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Fusion 20 Gal Club


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On 3/2/2018 at 6:00 PM, SarlinDescent said:

 Here's a daytime update.  Skimmer is a little watery than usual.  Power flickered twice today.


Hard to tell from the pics, how deep do you run the skimmer? Not to be a pain, can you measure where the bottom of the cup is compared to the black aio wall?

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On 3/3/2018 at 7:12 PM, CrazyEyes said:

Hard to tell from the pics, how deep do you run the skimmer? Not to be a pain, can you measure where the bottom of the cup is compared to the black aio wall?

I run around your level (bottom of the blue part a couple mm under the top of the back section to flush).  I am currently trying around 1/4 inch above the back plate.  I am curious if I can get a dry skim.  My biggest advice is only remove the top to empty the skim cup.  If you remove the cup, you will move the skimmer.

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Does anyone run their Fusion 20 with one of the small Jebao DC pumps? If so, which size? I don't want to get something too powerful or too weak. I've read these pumps don't go from 0 to 100, but sometimes from 50% to 100% and in one case I read 65 to 100.

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On 3/8/2018 at 7:29 AM, Confuse said:

Does anyone run their Fusion 20 with one of the small Jebao DC pumps? If so, which size? I don't want to get something too powerful or too weak. I've read these pumps don't go from 0 to 100, but sometimes from 50% to 100% and in one case I read 65 to 100.

Regarding the question I had above, I bought a Jebao DCW 2000 and run it at the lowest setting which is around 230ish GPH and it's perfect! Any higher and my overflow starts to drain too quickly. This pump is dead silent unless you put your ear to the rear overflow. I can now sleep again, compared to my Sicce 1.0! lol So if anyone is considering a Jebao DC pump, the DC 2000 will work, but you'll have to set it to the lowest level to match the original GPH of the stock pump.

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Great tanks everyone!  I enjoyed looking at all of the different setups.


I am looking into setting up a fusion 20 gallon as a frag tank- space is limited so this is about the size I need to stick with, although the lagoon 25 gallon would have a close enough footprint as well it but may require two distinct lights due to it’s increased width.  


With all of your experiences with the fusion 20- what are your feelings on how well it would work as a frag tank?  Advantages/ Disadvantages over the lagoon 25?


Some pros that are appealing:

1. AIO offers a lot of features that would allow me to hide most of the equipment- heater, nano skimmer, filter media, thus eliminating HOB equipment 

2. Comes with some circulation included, meaning I could get away with a single small power head in the tank

3. I can upgrade my main tank’s lights and reuse my Marine orbit LED’s (24” strip)


Does anyone run a fuge with their tanks?  I would consider making an aqua clear 50 fuge mod - I am guessing I could put it so it’s return goes into the main back chamber?  


My main goal is the lowest maintenance frag tank possible-  with a small bioload (1 fish to feed the corals)- I could probably have great water conditions with filter media/ skimmer only though.  Thanks for any input!


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I used to have a fusion 20, then i switched for a 20 Black. am i allowed to post in here lol? as for my build its a drilled IM20Black, Modular Marine 800gph Overflow, Custom built Sump, Custom built stand, Custom built canopy, Hydra26HD, Let Lighting T5 Retrofit kit with 2 ATI Blue+ bulbs. Plans are Ecotech Vectra S1 or something reliable, 2 IceCap 1k gyers for flow.







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I just replaced my previous lights with a Radion XR15 G4  with RMS mount and added the diffuser. The spread improved a bit, but the concerns of my tank are still noticeable dim. The spread increases at I increase the light intensity, but I don't want to fry my corals. Anyone figure out a way to cleverly/cleanly elevate the RMS arm (given it's not height adjustable)?

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On 3/14/2018 at 10:54 PM, knap_123 said:

If Useing radion What intensity are you running? Xr15 15 or xr30?

My LFS runs one at 100% for some portion of the day.  I have mine at 65% now.  I started at like 20-25 with a very long acclimation period going up to 75%.  I have one of those senseye par meters, but haven't pulled it out to test yet.  Hopefully in the next few weeks it will warm up and I can finish so projects and run this.

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4 hours ago, SarlinDescent said:

My LFS runs one at 100% for some portion of the day.  I have mine at 65% now.  I started at like 20-25 with a very long acclimation period going up to 75%.  I have one of those senseye par meters, but haven't pulled it out to test yet.  Hopefully in the next few weeks it will warm up and I can finish so projects and run this.

How do you feel about the coverage? I wish I could raise the light up a bit more to properly illuminate the edges.

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On 3/15/2018 at 10:33 AM, RobSpeed13 said:

I used to have a fusion 20, then i switched for a 20 Black. am i allowed to post in here lol? as for my build its a drilled IM20Black, Modular Marine 800gph Overflow, Custom built Sump, Custom built stand, Custom built canopy, Hydra26HD, Let Lighting T5 Retrofit kit with 2 ATI Blue+ bulbs. Plans are Ecotech Vectra S1 or something reliable, 2 IceCap 1k gyers for flow.







Looking really good!

what stand are you using?



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14 hours ago, GrumpyDaddy68 said:

do you have a materials list?



sadly i do not. it was custom built by a fellow reefer. i can ask him though if he happens to have a build plan for it.

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On 3/16/2018 at 4:04 PM, Confuse said:

How do you feel about the coverage? I wish I could raise the light up a bit more to properly illuminate the edges.

For my tank, I have no issues with coverage.  There are a few shaded areas, but I just put low light corals there.  Blastos, acan, leptastria all work.  Could I tune it more if I had two, sure.  Is it necessary, absolutely not.  Now if I went 100% SPS, it may cause issues but for a mixed reef its fine.  I personally have more issues maintaining water parameters for harder SPS than I am concerned about lighting (dosing setup helped with this).  I will say one thing I believe helps with the single light is having white sand.  This allows some reflection.  If I had BB or black sand, it might be more of an issue (this is speculation.)

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I am looking for a quality protein skimmer. I have been using the air driven Reef Glass and it is not bad, it just has not skimmed very consistently at all for me over the course of 3 air pumps and 6 months. Whether it was user error or not I am giving it to my brother so I need a new skimmer anyway. I am wondering what skimmer you guys use. I might choose the tunze 9001 and remove a baffle if I have to but I would prefer not to. If you guys have better ideas for a strong protein skimmer that works with our tank that would be appreciated.

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10 hours ago, schleppey said:

I am looking for a quality protein skimmer. I have been using the air driven Reef Glass and it is not bad, it just has not skimmed very consistently at all for me over the course of 3 air pumps and 6 months. Whether it was user error or not I am giving it to my brother so I need a new skimmer anyway. I am wondering what skimmer you guys use. I might choose the tunze 9001 and remove a baffle if I have to but I would prefer not to. If you guys have better ideas for a strong protein skimmer that works with our tank that would be appreciated.

good luck on trying to remove a baffle. i litterally had to break my glass baffle behind the acrylic baffle in order to remove those baffles.

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