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Two Cats and a Reef


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Soft corals are great way to read a tank. Likely if they are being strange something is off. How big of temp difference?

other soft corals are fine, except the xenia drooping this morning slightly. i wasn't monitoring temp super closely but when the RTN started, i was at 82. I lowered it down to 74 (probably was 72 at some point in the night) in response and am now comfortably at 78, where I hope to keep things more constant. This was the first week of hot weather we've had, so hopefully with a more consistent thermostat it'll be easier to gauge how the tank is heating.

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I had a similar issue. Tank is kept at 76. But the warm weather had my tank at 82 within 12 hours. My tank ran like this for a couple days. I uncover my sump. And set my ac at 60 to run on a timer from 12 - 4 pm. definitely some unhappiness but even being 600 miles away from my tank with no one available to monitor it, it survived 7 days. Drank about 1.5 gallons from my ATO. Patience. And trying to re-establish stability. Best of luck

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good to know. things are hovering at 76 overnight, currently. aiming to stay between that and 79.


anxious for the lights to come on this morning, im excited to see how things like the mp10. tempted to grab reeflink to fuss wiith it but first i just want to see how it does.

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new clam arrangement and you can see the little mili frags


i also got rid of the hollywood stunner (unglued and stuck it in the back bottom)- im starting to get paranoid that its growing so fast and will sting my special slimers. i dont really want to trash it, but idk what to do with it.

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I have the reeflink, so I us every setting for an hour and then it repeats. Ranging from 14-40%

NOW i want the reef link

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new clam arrangement and you can see the little mili frags


i also got rid of the hollywood stunner (unglued and stuck it in the back bottom)- im starting to get paranoid that its growing so fast and will sting my special slimers. i dont really want to trash it, but idk what to do with it.

Everything looks wonderful. I love all the little clams. As I find new corals I have to have and need the realistate for them, I put the ones I dont want in the sandbed and take them with me on my next trip to the fish store. They have always given me credit towards what I am purchasing. We also have Craigslist here. I have sold coral on there as well.

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Everything looks wonderful. I love all the little clams. As I find new corals I have to have and need the realistate for them, I put the ones I dont want in the sandbed and take them with me on my next trip to the fish store. They have always given me credit towards what I am purchasing. We also have Craigslist here. I have sold coral on there as well.


Thank you! I don't know if anyone wants any hollywood stunner here, I'll have to ask around next time I'm there. Last I heard no one was taking it for any credit (or at all) because it's so aggressive and fast-growing. I remember a few years ago it was a hot item. (Maybe pearlberry will become that way soon? I've been wanting some for ages!)


I'll see if I can find a good home for it (maybe it the back away from things) and if not I'll try craigslist.

Photo Dump:

My Special Green Slimers:


Goni's are happy:


Zoa Garden Coming Along Nicely:


Purple Mille Frag Doing Well:


Other purple mille frag in the front, the monti setosa, idaho grape, birds nest, and unknown acro-thingy is photobombing


Monti Collection (Hoping they will grow together as they encrust)






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I've been running on reef crest going to a max of 70 or 80%. I can't tell from the dial.

I installed the Quit Driver but honestly, it still seems loud to me.

I also kept one of my 420's going across the back to make sure my SPS from the other side of that rock got enough love.

so far no cyano- often a problem of poor flow- and just a few diatoms here and there (hm. wonder why they came back?)

I had my LFS order a ReefLink for me so I'm going to go pick that up on Friday. Then I can program something good with the mp10 and my lights :)


I also checked with the LFS about trading stuff in. I'm giving him my hollywood stunner and the red planet frag that was given to me (and I don't really like it). I don't know if he'll give me any credit (probably not, nothing special) but, at least I'll have more real estate in my tank for things. I'd like a piece of cali tort, for sure. and I've had my eye on a few other things too.



going to test params here in a second.

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I've been running on reef crest going to a max of 70 or 80%. I can't tell from the dial.

I installed the Quit Driver but honestly, it still seems loud to me.


That's the same setting as mine... should be pretty quiet though. If the MP10 is new, make sure that the wet and dry side are well aligned, otherwise it'll be noisy. If it's used, pull the cage off the wet side, and make sure that the propeller turns easily. Clean off the magnet really well, and it should be really silent.

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That's the same setting as mine... should be pretty quiet though. If the MP10 is new, make sure that the wet and dry side are well aligned, otherwise it'll be noisy. If it's used, pull the cage off the wet side, and make sure that the propeller turns easily. Clean off the magnet really well, and it should be really silent.


Chris, your reef is my idol, so that makes me happy to hear. speaking of, hows the clam??


it's new, so I fussed with the alignment a bit. its a little quieter. How long do you have to break it in before it's "really silent"?

Same here- Ca way over 500, 7dkh, Mg unknown

I've been dosing alk only to help bring it up. mg could stand to be a touch higher so i've also been dosing that slowly too. 7dkh isn't bad, but it's on the low end.


this website was a big help in figuring out target params: they suggest using baking soda to "rapidly" correct alk though, which i don't really feel great about. fast swings in anything are generally horrible. I have relied on baking soda before to slowly correct pH though, which is the same idea. yet another debate within the hobby, i suppose.


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Chris, your reef is my idol, so that makes me happy to hear. speaking of, hows the clam??


it's new, so I fussed with the alignment a bit. its a little quieter. How long do you have to break it in before it's "really silent"?


That's very sweet Morgan, and appreciated, but there are some WAY nicer reefs on this site!! :blush:


I hadn't really given much thought to the newness of the equipment being the issue. It makes sense though...

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I hadn't really given much thought to the newness of the equipment being the issue. It makes sense though...


I don't know- mine have always been silent from the get-go. Ive had two MP10s and one MP40w qd, but then again I never run them past 40%.

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That's very sweet Morgan, and appreciated, but there are some WAY nicer reefs on this site!! :blush:


I hadn't really given much thought to the newness of the equipment being the issue. It makes sense though...

maybe so, but the tank you have. i had been considering buying it before i got the 20L back from my friend. so i sort of vicariously live through yours.

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The higher intensity the most is the louder it gets. Reef crest isn't too bad, but pulse is terrible... I'm surprised your intensity is so high. I ran mine at 50% tops. But I'm fighting the return pump nozzles at the opposite end of my tank

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Baby maxima being sexy already!!



It's going to get purple edges with yellow band- just recovering from shipping and triple acclamations :)

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