally the feather dusters appear. Makes me feel good about the tank.

I agree with both points :)


Feather dusters are always a good sign that little things are growing and there's stuff for them to live on in the water column.

Me too. Them Dolphins are pretty scary and horrible creatures, they make my wife cry and scream??

Yeah my wife cries at dolphins too :lol:

Nice aquascape..

Thanks! I'm following along on your build - good luck!

Can't go wrong with furball pictures.

I agree :) More to come tomorrow B)


The blue-green algae over here on the SE coast is AWFUL!!! Fish and wildlife are dying. Just found a young manatee that died because of it. Beaches are closed. Business that rely on the water are struggling. It's sickening, and no viable solutions being discussed. Another case of mans interference destroying the earth.

I saw the pictures and it looks terrible :(

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Beautiful vacation photos! I was just in Florida on vacation as well, but I was down in St. Petersburg.


Also, puppy photos are just fine because he is soooo adorable! What a cute little fluff ball with those blue eyes :)

Thanks, Felicia! How was it in St. Petersburg? We had one of those incredible and rare weeks where the "feels like" temperature was actually lower than the actual temperature :)


Presley is the Max Scherzer of puppies, he has one blue eye and on brown eye :wub:

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Things continue to progress, slow but steady. The new rocks have got a little dusting of brown on them so they're maturing. I think I've got the MP40 just about dialed in to avoid rescaping the sandbed and blowing away the duncans, at about 30%. I think I'll be able to increase it once I get a bunch of corals in the tank to break up the flow a little bit, but in hindsight I probably should have just gotten the MP-10 and run it a lot higher. That would have allowed a lot more difference between min and max flow levels.


Parameters have been very stable, nitrates at about 5 and phosphates up from .002 to .05, which I think is a good thing. There's very little algae growth since the tank is so clean. I've been throwing in a few pellets every couple days to feed the snails and hermits.


I am thinking about getting rid of the hermit crabs. They're pretty big and pretty ugly. I'd like some smaller red or blue leg hermits, which are much prettier. These guys have been going after the nerites and have disposed of about half of them so far. Admittedly, nerites are fairly useless members of the crew but they deserve to live, after all :)


Finally, I put an acro frag in the tank on the little frag rack, just to see how it does. If it still looks OK in another week, I'll probably move most of the frags into this tank and start gluing things up.

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Whew, things have been busy at work, I've been working very late almost every night including weekends. I got last night and tonight off, but then I get right back to it again through the middle of next week. So I haven't had lots of time to do much with the tank other than the last two nights. But I got a lot done considering how busy things have been!


I did a water change last night, and while I was at it I siphoned out an extra fifteen gallons to expose the top rocks. Then, as an experiment, I mixed up a little bit of Emarco mortar and glue the very top rock to the other rocks. You can't see it in the picture, but there's some mortar under the rock anchoring it to the rock underneath. It was easy to work with, and hopefully it will keep the rocks in place. I'm not trying to make it earthquake-proof, just enough to hold things together when I'm working in the tank.


I let it dry for about half an hour before I refilled the water, just enough time to firm it up so it didn't dissolve. The mortar cures underwater so it will finish curing overnight.


Here's a shot of the two top mortar joints:


28108509976_a2592cf680_b.jpg20160705_214813.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


Top down shot after putting the water back in. The mortar looks very natural and should be completely invisible once the coralline covers it up.


28108512066_a049d08d4f_b.jpg2016-07-05 IM40 Top Down by TeenyReef, on Flickr


In other news, I picked up a yellow watchman goby and a small pistol shrimp today! I don't have a picture of the shrimp yet, but here's the goby. He's already been out and about and ate some food tonight. I haven't come up with a name yet :)


28142917065_9746a183f9_b.jpgYellow Watchman Goby by TeenyReef, on Flickr


28142915975_2798e8e8c5_b.jpgYellow Watchman Goby by TeenyReef, on Flickr

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Your goby is so cute! My vote is to get rid of the hermits.. all of them. I know they have a place on the reef and a job to do but the blues i had decided that they would rather eat my snails steal there shells for a day or so then move onto the next one. I quickly said bad crabbies and traded them into the lfs

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