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Dr. Felicia's Predator Paradise - Retired


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Happy birthday Felicia!


Hopefully Lily doesn't leave you any presents today. Cats just don't make good present givers.


Thanks for the lionfish article link. It was quite interesting!

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Hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday :flower:.


I just checked your recipe thread. Looks like it's going well!!!!


I copied down the strawberry cupcake recipe so no need to send it :).

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Has anyone seen these adorable care sheets for different corals? They're a series by an artist on Instagram. I thought this one was cute!





Sounds like I need to start a recipe sharing thread here on NR! :) You know what, I'm totally going to!


Okay so these are pretty awesome!

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Happy Birthday <3




Happy Birthday then. :)

Well.....best wishes to you today!!!!

Happy birthday Felicia!


Hopefully Lily doesn't leave you any presents today. Cats just don't make good present givers.


Thanks for the lionfish article link. It was quite interesting!

Thank you, everyone! I had an amazing birthday :) Luckily Lily didn't leave me any hairballs or anything. Instead I woke up to her asleep on my legs on my birthday morning, so I have to say she's actually pretty good at presents :)


I can't help but wonder if Leslie Nielsen and Naked Gun had anything to do with a rise of people owning lion fish.


I haven't seen that movie. Too funny! Now I may have to watch this :)


Hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday :flower:.


I just checked your recipe thread. Looks like it's going well!!!!


I copied down the strawberry cupcake recipe so no need to send it :).

Thank you, Gena! Seems like that thread is going downhill now. What on earth is with the lounge? I guess I never paid any attention at all to it. Who are all these people that don't ever post anywhere else, and how do they have so much time on their hands? Goodness!


Glad you got it :)



Okay so these are pretty awesome!

Yeah, I thought they were pretty darn cute! :)




I'm probably going to be MIA for chunks of time again, so just a heads up. I am really kicking it into gear this week with writing my dissertation. I got it all outlined and talked to my advisor and my committee and I have a plan, so now I just need to write like mad. I have to submit it on May 13th, with the signatures from all my committee members. So that means I have to have it finished like 2 weeks or so before that so that they have time to read it and sign it. I'll be avoiding the internet while I write, but I'll be writing in chunks and then taking a couple days breaks, so I'll be in and out.

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What on earth is with the lounge? I guess I never paid any attention at all to it. Who are all these people that don't ever post anywhere else, and how do they have so much time on their hands? Goodness!


I'm probably going to be MIA for chunks of time again, so just a heads up. I am really kicking it into gear this week with writing my dissertation. I got it all outlined and talked to my advisor and my committee and I have a plan, so now I just need to write like mad. I have to submit it on May 13th, with the signatures from all my committee members. So that means I have to have it finished like 2 weeks or so before that so that they have time to read it and sign it. I'll be avoiding the internet while I write, but I'll be writing in chunks and then taking a couple days breaks, so I'll be in and out.


I know! I never go into the Lounge folder either -- heck I can't keep up with Lawn's lounge. (I can barely keep up with Kat and Stella's tank threads some days as it is!) I was wondering, "Who the heck are these people and do they even have tanks?!?"


Good luck with the writing! May your words flow as swiftly as a great river. May they form a sea of knowledge of great depth. :D

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Thank you, Gena! Seems like that thread is going downhill now. What on earth is with the lounge? I guess I never paid any attention at all to it. Who are all these people that don't ever post anywhere else, and how do they have so much time on their hands? Goodness!


Glad you got it :)

I just looked :). Not as bad as I was expecting. Did something get deleted? Looks like it just gravitated to talking about steak :lol:.


Good luck with the writing :flower:.

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Writing is going...definitely slow and tedious...but going...


In the meantime, we had group meeting this past Friday and one of the students was talking about using an LAL assay kit to detect endotoxins in their samples. Its old news, but does anyone know how they make LAL endotoxin detection kits? Surprisingly, its marine biology related...



Super creepy right? I feel horrible for those crabs. I've had a soft spot for horseshow crabs ever since I was a little kid and got to hold one on a behind the scenes tour of the Marineland labs in Florida. I am so glad I am not using this product in my research!

"The Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) test was commercially introduced in the 1970s. LAL is derived from the blood cells, or amebocytes, of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Frederick Bang and Jack Levin observed that blood cells from horseshoe crabs were found to clot in the presence of endotoxin, and this technology was used in the development of endotoxin detection assays. Today, endotoxin tests are performed on raw and in-process materials, and for the final release of products in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries."

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Pretty interesting! At least most of the crabs survive unless they just say that to make us feel better LOL.

True! It really is pretty fascinating, but I bet the crabs don't really enjoy being strapped out of water to a machine and drained of blood. Then again, crabs don't have much of a brain, so maybe it doesn't bother them at all in the long run :)


Good luck with all the writing! Pretty sure some of the great writers were also drinkers. If all else fails, pour yourself a stiff one.

Thank you! Good point. Sadly however, having a drink makes me sleepy, which tends to be counterproductive to writing :(




I know I've been MIA, but wanted to stop by for an update. Nothing exciting is happening in tank land. All the corals and fish are doing very well and the tank is on autopilot, which is wonderful. I'm a tad overdue for a water change, so hoping to squeeze that in sometime this week. I got both the new leathers placed and they are doing well. Fully open with polyps every day, so they seem happy. I have been stalking NR occasionally on my phone and during writing breaks, but I haven't been taking the time to comment. I have seen your guys' updates though :)


Writing is going... :lol: Its pretty dull and its going to be that way until May 13th sadly. I have to churn out a chapter once every two weeks to make my deadline. I am almost finished with the first chapter. Planning to finish it up tomorrow and then its right onto the next chapter, which needs to be done by the end of February. Remind me never to become a novelist! I actually enjoy writing in spurts, but this non-stop writing is killer. However, at least I have good company!


25060393785_28a1352624_z.jpgIMG_1731 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24429958324_a19fd28aed_z.jpgIMG_1724 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


Apparently my writing makes her sleepy. I don't blame her. It makes me sleepy too :lol:

24967318971_527f6a4e1d_z.jpgIMG_1725 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


Also for the Lily fans... Lily is quite silly at times. Here she is being all, "Draw me like one of your French girls." :lol:

24764814340_82a304f0b6_z.jpgIMG_1715 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24429780494_783ee8e7ab_z.jpgIMG_1714 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24967163521_e2453672a5_z.jpgIMG_1708 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


I kind of think she might be channeling Deadpool :lol: Btw, I saw it last night and its a great movie. Very funny if you have a raunchy sense of humor.


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Felicia, you have an amazing predator tank. I truly love your setup and how well it flows together. Also, everything looks lush, healthy and happy, which is a big plus in my book. Ironically, I love your eel the most. He's a stunner. :happy:

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True! It really is pretty fascinating, but I bet the crabs don't really enjoy being strapped out of water to a machine and drained of blood. Then again, crabs don't have much of a brain, so maybe it doesn't bother them at all in the long run :)



Thank you! Good point. Sadly however, having a drink makes me sleepy, which tends to be counterproductive to writing :(




I know I've been MIA, but wanted to stop by for an update. Nothing exciting is happening in tank land. All the corals and fish are doing very well and the tank is on autopilot, which is wonderful. I'm a tad overdue for a water change, so hoping to squeeze that in sometime this week. I got both the new leathers placed and they are doing well. Fully open with polyps every day, so they seem happy. I have been stalking NR occasionally on my phone and during writing breaks, but I haven't been taking the time to comment. I have seen your guys' updates though :)


Writing is going... :lol: Its pretty dull and its going to be that way until May 13th sadly. I have to churn out a chapter once every two weeks to make my deadline. I am almost finished with the first chapter. Planning to finish it up tomorrow and then its right onto the next chapter, which needs to be done by the end of February. Remind me never to become a novelist! I actually enjoy writing in spurts, but this non-stop writing is killer. However, at least I have good company!


25060393785_28a1352624_z.jpgIMG_1731 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24429958324_a19fd28aed_z.jpgIMG_1724 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


Apparently my writing makes her sleepy. I don't blame her. It makes me sleepy too :lol:

24967318971_527f6a4e1d_z.jpgIMG_1725 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


Also for the Lily fans... Lily is quite silly at times. Here she is being all, "Draw me like one of your French girls." :lol:

24764814340_82a304f0b6_z.jpgIMG_1715 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24429780494_783ee8e7ab_z.jpgIMG_1714 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24967163521_e2453672a5_z.jpgIMG_1708 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


I kind of think she might be channeling Deadpool :lol: Btw, I saw it last night and its a great movie. Very funny if you have a raunchy sense of humor.


Lily is awesome. I laughed hardily over her modelling poses! I am glad that the tank is going along just as it should. Hang in there, May 13th will get here faster than you think...the life comes at you fast syndrome. Just make time to enjoy something each day and I think you are since you took those adorable photos of your kitty.
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Felicia, you have an amazing predator tank. I truly love your setup and how well it flows together. Also, everything looks lush, healthy and happy, which is a big plus in my book. Ironically, I love your eel the most. He's a stunner. :happy:

Thank you so much! You are too kind! I originally was planning to go a bit more minimalist/open sand bed with this tank, but I've decided its really not my style. As much as I love admiring those tanks, I'm more of a lush, filled-in, natural style when it comes to reef tanks. I love SPS but I'm too lazy for them and I need other corals to add lots of movement, so I don't think I could ever do an SPS dominant tank. I admire the people who can though! I like my reef tank a bit easier :) I love Falkor (the eel) too! Snowflake eels are super common and he cost a grand total of like $18 (cheapest fish I have right now), but he's got a ton of personality and I love his markings. Eels are just so different than the other fish in the hobby, so the novelty of watching his antics still hasn't worn off for me. I love how he hangs his head out of his burrow, how he slithers around, and how derpy he is attacking food because he doesn't see well and just blunders around. :)


Lily is awesome. I laughed hardily over her modelling poses! I am glad that the tank is going along just as it should. Hang in there, May 13th will get here faster than you think...the life comes at you fast syndrome. Just make time to enjoy something each day and I think you are since you took those adorable photos of your kitty.

Lily is an endless source of entertainment. She's quite goofy at times and then at other times she's so proper and pretty. Thanks for the support! I'm hanging in here. The writing gets tedious, but its going well and I am soooo thrilled to be almost done with my PhD. I am so excited for my whole family to come for graduation and then my new job that I have lined up. Time is definitely flying and I have a lot to get done by the middle of May!


I tell you, I could stare at your pretty kitty's blue eyes for ever. They're so beautiful and I love her fur color too.

Lily definitely has beautiful eyes. I can't get over them sometimes. I got really lucky to get such a sweet and beautiful cat at a rescue.


Oh man I was so happy with how that movie turned out! Ryan Reynolds crushed it! Cant wait for the sequal

I love Marvel movies, but I've never been a comic book reader. I'm a nerd, but I just can't get into reading comics, so I honestly didn't know anything about Deadpool. I heard it was getting good reviews and that it was R-rated raunchy comedy, so I was like, sounds good to me! It was hilarious! I'm still an Ironman fangirl at heart, but Deadpool can have second place now for my favorite Marvel character. I just love that Tony Stark doesn't have a power or a mutation and is just an awesome engineer/scientist. Also, I love his sarcastic/witty/deadpan humor. Now I think we need a movie with Tony Stark and Deadpool. That would be epic!

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I snapped a couple quick photos for you guys. I didn't bother to switch the lighting for the photos (so they're weirdly blue and blurry) and my glass is dirty, so don't expect my normal photo quality. I figured lazy, messy photos were better than nothing :lol: Don't judge!


I have the frag rack in the tank right now to hold some blue sponge and toadstool frags. Mushu likes to hang upside down from it to beg for food. It amazes me how he just hangs upside down like that without holding onto anything. He's like a bat.

24732840699_9bf9658160_z.jpgIMG_1762 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


The tomini tang has really settled in and is doing well. She eats like a big and seems to be very healthy. No ich so far, which was my big concern with a tang.

25007213171_8879aa8a4c_z.jpgIMG_1783 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24473640313_68a715cbc5_z.jpgIMG_1776 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


25074174416_29caaf8052_z.jpgIMG_1773 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


The clams are doing so well! They've been growing like crazy. Here's an attempt at showing the growth rim on the big squammy clammy :)

24732840309_4a8d00659b_z.jpgIMG_1764 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


I picked up the derasa to scrape a few tube worms off of its shell and decided to snap a photo of how big its gotten. Here it is in my hand for scale (granted I'm wearing giant, yellow plastic gloves).

25007596201_f081e0ca30_k.jpgIMG_1792 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr

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Happy late birthday!! :D


The growth in this tank is just awesome. It is so lush and beautiful! I really love all the soft corals and gorgs that give it that "flowing" reef vibe. :wub: Beautiful as ever!

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Happy late birthday!! :D


The growth in this tank is just awesome. It is so lush and beautiful! I really love all the soft corals and gorgs that give it that "flowing" reef vibe. :wub: Beautiful as ever!

Thank you! I hope school is going well for you! Looks like you've posted some beautiful photos of San Diego. I was down there at Christmas time because my sister lives in Carlsbad now and its definitely a gorgeous area.


There really has been a lot of growth! I never realize it until I look back at old photos and then am like, oh wow things have gotten huge. I'm definitely partial to the natural, lush look in reef tanks, so glad I managed to achieve that with this tank. Your tanks definitely always fell in that category and helped inspire me to want to add more softies and gorgs again. No macros for me though, but that's just because I'm out of space. I need a bigger tank! :lol:

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Here's a few more photos.


One of my scarlet hermits was gorg climbing. That gorg has been closed up today because it must be about to shed.

25009228091_69082b1df6_z.jpgIMG_1796 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


25102329005_d9b9daa966_z.jpgIMG_1812 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


My huge serpent star was actually out of the rocks for once. It usually ever only comes out after the lights are out, so I never take photos of it.

25009140481_23367e0881_z.jpgIMG_1804 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


24806782200_fe885071e6_z.jpgIMG_1807 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


My new Fiji leather.

24475635233_a354c63ddc_z.jpgIMG_1801 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


The frag rack.

25075966016_6c1935906e_z.jpgIMG_1816 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr

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Thank you! I hope school is going well for you! Looks like you've posted some beautiful photos of San Diego. I was down there at Christmas time because my sister lives in Carlsbad now and its definitely a gorgeous area.


There really has been a lot of growth! I never realize it until I look back at old photos and then am like, oh wow things have gotten huge. I'm definitely partial to the natural, lush look in reef tanks, so glad I managed to achieve that with this tank. Your tanks definitely always fell in that category and helped inspire me to want to add more softies and gorgs again. No macros for me though, but that's just because I'm out of space. I need a bigger tank! :lol:

Thanks, it is, I miss the bay, but I really love it down here :)


Hahaha we ALWAYS need a bigger tank! How often do you need to prune everything?

Btw I really like that yellow leather, you don't really see those around much anymore

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Thanks, it is, I miss the bay, but I really love it down here :)


Hahaha we ALWAYS need a bigger tank! How often do you need to prune everything?

Btw I really like that yellow leather, you don't really see those around much anymore

I am definitely in love with the bay, but after a couple visits to San Diego, I'd have to say its another place that I could live. Speaking of the Bay, we are having an INSANE thunderstorm right now. Its been windy all day with crazy wind gusts up to like 50 mph or more. Then just a few minutes ago there was a huge flash of lighting and some super load thunder and now it is pouring! I'm loving it! Reminds me of Florida, but is so unusual for the Bay Area.


I am seriously considering how big I could go in my second floor apartment. I have a job lined up starting in July and it would be nice to celebrate making money by upgrading the tank, but we'll see. I'd really love a 75 gallon with a sump that holds like 25 gallons. Probably too much for a second floor apartment though :( I have just hit the point with this tank where I'm having to frag. Right now its the neon green toadstools that are multiplying and trying to take over. Also, the blue sponge grows like a weed. As long as things aren't fighting or stinging each other though, I've trying to let it have that grown in, everything touching look. The gorgonians are getting huge, but I won't cut them until I have to. The duncan is insane, but its 4 years old and has never been fragged, so I don't want to cut it either. The xenia will have to be cut back soon. Probably some zoa fragging in the near future. Oh, also, if the BTA's split again, I need to pull out the splits because they're getting out of hand. Oh and I'm considering doing trimmings of the neon green nepthea. Its shading the clams a bit and I think people would want frags of that. Whew! That was a lot longer list than I was expecting.


Yeah, the fiji leather is one of my new favorites. I hadn't seen one locally in ages! Brian (from Aquatic Collection, previously Atlantis) told me he hadn't seen one come in in over a year. I ended up having to order this one from Vivid Aquariums. They have a new in state shipping price of only $15, so I may be ordering more softies from them in the future since they have a good selection. Not a lot of places have many softies these days.

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