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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Stella's Sixty-Six


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Yeah no prob! She would pick them up from time to time before losing interest I guess.

17278749698_754b58bf9c_b.jpgIMG_0862 by Ty D, on Flickr

Thats her:) Sorry to blow up your thread with pics...but they are just one of my favorite fish ever:)


Oh please! Blow away! That's a great photo!

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Such a shame they have such a small wild population:( Good thing they're easy breeders! Best of luck with your pair:)

Surprisingly, a lot of folks don't know they're endangered!

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ha! I have two of them actually. I got them as a bonded pair on Live Aquaria. Here's East:







And here's West:





There so awesome!! Thanks!

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Such a shame they have such a small wild population:( Good thing they're easy breeders! Best of luck with your pair:)

Surprisingly, a lot of folks don't know they're endangered!


I know and it's too bad they're still being wild collected when they breed well in captivity

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Thanks Gena! White bugs like mites or mealy bugs? I haven't run into that with the terrariums but I have dealt with mealy bugs on orchids and I had to toss most of them :(

I'm not sure. I never ID'ed them. But they were tiny and they had wings! I THINK. That's how I remember them. I'm pretty sure they came from the soil.
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Hey Stella, any idea how to separate sexes with cardinals? I'd like to get my darlin' a hunk.


I have no idea but I hear it can be done. That would be cool if you could find one!

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Took this video of Bert tending to his home yesterday. He had been fighting with the nerite but I didn't catch it on camera.


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Took this video of Bert tending to his home yesterday. He had been fighting with the nerite but I didn't catch it on camera.


That is so cute and makes me miss King Midas. He used to tend to his conch shell too.
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You need to get a Bert!!!

Definitely. On my list - figure cardinals after the firefish, then midas blenny, then move the clowns?


Hoping the tank will make the move well to the assisted living place I am obviously heading to. Have been pondering hanging the nanobox hybrid for days ... finally broke down and messaged Dave with a pic of the black metal hanging pieces I couldn't figure out.




They are the free bottle openers.

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Definitely. On my list - figure cardinals after the firefish, then midas blenny, then move the clowns?

Hoping the tank will make the move well to the assisted living place I am obviously heading to. Have been pondering hanging the nanobox hybrid for days ... finally broke down and messaged Dave with a pic of the black metal hanging pieces I couldn't figure out.

They are the free bottle openers.

Wait! You're heading to assisted living? Was this planned?

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Wait! You're heading to assisted living? Was this planned?

Not until we bought this reef tank build from Hades. Think you will agree, since you had to hold my hand thru the cabinet build


Just kidding ... but between tryong to figure out where the bottle openers went in hanging the lights and figuring income tax today, assisted living might be a relief.

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Not until we bought this reef tank build from Hades. Think you will agree, since you had to hold my hand thru the cabinet build

Just kidding ... but between the bottle openers and figuring income tax today, assisted living might be a relief.

:lol: OMG that's hilarious!!!! The bottle openers cracked me up.

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:lol: OMG that's hilarious!!!! The bottle openers cracked me up.

It is funny ... when I read Dave's answer I was laughing so hard I was crying. What a freakin' dunce.

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It is funny ... when I read Dave's answer I was laughing so hard I was crying. What a freakin' dunce.

No you're not!!! This stuff is complicated!!!

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Oh, I've tried tweezers, a siphon, a scalpel - you name it. This strain of bubble algae has very small bubbles that are very tightly anchored to the rock. so a siphon doesn't even move them. Even if I try to knock them off. I need to tweeze them off and yank - which inevitably causes some bubbles to burst. I've thought about the emerald crab, however, so many people indicate the crab doesn't help much with bubble algae. I'm a bit hesitant to introduce one into the tank with the porcelain crabs I have. Who knows.


I did add the Pencil Urchin (named Yum) from Jeff's monster tank in over the weekend. They aren't reef safe as they can eat some corals I think, but that urchin eats halimeda, chaeto, you name it. i'm hoping he will take a liking to the bubble algae and not my corals :scarry:


Have you tried using a piece of rigid tubing with your siphon to scrape with?

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Pinner Reef

Hey Stella, any idea how to separate sexes with cardinals? I'd like to get my darlin' a hunk.




Also I have seen the Males have a wider, more square jaw which helps them hold the eggs.


I think the babies typically find refuge among the needles of long spine urchins?


That is correct, and we tried it like that the first time the store's pair started laying. I think we only had a few survive of the 20some odd that were hatched. You could probably substitute with something... But I'd suggest you just isolate them in their own tank for safety's sake.

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Have you tried using a piece of rigid tubing with your siphon to scrape with?


No, maybe I'll try that. They do not dislodge easily - I have to yank with tweezers at the base. but I'll try the rigid!

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Also I have seen the Males have a wider, more square jaw which helps them hold the eggs.




That is correct, and we tried it like that the first time the store's pair started laying. I think we only had a few survive of the 20some odd that were hatched. You could probably substitute with something... But I'd suggest you just isolate them in their own tank for safety's sake.

This was good info! So according to this, my assumption was correct on which was male and which was female :) I am just gonna pat myself on the back :lol:

Pinner also you're correct on the jaw if mine are typical as my male has a noticeably larger jaw than the female

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